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Need fact check on German Divisions


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Ok, I just need to know if I am missing anything...I only want a list of divisions that would be in the game as it stands, no Falshirms or Gebirs or anything like that...Here's what I have found for roughly June to Sept of 44, for France.

Armor Divisions: Panzer Lehr, 2nd, 9th, 21st, and 116th Panzer Divisions.

SS Armor Divisions: 1st, 2nd, 9th, 10th, 12, and 17th

Infantry Division: 77th, 84th, 85th, 89th, 243rd, 252nd, 265th, 266th, 271st, 272nd, 275th, 276th, 277th, 319th, 326th, 331st, 343rd, 346th, 352nd, 353rd, 363rd, 708th, 709th, 711th, 712th, 716th, 719th , and 91st Luftlande Division.

16th Luftwaffe Field Division.

SO, what might I be missing? Anybody?


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LOL I know about that thread...But I needed a clean fresh thread. Not all cluttered up by side tracks and the like. I have spent the last two weeks researching these divisions and I just need a new pair of eyes to double check what I have...and trust me, you guys will be VERY, VERY happy when you do and I know everything is good and solid.


P.S. That was a hint btw...

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Yep, had like pink and blue backgrounds. I used this a lot in my research. It was very helpful. Hey, can you point me to a bigger version of the 343rd's emblem by any chance...or verify that that in deed is their true symbol? The triple headed arrow with the cross lines through it?


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AFAIK, yes that is their real symbol.

I suspect it was some sort of check-mark thing - the first division in the series had one cross hatch and one arrow head, the second had two cross hatches, the third three cross hatches, the fourth two arrowheads and one cross hatch, etc.

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Ok. Thanks. I was unable to locate it anywhere but your folder...however I did solve the problem that was alluding me way back when you sent me those bmps. Good things are coming soon.


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Covering the entireity of France and the Low Countries, as at circa 1 June 1944:

Oberbefehlshaber West (Ob.West) (Heeresgruppe D)

* Heerestruppen

* LXV A.K. z.b.V.

* Panzergruppe West

* * OKW Reserve

* * * I SS-Panzerkorps (Pz.K.)

* * * * 1. SS-Pz.-Div.

* * * * 12. SS-Pz.-Div.

* * * * Pz.-Lehr-Div.

* * * LVIII Pz.K.

* * * LXIV Reserve-Armeekorps (Res.-A.K.)

* 1.-Fallschirm-Armee


* XXXXVII Pz.K. (Heeresgruppe Reserve)

* * 116. Pz.-Div.

* * 2. Pz.-Div.

* * 21. Pz.-Div.

* Wehrmacht Befehlshaber Niederlande (W.B.N.)

* * LXXXVIII Armeekorps (A.K.)

* * * 347. Inf.-Div. (bo) – (W.B.N. Küstenverteidigungabschnitt (K.V.A.)-Schagen)

* * * 16. Feld-Div. (LW) (bo) (W.B.N. K.V.A.-Amsterdam)

* * * 719. Inf.-Div. (bo) (W.B.N. K.V.A.-Doordrecht)

* 15. A.O.K.

* * * 19. LW-Sturm-Div.

* * * Div. Kdo. z.B.V. 136

* * * 182.Res.-Inf.-Div. (bew)


* * * 165.Res.-Inf.-Div. (15 K.V.A.-A1)

* * * 712.Inf.Div. (bo) (15 K.V.A.-A2)

* * * 48.Inf.Div. (bo) (15 K.V.A.-A3)


* * * 18. Feld-Div. (LW) (bo) (15 K.V.A.-B)

* * * 47. Inf.-Div. (bo) (15 K.V.A.-C)

* * * 49. Inf.-Div. (bo) (15 K.V.A.-D)

* * LXXXII A.K. Reserve

* * * 326. Inf.-Div. (beh-bew)

* * * 331.Inf.-Div. (bew)

* * LXVII A.K.

* * * 344. Inf.-Div. (bo) (15 K.V.A.-D2)

* * * 348. Inf.-Div. (bo) (15 K.V.A.-E1)

* * LXVII A.K. Reserve

* * * 85. Inf.-Div. (bew)

* * LXXXI A.K.

* * * 245. Inf.-Div. (bo) (15 K.V.A.-E2)

* * * 17. Feld-Div. (LW) (bo) (15 K.V.A.-F)

* * * 711.Inf.Div. (bo) (15 K.V.A.-G)

* * LXXXI A.K.-Reserve

* * * 84. Inf.-Div. (bew)

* * * 346.Inf.Div. (bew)

* 7. A.O.K.

