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  1. Gave this one a try, yesterday and I failed miserably although I tried various different approaches. My BTRs never had enough firepower to surpress the russians sufficiently for not get killed by RPG fire and arty was sparse with long call in time. Whenever I tried do dismount my infantry they got masacred immediatley. I am curious how others beat that one and I am happy for any tipps.
  2. I have. But I got rid of the problem otherwise. Apparently the files were noted as "read-only" which prevented the game to show them correctly.
  3. may I ask for your solution? have the same problem, with the campaigns not showing up, despite owning everything and copy and paste as I always do.
  4. Although I haven't gotten around to playing yet, I'm very very glad that you made tutorials for tanks as well. I loved the SPW missions and learned a lot from them and I'm sure I'll love the tanks too. Thank you very much for providing them :)
  5. In my understanding, "attack" is a strong simplification. In reality "attack" is an composition of fire and movement which involves all possible sort of movement like crawling, sneaking or sprinting. In CM the player is in charge to choose the way of movement he thinks best suits the current situation on the battlefield.
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