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Everything posted by cesmonkey

  1. https://t.me/warmonitors/14801 There is a video at this telegram post:
  2. ISW has an Iran update today focusing on the attack from Gaza: Iran Update Special Edition, October 7, 2023 https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/iran-update-special-edition-october-7-2023
  3. Here is the side arguing for more aid to Ukraine weighing in the Hamas-Israeli conflict https://www.republicanleader.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/mcconnell-statement-on-terrorist-violence-against-israel
  4. I would hesitate to speculate on Israeli politics, but I can foresee this event being spun both ways by both the American proponents and opponents of more aid to Ukraine.
  5. I agree with the idea of another thread for this. But then, I've thought that about a lot of off-topic discussions that end up getting talked to death on this current thread.
  6. While I don't doubt that Russia via it's relationship with Iran has friendly ties with Hamas, more likely, it's 50 years plus a day since the start of the 1973 October (Yom Kippur) War.
  7. Many Russian milbloggers are talking about Hamas attack on Israel, including the launching of rocket barrages on cities. I wonder if they see paralells in Russia's own attacks on Ukraine?
  8. Somber post about the daunting task still facing Ukrainian forces:
  9. Some thoughts from members of Congress: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4239877-kinzinger-predicts-jordan-will-be-next-speaker/
  10. Good news, or has this always been the case? once President Biden gives his assent
  11. While good for the current circumstance, it makes you wonder why the Biden administration did not already provide this aid to Ukraine:
  12. This seems likely to me how more funding for Ukraine will get approved: Graham says Ukraine aid will not be separated from border funding https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4232668-graham-says-ukraine-aid-will-not-be-separated-from-border-funding/
  13. Yeah. The Senate will pass it. Maybe, since the House Republican leadership was willing to break from the MAGA Republicans in order to avert a shutdown and opt for a bipartisan continuing resolution bill, a similar bipartisan measure to renew funding for Ukraine has a chance in the near future.
  14. Create a Twitter list with your favorite sources on Ukraine, then just monitor that list when you want to look at Ukraine stuff. It makes the experience very focused and precise. https://help.twitter.com/en/using-x/x-lists https://business.twitter.com/en/blog/twitter-101-lists.html
  15. I believe the below show an earlier portion of that video where the Russian soldiers are seen near their trench hole. Seems to me, they were probably safely underground when this cluster munitions landed. https://t.me/operativnoZSU/116670
  16. Russian telegrammer Rybar on the explosion at the customs warehouse at the Tashkent, Uzbekistan airport: https://t.me/rybar/52447
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