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Everything posted by CarlXII

  1. Yepp...This has been my understanding. I must have missunderstood what you ment with this statement... I kind of hoped that i had been wrong and that we could somehow set individual delays for each waypoint...But no... Yepp...That is the tool we have right now...It's usable but not perfect
  2. Perhaps i should clarify what i mean with gameclock ... The amount of minutes that have passed since the start of the scenariol....
  3. Am i understanding you correctly ? Are you saying that you can asign specific delay times for each waypoint individually ? For example... A StuG III is hidden behind a hill and when enemy armour moves into its kill zone (trigger area) it will move into a hull down possition and remain there for 4 minutes... regardless of what the game clock is showing. Using only the exit befor and after settings. In my experience the exit before and after times refers to the game clock and not each individual waypoint...Hopefully i have been wrong about this. I would very much prefer if you could set a delay for each individual waypoint rather the being limited to the actual gameclock.
  4. In my experience the AI will never skip an unfinished order and jump to another...In order to carry out the next order in a chain the previous order location will have to have been reached...
  5. Your last picture is the best i have been able to achive also...
  6. We are not likely to see a complete remake of the riddicolous AI artillery programing interface in the editor but i would atleast like to see the ability to asign any artillery/mortar/rocket unit regardless of being on- or off map as an AI-group with simular capabilities as current on-map mortars have with regards to areafire. With the added option to select between SMOKE and HE ! The AIs inability to use indirect smoke or HE in even a half decent way is a big handicap...A handicap that the AI does not need !
  7. That would be nice for sure...as would some additional trigger options like AI GROUP (XX) CASUALTY LEVEL HIGHER THEN (XXX) PERCENT. for example...
  8. Yepp...It's kind of sad that the productivity when it comes to Battlefront have been very low for a number of years now. The suggestion/request list on this forum when it comes to the editor is quite extensive and we have seen pretty much nothing being done in recent years to improve the editor. Hopefully the reason for this is that the guys are working hard on developing CM3 and that we will soon see some signs of that.
  9. It can be a fun challange for sure... Where i find AI programing to be less enjoyable though is to playtest and tweak AI plans for somewhat longer scenarios...having to play through the whole thing over and over to get to the part you want to test and tweak can be quite tiresome at times. You are absolutelly right...I belive that would be a better option in most situations. Thanks !
  10. I can't claim the titel of inventor of this trick ...I belive it is sort of a joint effort developed over time by several scenario designers...I have used it several times and i know many others have to....An yes...it is a TIMER...usuable for many different situations. And remember...The timing unit does not have to move in a straight line...What i tend to use is if it is suitable given the scenario is this... Use 3 one tile modular buildings and place them next to eachother. Connect them by adding internal doors to the adjoining walls inside this 3 tile building. keep in mind that you will need simular doors on both sides of a wall to allow movement between the buildings (rooms). Remove any extarnal doors and windows. This will pretty much ensure the the 'timing unit' will not be spotted and will not open fire on any potential player units. Place the terrain trigger over one of the three bulding tiles and place the 'timing unit' in one of the two remaining building tiles without the terrain trigger. Now you can give this AI group order after order ones it has been triggered to move between the two rooms that does not contain the trigger zone and ones you feel that they have been doing this for an suitable amount of time give them an order to move into the third room...containing the terrain trigger. This will start the withdrawl of the ambushing units for example. Using this 3 tile building setup you can keep this timing feature fairly discrete i have found...Nothing that looks wierd on the map.
  11. Well...This might not neccesarely be the the case Offcouse that might depend on what you considder to be a fighting withdrawl. If by fighting withdrawl you simply intend to have the ambushing units break contact after a short while of shooting and use a covered route to withdraw...It is certainly doable. Atleast if you have one additional AI group to spare. - Ambushing AI group is group 1. - 'timer' AI group is group 2. For AI group 1... 1. set up a terrain trigger (trigger 1) with - trigger enemy - or trigger - enemy armour - as desired to cover the ambush location. 2. give group 1 a hide AI order with a wait for trigger 1 option. 3. Set the next AI order to MAX ASSULT with no zone painted and change if to CAN TRIGGER to allow for the use of the AI-order trigger for this order. For AI group 2 (the 'timer' ai group) 1. At set-up place this unit one the map at a location far back that is out of sight from any possible player observation. Preferably use some small team like a sniper or something. 2 Create a second terrain objective with a - trigger friendly - that is close to the set-up location of this ai group and still out of sight of any possible player unit. 2. Give AI group 2 an additional order to have it to move to the location of the new terrain objective and make sure to add a WAIT FOR...THE AI ORDER TRIGGER you created in step 3 above. The one where the ambushing AI group changes to MAX ASSULT. This will have the second AI group start its move as soon as AI group 1 begins its ambush. You can adjust the speed of movement and the distance between the seconds AI groups starting location and the second terrain trigger to achive the desired amount of time needed to reach the second terrain objective. This time will be the actual lenth of the ambush. Now go back to the ambushing AI group and add an additinal order and have it move out in any way desired and make sure to add a WAIT FOR....terrain trigger 2. This way you can have your ambushing units hide until the player moves into your desired ambush location and after that the will fight in place for your desired lenth of time before withdrawing into cover. It might now be a perfect solution...but it works. It costs you one additional AI group and one additional terrain trigger though. EDIT...!!!!! The WAIT FOR....TERRAIN TRIGGER 2 should be added to The AI group 1 order that has it change to MAX ASSULT....NOT the lats one...the withdrawing one...
