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Lieutenant Ash

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Posts posted by Lieutenant Ash

  1. 4 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

    Just because it's Saturday, I felt like adding a bit of extremely uninteresting trivia.

    There is actually some bocage in CMFB. One scenario that comes with the game has it. It is not available in the CMFB editor though.

    High bocage can appear in most of the CM games if the map was created in CMBN then hex edited across to another title, but it doesn't block vehicle movement like it does in CMBN. Below is a screenshot of a BN map in 'coldwar' with the high bocage in the background.

    Screenshot (30).jpg

  2. Welcome to the community. Combat mission is the only series of games I still play on a regular basis, in my later years, still not bored of it yet!

    Regarding your armoured car query, not sure, could be a an accidental omission by the developer or possibly something to do with unit availability at certain dates. Have you tried changing the date of the quick battle to see if that makes a difference? Anyway I'm sure someone with more knowledge will be along to answer at some point.

  3. When CMSF was first released (2007?) I played the first couple of missions, then put the game back on the shelf, where it remained until the marines module was released. The game seemed very different to CM1, almost 'bare bones' in lacking features which were standard in the older games, also it was 'buggy'. I decided to give it another try when 'marines' was released and I loved it, there had obviously been a lot of post release development going on between the two releases, and it has only got better over the years since (there are still a few things that CM1 did better in my opinion). But onwards and upwards to CM3!

























































































  4.  First heard of CM1 while lurking on a 'close combat' forum in '99', people were talking about this 3d strategy game in development. When they said it was turn based I thought not for me, it was only later in autumn 2000 that I read a review of CMBO in a magazine (something like 'pc strategy gamer' I think it was called) where they explained the 'wego' system that I thought I would give it a go. After playing the demo I immediately ordered the game (first ever online purchase) and played nothing else for the next 18 months, until 'Rome total war' turned my head. I found the forums at the same time I bought the game, it was a good source of mods and user made missions, there were some actual WW2 vets on the forum back then which was fascinating to read. Anyway I have bought most of the game series as they were released over the years and still play on a regular basis, the only game I've played that this is true of.

  5.  Good ideas, I've often thought there should be some mechanism built in that assigned appropriate units to the various AI plans, for example if the plan is just set up and ambush without further movement orders then units like AT guns, heavy m/c guns on screen mortars etc are assigned to it (along with foxholes. trenches. mines and bunkers -hopefully manned- etc). Meanwhile AI plans which contain movement orders would receive the tanks, halftracks, APC's etc. infantry would assigned to both.

  6.  Not aware of any guide for QB's v the AI, I play a fair few though so these are my observations for what their worth. The A.I. for QB's is 'one size fits all', so all weapon systems from tanks to heavy A.T. guns, are treated the same, regardless, so you will see things like bunkers or immovable guns plonked at the back of the map because the game put them in a AI group with movement orders. For that reason its usually best to avoid anything that cannot move. For the same reason things like mortars and infantry guns are best kept off map (otherwise quite often you will see these being dragged into the assault by their crews) . It is possible to get a reasonable quick battle against the a.i. if you bare the systems limitations in mind when purchasing units for the opposition. I never let the computer choose its own units.

    In my opinion the qb system needs an overall when we get to CM3.

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