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Posts posted by OldSarge

  1. I use it occasionally and it depends upon the situation, but mostly on buildings or hard points. Especially if I have very good reason to suspect the position is manned. I also throw in a target command which keeps allows the non-moving teams to fire upon the position - hopefully suppressing the occupants sufficiently that the squad is successful.

  2. More expansion of defense manufacturing in the US. at Lima’s Joint Systems Manufacturing Center (JSMC).

    "The JSMC is scheduled for a significant increase in government investment in the publicly-owned, privately-managed factory, with its budget increasing to $287.1 million in 2028 and $300 million in 2029 for plant upgrades, including more automated and robotic processes. The plant, which refurbishes existing tanks, will produce new hulls from raw products for the first time since the 1990s at its 369-acre campus off Buckeye Road, south of Lima"


  3. 1 hour ago, billbindc said:

    It could very easily have been a misunderstood target of opportunity but a blunder none the less. 

    Also, it's *very* unlikely the Russians would advertently do this to themselves. They are already paranoid about regime survival and weakening their own strategic early warning systems is just not a thing.

    I think it is semi-official now the the UA press is talking it up. The article seems to indicate that this installation was not fully operational, that Russia is still relying upon the Dnepr station in Sevastopol. I can imagine that doesn't make the pucker factor at the Pentagon go down any.

    "Now the confirmation comes from the photos that have appeared in the public domain. They indicate the very fact of damage dealt to the Voronezh-DM, and that some hits also landed on the staff accommodation buildings. The scale of destruction is unclear.."


  4. 39 minutes ago, billbindc said:

    No idea...but there should have been bright red "Do Not **** With This" warnings all over these targets on the Ukraine side. Kyiv actively hurt it's cause here. Acton with more detail: 


    I certainly agree  with you, it was a dangerous move if the UAF actually did it. It just interests me that the UAF would waste valuable munitions on targets that have almost no value to them. The radars are fixed and not looking into Ukraine, and even if they were most TACAIR operations would fall below the radar horizon - if the public numbers are right.

    I used this calculator. assuming 30m for sensor height.

  5. 1 hour ago, billbindc said:

    This is an extremely stupid thing to do if you are trying to address American escalation concerns.

    There are two Voronezh-DM (77Ya6-DM) radars at the Baronovsky Airfield, one covers the SE and the other faces SW. Since they're located at an airfield, I'm wondering if they were just targets of opportunity because nothing better was around.

    Both appear to have been hit.


    Russian over-the-horizon early detection radar station Voronezh-DM.png

  6. I've seen it mentioned in several places, but that was almost two years ago. Where does the time go?

    This post is one I could remember that I could still find. That was when the war was still early days. There was a later post, that I can't find, where it went from delayed to shelved. The core reasoning remains the same, but
    with the additional of lessons learned from the actual war, i.e. the use of UAV in a big way.


  7. Why is the JTAC there? Perhaps as a resource that needs to be preserved for later missions? Don't lose it.

    Steve is Steve, errr Stephen, Grammont aka @Battlefront.com.

    You'll find his statement in the first post of this thread. I think many of us here either agree with, understand or grudgingly accept BFC's position.


  8. 1 hour ago, Ultradave said:

    Someone once told us you couldn't get them stuck. We proved them wrong. Everyone loves a challenge, eh?


    Heh, heh! I'd really hate to see the type of terrain that the boys got a goat stuck in, but I know that could happen. The easiest way to break somefink is to tell the guys: 'this is unbreakable'. 😎

    Some goat love for those of us who remember! (I feel sorry for the fella without hearing PPE!)


  9. 11 minutes ago, poesel said:

    No need. These chips are produced in the millions. Only problem is that much of that happens on Taiwan. And the DoD seems to be committed to that already.

    One of the understated successes of the Biden administration is the commitment to restore chip manufacturing back in the U.S.

    "President Biden announced a deal with Intel that will give the chipmaker up to $8.5 billion in grants and another $11 billion in loans to build semiconductor plants in four states — the biggest project to date in his push to bring chips manufacturing back to America."
    Biden is giving Intel $8.5 billion for big semiconductor projects in 4 states

    "The US government plans to give $6.6 billion to the world’s biggest manufacturer of semiconductor chips to help it build three factories in Arizona as part of President Joe Biden’s efforts to secure the supply of advanced chips."
    Biden to give Taiwan’s TSMC $6.6 billion to ramp up US chip production

    It'll take time for these facilities to be built and equipped. As well to train up a pool of skilled workers, but it is in the pipeline. Hopefully, we're in front of the curve and not trying to play catch up with a peer adversary.