* * Luftwaffe-Truppen im Bereich der 7.-Armee

* * 7. Armee-Reserve

* * * 21.Pz.Div.


* * * 716. Inf.-Div. (bo) (7 K.V.A.-H1-K.V.A. Caen)

* * * 352. Inf.-Div. (bew) (7 K.V.A.-H2-K.V.A. Bayeux)

* * * 709.Inf.Div. (bo) (7 K.V.A.-J1)

* * * 243.Inf.-Div. (bo) (7 K.V.A.-J2)

* * * 319. Inf.-Div. (bo) (7 K.V.A.-Kanelinseln)

* * 7. Armee-Reserve

* * * 91. Luftlande-Inf.-Div. (bew)

* * LXXXIV A.K. Reserve

* * LXXIV A.K.

* * * 77. Inf.-Div. (bew) (7 K.V.A.-A1)

* * * 266. Inf.-Div. (bo) (7 K.V.A.-A2)

* * XXV A.K.

* * * 343. Inf.-Div. (bo) (7 K.V.A.-B)

* * * 265. Inf.-Div. (bo) (7 K.V.A.-C1)

* * * 275. Inf.-Div. (bew) (7 K.V.A.-C2)

* * XXV A.K.-Reserve

* * * 353. Inf.-Div. (bew)

* * II Fs.-Korps

* * * 3. Fs.Jg.-Div.

* * * 5. Fs.Jg.-Div.

Armeegruppe G

* Armeegruppe G-Reserve

* * * 157. Res.-Inf.-Div. (bo)

* * LXVI Res.-K.

* * * 189. Res.-Inf.-Div. (bo)

* * LVIII Pz.K.

* * * 9. Pz.-Div.

* * * 11. Pz.-Div.

* * * 2. SS-Pz.-Div.

* 1. A.O.K.

* * LXXX A.K.

* * * 17. SS-Pz.-Gren.-Div.

* * * 158. Res.-Inf.-Div. (bo) (1 K.V.A.-D)

* * * 708. Inf.-Div. (bo) (1 K.V.A.-E1)


* * * 159. Res.-Inf.-Div. (bo) (1 K.V.A.-E2)

* * * 276. Inf.-Div. (bew) (1 K.V.A.-F)

* 19. A.O.K.

* * IV L.W. Feld-K.

* * * 272. Inf.-Div. (bew) (19 K.VA.-A1)

* * * 277. Inf.-Div. (bew) (19 K.V.A.-A2)

* * * 271. Inf.-Div. (bew) (19 K.V.A.-A3)

* * Korps Kniess

* * * 338. Inf.-Div. (bo) (19 K.V.A.-B)

* * * 244. Inf.-Div. (bo) (19 K.V.A.-C)

* * LXII Res.-K.

* * * 242. Inf.-Div. (bo) (19 K.V.A.-D)

* * * 148. Res.-Inf.-Div. (bo)

Flak Units

* III Flak-Korps

* Luftgaukommando Belgian-Nordfrankreich

* * 16.Flak-Division

* Luftgaukommando Westfrankreich

* * 13.Flak-Division

Reinforcements Sent to Ob.West After 6 June 1944

Luftwaffe Ground Troops

* 2. Fs.Jg.Div.

* 6. Fs.Jg.Div.


* 89. Inf.-Div.

* 198. Inf.-Div.

* 363. Inf.-Div.


* II SS-Pz.-K.

* * 9. SS-Pz.-Div.

* * 10. SS-Pz.-Div.

(A.K.) - Armeekorps

Armeegruppe – an ad hoc army group-size formation of two or more armies.

(beh-bew) - mobile division (behilfesmässiges bewegung) using confiscated French vehicles

(bew) - Bewegung or mobile

(bo) - Bodenständige or static.

Gefechtsstand – headquarters location

Heer – the German Army.

Heeresgruppe – Army Group (see also Armeegruppe)

Heerestruppen – army troops, i.e., non-divisional troops

K.V.A. - Küstenverteidigungabschnitt or coastal defense zone, a division-sized sector

Oberbefehlshaber West – Supreme Command West, the theater command organization in Western Europe. Typically it was abbreviated as Ob. West.

(Pz.K.) - Panzerkorps

W.B.N. - Wehrmacht Befehlshaber Niederlande. Note that W.B.N. was directly subordinated to O.K.W. and was not in fact a part of Ob.West.

z.B.V. – the German abbreviation for zur Besonderen Verwendung or “for special use.”

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