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Soviets enters the war way too early

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I followed pretty much what the manual said about units near some cities and kept my main force pretty far in the west but ended up with the Soviets joining the Allies in december 1940 (twice in a row); that's way way too early and not realistic at all. Or maybe I did something wrong...

Okay it seems even a few garissons in some cities near the border is enough to get the soviet % up so I removed them and their war prep. remained stable. However, as soon as I move most of my troops in the spring 1941 in preparation for Barbarossa the Soviets turned to the Allies in a single turn; its not historical at all. We all know Joe (even tough informed by is own spies in addition to the British) was caught totally by suprise by the German preparations. I think it work better as it is in SC Global.

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Did you invade Britain or get some signinficant gains in Africa? I think UK invasion has a lot to do with the Soviet activation. When you capture London, Soviet industrial production jumps to 200MMP from 80MMP, so that's the main reason why I don't attack Britain before Barbarossa

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Did you invade Britain or get some signinficant gains in Africa? I think UK invasion has a lot to do with the Soviet activation. When you capture London, Soviet industrial production jumps to 200MMP from 80MMP, so that's the main reason why I don't attack Britain before Barbarossa

I don't believe in Sealion that much and rarely try it when playing a WW2 game; too gamey as in fact in would have been almost infeasible for the Germans. No I think it really has to do with the troops near the border (see my edited post); that system isnt working in my opinion.

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From the beginning of 1941, the Soviet mobilization will increase regardles of what you do. I've noticed also, that the more units you have near to the border, the Soviet war preparation will grow faster. So the best thing to do, is to concentrate you forces West of Vistula and then move them next to the initial objectives, just before the attack. From my experience, a slow build up close to the Soviet border, will certainy piss off Uncle Joe.

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From the beginning of 1941, the Soviet mobilization will increase regardles of what you do. I've noticed also, that the more units you have near to the border, the Soviet war preparation will grow faster. So the best thing to do, is to concentrate you forces West of Vistula and then move them next to the initial objectives, just before the attack. From my experience, a slow build up close to the Soviet border, will certainy piss off Uncle Joe.

That's what I did; however they went to the Allies as soon as I moved towards the frontier; not able to position the troops in good starting position, too fast

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This is what manual says about garrisoning of the Eastern frontier:

After conquering Poland, the Axis will need to maintain garrisons in both Konigsberg and Warsaw to discourage Stalin from strengthening his relations with the Allies.

In addition to their units in Warsaw and Konigsberg, from January 1941 the Axis will need to deploy two more units in the east.

- If Germany honored the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, then these will need to be stationed in the vicinity of Tilsit and Siedlice.

- If Germany didn’t honor the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact then these will need to be stationed in the vicinity of Tilsit and Wilno.

In addition to the above, if Germany annexes Lithuania then one unit will have to be stationed at Siauliai and another at Siedlice.

Failure to do so will lead to the USSR increasing its leaning towards the Allies.

So there are extra garrison units required from the beginning of 1941. I usually place those extra units straight after fall of Poland, so there is no risk that I will forget to place them later on:) If you have done that and you didn't invade England, then I don't understand why Soviets joined in early in your game and maybe Lords Of War may need to have look into that.

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I think the manual was wrong, you needed more troops than that. I used just those and I got the message that Soviet War Readiness was going up because of too few troops. I don't remember the point in 41 this happened, but I had units in Warsaw, Königsberg, Tilsit and Siedlice as instructed.

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I think the manual was wrong, you needed more troops than that. I used just those and I got the message that Soviet War Readiness was going up because of too few troops. I don't remember the point in 41 this happened, but I had units in Warsaw, Königsberg, Tilsit and Siedlice as instructed.

Did the same; I thinks its ramping up too quickly when you move your armies in a good starting position. I agree that when you have massed your armies in attack position the declaration of war should come pretty quickly but not in a single turn.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Syagrius,

Sorry for getting back to this one so late as I was in over my head with the Global Conflict GOLD release... I've just looked at the scripts and they essentially try and mimic exactly what we have in Global Conflict, i.e. the increases are of amounts that are exactly the same and with the idea that they are dependent on very similar key border positions as well as looking for similar numbers of units.

From what I can tell the Manual is correct in terms of how the scripts are written as well and the only thing I can think of is that perhaps you didn't have the units in the correct positions, or there is a bug in the scripts.

Additionally can you tell me what the Soviet readiness was at right before you moved your units in to assault position. The reason I ask is that after 1 turn from both sides, i.e. before you get to play your next turn, the Soviet readiness as a worst case scenario could jump 20% and as a best case scenario only 10%.

If you happen to have any saved turns that you can show me where you think the Soviet readiness is jumping too quickly I'd be happy to take a look as well.

Send to support@furysoftware.com


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