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Gold: Calm Before The Storm Update Please!

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Having purchased GC Gold :), I attempted to load Mats-Erik Wiktorsson's outstanding "Calm Before The Storm" scenario, but was greeted with the following execution error,

FAILED(on_menu_command): Segmentation Violation

In attempting to load this scenario into the editor, I was greeted with,


I would be willing to update this scenario ... if I knew how. Is there a tutorial :confused: available that might provide the necessary pointers needed to convert Wiktorsson's original GC custom - repository - scenario to our new 'Gold' standard?

Please, help. Thanks.


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I think that the mechanism would be to use the Export Data function in the editor (found under File) to export the data into a folder you'll have to create first especially for this role.

Then open up the Gold editor and import this data into a new campaign. The map size will have to be the same.

I'm not sure whether or not every data field will import, but when attempting to do so you will be alerted to any that can't be copied, and I would imagine that most if not all can.

Copy over the scripts manually, and then you'll have a certain amount of editing to do. But the scripts will alert you to the issues you'll need to address.

I hope this gets you started!

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Hmm, now i have made some checks and as i see it only Resource scripts needs to be updated with failsafe dates and add range to some AI scripts. I will update and move my mod to Gold. But Col Stauffenberg, feel free to update it also. I will make other changes also and i do not know when i will publish it.

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