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I have a problem with nearly all my games, I use the entente navel power to take down adana nad cut all the rail comunication to the middle east, making the ottomans loose lots of supply and MPPs, and making things easy for my troops down htere. I forgot about this strategy in my recent game, but be sure this will fall over your adana too peter, be sure of that :cool:

The real problem is cutting rail comunication with naval power this is gamy and unrealistic. I don't know about any entente operation to cut the rails from Instanbul to the middle east. I have identified 3 places one can bombard to cut rail comm: scutari, adana and haifa. Scutari is not extremely important for you can only do it with the russian navy, which is easy to take down. The ottomans will never be able to take the entente navy in force, even with AH help, maybe in the tripple alliance map, so there is the need to reapir this problem.

I suggest the implementation of a rail comm that goes around adana over the position (324, 82) a small rail road, only for game porpouse, and the change of the rail in the possition (325, 90) from the rail connection, as follow in the img.


This allow the EC player to land units in these places and still cut off rail comm, but no navel force can take it down.

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How many "hits" does it take before the tile is disrupted enough to block the passage of units by rail?

Recently, I read an article on the Sinai/Suez campaign and it mentioned that TE naval fire so disrupted the coastal transportation routes that the Turks had to abandon them for inland roads. That said, completely cutting all rail service into the Middle East from Turkey solely by naval gunfire is drastic indeed! In game terms, there are limited options in stopping it. Bombers operated in would be like pinpricks but I suppose Austrian and German subs could help (although they could be easily trapped in the "elbow" there).

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I've never heard of any operation where only naval gunfire distrupted the rail comm, but if you say there were such operations during WW1, could you share a link here, I would be very interested. It's hard to stop these operations against adana, maybe it's possible with the lack of entente naval power in the mediterrain and focused use of AH/Ottoman naval power.

It takes 2 hits to cut the rail comm for at least 1 turn, it takes 2-3 ships to put adana down to 0 supply value, and even 1 BC can keep it that way for more than 6 months, 2 ships can maintain it out until the end of the war.

The problem is the lack of supply, The ottoman troops get in a very bad situation down on palestina, the troops are already weak, lack of supply is the last thing they need.

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I would add harbors to protect those rails.

If an entente player brings down the harbor first, he has earned the right to bombard the rails.

A harbor is teresting, at least for adana, a good player can lay down a sub there and hit any ship that try to bomb down adana rail comm, it would be very dificult for any player take down a harbor with a sub in it... prob is, ottomans do not start with a sub, you need to move a sub from the adriatic into adana harbor... well, would worth the risk

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I've just been looking into this further and there may be another, better solution: moving Adana inland.

Adana is really 30km inland, so it strikes me as the best solution. Not only is the gamey move resolved, but we are fixing an inaccuracy in the map too! :)

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I've just been looking into this further and there may be another, better solution: moving Adana inland.

Adana is really 30km inland, so it strikes me as the best solution. Not only is the gamey move resolved, but we are fixing an inaccuracy in the map too! :)

Cool bill, so it will be moved up the mountain I presume.

Also, do not forget about the rail comm near haifa, if the entente player bomb haifa, the same thing will happen the all palestina cities. :cool:

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