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CW Linking up & Breaking out

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In the briefing it states a bit vaguely that you, as the german player, need to keep the exit open for coming units. Are those the units that appear as reinforcements supposed to exit for points and/or stay to fight, or is this considered to be coming units not in the scenario? The point table in the tactical map says nothing about exit points, but the area is marked on the map. Just want to make sure before comitting to a plan.

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Yes, you need to send as many reinforcement units in the exit zone before the timer ends. so keep them alive and make a movement over there near the end of scenario. this includes panzergrenadiers + halftracks, pionners, and armors. Once in that zone, they will exit the map.

As said by Sergei, allies will get point for those units still on the map at game end.

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The alternative is to force the Allied player to surrender, in which case the surviving units are assumed to have made it out safely - which may work against the AI, but a human player is wiser to keep on fighting even if he's taken heavy losses as the German exit schedule is going to be tight toward the end.

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