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Units that are NOT in the Production Que

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I have been playing both sides vs AI through to about March 1941. I am seeing units pop-up on both sides that are not in the production que. Some of them significant (USA CV Wasp, Ger Paratroops, USSR northern Fleets, Brit Desert Fighter, the Flying Tigers in China), I may have missed some others.

My question is, is there an area where I can see all of these things coming up? I am thinking all kinds of unforeseen units will pop-up once Japan bombs Pearl Harbor.

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Some of those units are announced by ingame messages before they arrive like the "japanese elite forces deploy in the Pacific".

But I was (pleasantly) surprised by the german paratroop popping out of nowhere the first time. Before I was like: "Where the hell am I gonna found the time and MPPs to produce paratroops to conquer Norway ?". After, it was more like: "I'm on my Nor(th)way", bad pun intended :D .

I agree that showing them in the production screen/timetable (like all those german subs waiting to go out) would be nice.

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