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Making a map hint for newbies

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I'm a newbie myself been making some maps to use in Quick Battles. when you save a Quick Battle map in the Quick Battle map folder (so you can use it with Quick Battles) Put a number 1 at the beginning of the file name or some other number this way it shows up at the top of the list when you re edit it and want to find it quick to play on it.

For example, in the Quick Battle folder a map may be called Asslt Med Hills QB-155.btt In the event you make an assault map for use in the Quick Battles folder call it say, "1 Asslt Med <your name here>" the program adds the .btt ... Now the map is listed at the top of all the maps in the Quick Battle Folder when you go to open the map again also its at the top when you play an Assault Quick Battle.

One very important note.... the manual from my incompetent recollection seems to indicate that under "Description" when you choose battle type it has not affect but it DOES this is where it stores the map. For example, if you choose meeting under Description for the type of battle this map is only veiwable when you play a Quick Battle Meeting engagement.

ALSO, if you don't like a Quick Battle map .... perhaps the setup zones, or the Objectives or the terrain etc. Just open the same map ... it will be in the Quick Battles folder and change the map to your liking then save it to a different but similiar file name (like add the word tweak in the filename).... change of file name is only needed in the event you want to keep the original map available. The map will be listed near or next to the old map in the list you can always put a 1 at the beginning etc to find it quick :)

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One thing I've seen even experienced map makers forget is to add AI orders. :)The attacking party always needs movement orders (Blue is always the attacker in QBs) and both sides need movement order for meeting engagement maps. For newbies QB maps are a decent place to try out constructing basic AI movement orders.

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Maps for automatically-generated QB scenarios must have certain things in place to work. Setup zones and a minimum sort of AI orders for the attacker. The game will reject the map for quickbattles otherwise. Maps for hand-made scenarios you can be as sloppy or as detailed as you want. A plain Jane map with no AI orders for H2H play, a map with no setup zones that locks your units in place at startup. Or (ideally) with several carefully choreographed AI orders sets for both sides that fills all the AI command slots.

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