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Everything posted by cesmonkey

  1. Ukrainians begin training in Denmark: https://www.forsvaret.dk/da/nyheder/2023/forsvaret-har-pabegyndt-traningsforlob-af-ukrainske-piloter/?fbclid=IwAR2HBXkKdutt1VsKLOl_17UNSiQaT77L1V49fNTUKOEYrSqL1qiZwvcBLOo
  2. Ukrainian Konstantin Mashovets discusses the current state of the war with Ukraine's channel 5 for about an hour.
  3. Reportedly, Russians covering their trenches with wood to protect against cluster munitions: https://t.me/zvezdanews/127686
  4. Interesting tidbid from WarGonzo's morning summary: https://t.me/wargonzo/14507
  5. Nice to hear this, but they wasted at least a year coming to this decision: https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3499633/us-open-to-training-ukrainian-f-16-pilots-if-needed/
  6. Anyone know what happened to the idea of providing Australia's F-18s that was mentioned as a possibility a while back?
  7. Ukrainian attack drone that can complete its flight to the target even if its GPS signal is jammed: https://t.me/operativnoZSU/110706
  8. Ukraine provides details on the truck bomb used last year in the explosion on the Kerch bridge: https://t.me/operativnoZSU/110699
  9. Several Russian telegrammers mention that Ukraine is trying hard to push in the Rabotino/Tokmak direction today. Here is WarGonzo's: https://t.me/wargonzo/14409 Mashovets writes that the Russians are deploying more regiments to this sector to shore up its defenses but doing so will likely make other sectors of the defensive line more vulnerable.
  10. Rybar claims there were 28 vehicles in his count from this video:
  11. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3491937/biden-administration-announces-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/
  12. Russian telegrammer says decision to evacuate Urozhaine (Harvest) was completed successfully: https://t.me/voin_dv/4387 https://t.me/voin_dv/4390
  13. Russian telegrammer: https://t.me/RVvoenkor/51160
  14. Ukraine's Anna Mailar says: https://t.me/annamaliar/1006
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