  10. 5 hours ago, GvB_1944 said:

    One of the forgotten battles/campaign is probably the Lorraine Campaign early September 1944 to March 1945.

    Patton had to face some hard battles here, Arracourt tank battle ,Metz sieging, and everywhere in Lorraine.

    Photo : grenadiers from 553 Grenadier Division (later 553 Volksgrenadier Division), near Gremecey forrest October 1944)

    grenadiers Lorraine 1944.jpg

    There was an attempt at an Arracourt campaign/scenario pack, it kind of fizzled out.

    You can follow the conversation here:


  11. 15 minutes ago, JM Stuff said:

    i understand it also like this, I think BFC Matrix and Steam have to work on commmon accord and posting original pictures of BFC only,...  from a couple of months it was also a "mistake" of a wrong picture, showing russian troops for Red Thunder in camo uniforms... 

    Me savvy! I don't know how communications/marketing are handled on the Matrix/Slitherine side, I would think (or hope) that at least they'd ask for BF's approval before publishing content online - or at the very least have a proof reader knowledgeable on the subject  glance at it.

  12. 11 minutes ago, JM Stuff said:

    Nice ang good but, if BfC is the developers why the anounce dont appear on the BFC webpage ?

    Just a detail perhaps but on the Matrix page appear

    >>IMPORTANTThis content requires the base game Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy >> ok

    and the previous DLC Commonwealth Forces >>ok

    and Market Garden>>ok

     and Vehicle Pack>>ok 

     and Battle Pack 1 on Steam in order to play. >?

    is there something different or not compatible with the bp1 from BFC and bp1 from Steam ?

    I think the information on the Matrix Info tab could use a little clarification. It most likely means that if you bought the aforementioned DLCs on Steam then you'll need to purchase BP2 on Steam as well. Conversely, if you've purchased everything from BF's store front you'll need to order BP2 from BF directly.

  13. Finally found a breakdown of the Ukraine aid package. The article is from February of this year, so should be pretty close.

    $60.2 Billion overall, broken down:

    1.  $20 Billion for replenishment of equipment and munitions sent by DOD to Ukraine.
    2. $14 Billion for Ukraine to purchase weapons and equipment from U.S. firms.
    3. $15 Billion for U.S. support including military training, intelligence sharing, increased presence in Eastern Europe, and other activities.
    4.  $8 Billion direct budget support for Ukraine.
    5. $3.2 Billion )1.6 Billion for economic development, $1.6 Billion to bolster air and maritime defenses in and around Ukraine)



  14. It looks like getting aid to Ukraine will follow through quickly. President Biden has stated that he will sign the bill as soon as it is on his desk.

    '... “we have a very robust logistics network that enables us to move material very quickly,” Ryder told reporters this past week. “We can move within days.”

    The Pentagon has had supplies ready to go for months but hasn’t moved them because it is out of money. It has already spent all of the funding Congress had previously provided to support Ukraine, sending more than $44 billion worth of weapons, maintenance, training and spare parts since Russia’s February 2022 invasion.'


  15. 1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Recently Rep Greene has been babbling the "Ukraine is Nazi" Kremlin talking point lately in her crazed attempt to help out Putin.  She got her butt handed to her in Congressional testimony:


    And a Dem was kind enough to point out that Greene has openly embraced white supremacy (aka American Nazism):


    It's always entertaining to watch real Nazis say we shouldn't fund fake Nazis in their fight against real Nazis.


    And CNN's Erin Burnett is calling her out for being the talk of Russian State TV:
    Here's what Russian media is saying about Marjorie Taylor Greene's push to end Ukraine aid

    'The Gipper' has to be rolling in his grave to know there are GOP members, like MTG, who are opposing the very type of bills he would've support - and being congratulated by our  enemies for it.

    A portion of the Ukrainian aid package is earmarked for expanding and modernizing US muntions production:

    "The Biden Administration has proposed that $3.1 billion of a much larger Ukraine aid bill be spent on munition production and modernization. "


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