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Can CM run on a PII

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I run CM on my home computer, no problem. I am going away and I wanted to load it on my old laptop. It is a PII with 64 meg of ram. I loaded DirectX8 and CM. When I try to run CM I get a "Unhandled Exception" fault. When I look at the details I see.

"Combat Mission caused an invalid page fault in module COMBAT MISSION EXE. at 015f:00545985." followed by a list of registers.

Any suggestions? Can CM run on this system?

Any advise is appreciated.

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You should be able to play CM on the laptop system you mentioned. Depending on the video hardware you have it may be very slow to scroll around and issue orders however. This is the case when you have a relatively slower CPU without a 3D card. By forcing the CPU to do most of the 3D rendering, CM can be painfully slow.

In regards to the problem you're experiencing what OS are you running on your laptop and what video and sound chips are installed ? It's possible that updating the drivers for your sound and video may solve this problem. However there is a possibility that your video/audio drivers don't support DirectX 8.0a. This is rare since most drivers should be able to work with DirectX in some minimal fashion regardless of the version (though going to very old versions is another matter), they just wouldn't support all of its features. Occasionally some drivers don't like newer versions of DirectX than what they have been programmed to support.

Sometimes an update to MS Internet Explorer can help with some problems (because it replaces certain DLLs and executables used by Windows). But your error does not indicate an offending file, so this path may produce no results for you.

You may have to install an earlier version of DirectX (6.1 or later should work with CM). However there is no way to easily remove DirectX from a system in order to downgrade it. You would mostly likely have to start over with a fresh install of Windows in order to install an older version of DirectX (usually you should get an error message preventing you from installing an older version of DirectX over a newer version).

I'd also suggest making sure that you have other processes turned off before playing CM on your computer. With the Ctrl-Alt-Del method of listing running apps, you should try to close anything other than Explorer and Systray (for Windows 9x/ME). You may also want to leave running any utilities that are necessary for sound, video, drive access or mouse features that you use within CM.

One other question, do you get the 'unhandled exception' when you start up CM for the first time, when it should go through the resolution selection screens; do you get through that process or does this error occur when this process comes up ?

[ 08-04-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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I believe you should still be able to play using the software rendering mode, which runs at 640 x 480. Delete your CM Prefs file and go through the resolution selection again. Hopefully one of the last 640 x 480 resolutions should be the software rendering mode. It may be necessary to disable your NeoMagic's support for DirectX from one of the Display control panel's tabs, but this feature most likely isn't even available. In which case launch the DirectX Diagnostic at C:\PROGRAM FILES\DIRECTX\SETUP\DXDIAG. Go to Display tab > DirectX Features section > click the "disable" button for Direct 3D Acceleration. After this, then attempt to run CM's resolution selection. It should come up with the 640 x 480 software rendering mode fairly quickly.

So depending on how fast your CPU is, CM may still be playable or it may be a bit of a waiting game for redraws.

Hey, almost anything is better than being stuck talking to the family on vacation. ;)

[ 08-04-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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Thanks for the input Schrullenhaaft. I will give that a try once we get to the beach house. The laptop is packed in the vehicle for an early morning departure. I will update you once I dig it out.

Not to downplay the wife and kids, but I have some serious PBEMs going on I don't want to miss.

Thanks again.

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Make the suggested changes in the DirectX control applet first and reboot if necessary. Then delete your CM Prefs file and attempt the resolution selection process. If you still get an unhandled exception go back to the DirectX control applet and disable the other two settings DirectDraw Accleration and AGP Texture Acceleration (the latter may not be present or already disabled for the NeoMagic chipset since it is most likely a PCI device). Reboot if necessary.

If CM still refuses to work with these changes, then the NeoMagic driver is having serious problems with CM and/or DirectX 8.0a. If it is the latter case then the previously mentioned clean install of Win98 would be necessary. Win98 has DirectX 5.0 and Win98 SE has DirectX 6.x (6.1 ?). If you want to proceed with reinstalling Win98, but don't have Win98 SE, I can email you DirectX 6.1 or 7.0a, but they're both over 6Mb so you may need to be familiar with your email system's attachment size limits if they exist.

[ 08-05-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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