  12. A big loss for the CM community. I hope you will be back ones again someday in the not to distant future. A big, big thanks for all your work and inspiration over the years... THANKS !
  13. Far longer then what the actual war took i would guess. I doubt you will survive such a project
  14. That seems like impressive work ! I belive that the lack of support or entusiasm for this project comes from the fact that very few people are still playing CMBB with any great regularity today. Personally i do not have it installed anymore.
  15. I belive Zveroboy1 is correct. I seem to recall that it has been posted questions several times on this forum asking why a person can not find a newly made scenario and the reason has usually been that they are not updated to the laest version. Why this is i don't know though but this is most likely you problem to... If there is not some feature in the latest patch that you do not like i can see no reason not to update to the current level or you may not be able to play any future scenarios.
  16. That's good...And thanks for the kind remark
  17. Thats strange...I used CMBN V4.04. That's the latest version isn't it ? Hope you get it working... Also...This is not a QB-map. You need to find it in the scenario (battle) folder.... Any one else having trouble loading the map ?
  18. Hello... I have started a little map project. My goal is to design a few quite large maps that still retain a fairly high level of detail. These maps will not be designed as mastermaps ment to be split up into smaller sections but rather to be used as a 'full size' map but you as a potential user are offcourse free to cut and tweak the map in any way you please. I will not be spewing these maps out in any great amont. I will be working on these at a relaxed pace and my current goal for the rest of 2023 is to release two more maps after this first one if you guys feel that this initial one is up to snuff. This first map is for CMBN. Centered around a village along the Douve river, south west of Valognes. Mapsize is 2700 X 1900 meters. I have taken some liberties with the actual village but the terrain is very close to current day google earth (elevations are fictional). I'm planning on making one more CMBN-map and then a CMRT-map this year. Dependant on RL situations i might be able to do a third one. We shall see. Two additional maps after this one should be doable though. On this first map (Normandy) i have 'tweaked' the low boccage hedges somewhat. At various locations i have replaced a part of the low boccage with regular hedge tiles to allow for vehicles to cut through. This will come with the risk of bogging down though as the terrain tile at these locations are be mud ground. See pictures below. I have also included a fair amount of boccage gaps to allow for infantry movement. These maps will have no units, no set-up zones or no objectives and no AI plans....They can be added as desired. Hopefully these maps will provide nice playgrounds for H2H gameplay or as a starting map for anyone wanting to try and design a scenario using them. This first normandy map has been made using the majority of 37mm brilliant 'all in one' mod pack for CMBN. Hopefully the map will still look decent even if you are playing with stock graphics or use different mods. Enjoy ! Some pictures from this first map... From google earth: From the editor: Some ingame pictures: This is what the boccage/hedge trick looks like in the editor: And in-game: Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x3h7htnzcx1ykxp/Cotentin Peninsula.btt?dl=0
  19. Digs like that ought to provide ample time for CM creation...
  20. If you have designed a scenario with AI plans for both sides you simply test the scenario one side at the time and switch the side you as a player controll. No need to delete anything. If you need to move some opposing units out of the way while doing testing runs for a particular sides AI plan simply add a large deploymentzone to the map to allow for some repossitioning of the player controlled forces in the set.up face of the testrun and move them out of the way. This will have no affect on the scenario design. only this current test run. When yo are satisfied with how the AI is performing remove the big deploymentzone and replace it with the zones required for the scenario.
  21. I do simular things. First step is to get the AI troops to follow 'the plan' sucessfully without any opposition. Then comes the tweaking to get the AI to perform okish also when it comes under fire. Be aware though. This is the tricky part. When the AI units comes under fire it has a tenacy to seriously mess up the co-ordination of the AI forces. Getting the AI to do what you want is fairly easy until the bullits start flying
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