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Megalon Jones

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Posts posted by Megalon Jones

  1. …..Bought FI (all modules) and FB.  Prefer small/medium battles.  Iron skill and strict rarity.  House rules re: arty. WEGO (is there really any other way?) Don't care which side I play.  Expect a couple turns per night.  I'm on US CMT.

    In the end, I plan to make movies for YouTube so you can watch yourself thrash me over and over. Don't miss a golden opportunity.

  2. Quote

    This is already modeled in the game. Ya know how when you take some sort of casualty the floating icon flashes? Ever see that and check the unit only to find all of the men are still there? Well, look a little closer. At least one will have their weapon changed to a yellow color color. Those soldiers have sustained "minor or medium wounds".

    Scratch the part about minor wounds.  That didn't come out correct.😚

    How about medics, though?  Specialized units for getting people ready for the field hospital.  Make battlefield wounds deadlier, have buddy aid (as already implemented) help stabilize the victim (with the chance that they will die if a medic doesn't arrive fast enough) and have medic teams do the actual 'fixing' and evac.

    Another thought:  Squads can dump their packs.  Squads that do this will have a stamina boost (they can run longer) but will have less ammo.

  3. Howdy all!

    As per post title, I've got some ideas for CM.

    Buddy Aid/Medics:  Buddy aid is the go to method for simulating medics and evacuation of wounded.  Let's go deeper with that.  How about buddy aid being less effective.  Bandages and morphine only go so far.  Allow buddy aid to temporarily stabilize certain wounded soldiers (those with minor or medium wounds.)  Heavily wounded soldiers, on the other hand, have to be treated with specialized medic units.  Even so, create an algorithm so the soldiers can bleed out and die even if treated by medics.  

    Tracer ammunition:  Tracers ought to be limited to crew mounted MGs and heavy weapons.  Make small arms tracers an optional loadout for rifles and LMG's.  Squads without tracers will be harder to spot by the enemy and have a slight decrease in accuracy.  Squads with tracers are the opposite:  increase in accuracy, but easier to spot.  Make all of this optional for the player (I suppose some people wouldn't like this.)

    ROF for Garand/Carbine:  ROF ought to be higher for Veteran and above with these weapons.  

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