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Posts posted by Bearstronaut

  1. Here's a CNN report from today detailing extensive Russian torture and sexual violence in occupied Ukrainian territories. It's not an easy read. This is what Ukrainians have to look forward to if they give up. This is what other Eastern Europeans have to look forward to if we do not stand strong with NATO.

    Survivors say Russia is waging a war of sexual violence in occupied areas of Ukraine. Men are often the victims | CNN

  2. 2 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    There's so many downsides to a political party that values power over policy, however on topic with this thread we're seeing that it can also cost lives and come at a steep cost to national security.  The Ukraine funding bill should never have been held up, but even the Republicans angered over its delay stayed quiet for months because they put party over country. 


    These fools want the power and respect of being a global superpower and absolutely none of the responsibility. I'm convinced that if Russia rolled into the Suwalki Gap tomorrow that half of the House GOP would refuse to fund the military.

  3. 2 hours ago, Beleg85 said:

    Sweet bloody Jesus if true (if not, it's good at least to laugh through tears). But seriously, perhaps this aid will indeed come soon, crazies in US politics are getting even more crazy lately. Maybe it's good sign, you know- like fever or diarrhea under certain conditions?

    The crazies are loud and get the most play on social media. MTG is a vile, stupid woman but what is worse is that the members of her party that actually understand the Russian threat are afraid of her and her supporters.

  4. 1 hour ago, omae2 said:


    This war is now a grind because of the state of warfare in present day, therefor the critical factor can be psyops. Nato states should actively hunt for russian influencers and speed up the propaganda machine against the russians. Also there should be a constant effort to influence the russian population with every tool available.  There should be a constant stream of war is terrible propaganda aimed at the russian average Joe and Jane. Hacked TV stations, abusing VK algorithm to show the pointless and cruel end of the russians in Ukraine. Constantly, everyday, beating in to their head that this is pointless, terrible and can be stopped by them.


    The west in general and the USA in particular operate at a disadvantage in the IO realm. Russia and China strictly control public messaging and will swiftly arrest and/or disappear the type of information warfare conduits they use in our society. David Sacks going on Twitter and doomcasting about Ukraine's chances in the war may be odious, but he has a First Amendment right to do so. 

  5. 30 minutes ago, billbindc said:

    See kids, this is the problem with rejecting the "reality based community". You just become a red pilled font of balderdash.

    That's a more polite word then I would use. 


    33 minutes ago, sfhand said:


    1. Are dictators elected over and over again? I say no. You may say the elections there are rigged and you are welcome to that opinion. I'm more concerned, along with both major political parties in the US depending on who's ahead in the polls, about rigged elections in the US.


    Kim Jong Un is elected over and over again. Surely the Democratic People's Republic of Korea isn't a dictatorship. I mean, it's right there in the name. Kim Jong Un and his father and grandfather are simply the inheritors of the Baektu bloodline and therefore are/were chosen by the minjok of North Korea in proper, totally above board elections.

  6. 1 hour ago, The_Capt said:

    This war is highlighting something that should not be a surprise - a serious challenge to the western way of war.  We went the way of ever more complex (and expensive) platforms, and this was in all domains.  We ended up with fewer, larger and very high expense density capabilities that were capable of over-match and deterrence.

    Problem is that everyone else saw this and started working on offsets - swarms, unmanned etc.  All cheap and mass producible.  So now an industrial complex that has been focused on big, expensive and few, has to design counters for small, many and cheap - this outta be just great.

    I'm not saying you're wrong about this and I know everybody is wary of the "Russia sux" excuse but the Russians have never been renowned for naval prowess. The US and Royal Navies have been engaging Houthi drones in the Red Sea for months now and have taken zero hits.

  7. 50 minutes ago, Kraft said:

    I dont think Zaluzhny needed out, he clearly understood the reality of the situation and what needs to be done to change it.

    Without being given the necessary capabilities there is no way to even judge performance. 

    I think there will be less of a concern for casulties going forward, which I completely disagree with.

    Sometimes a change at the top is needed. Mark Clark removed John Lucas from VI Corps command at Anzio even though Lucas arguably saved the beachhead from destruction by not overreaching with his relatively meager forces. However, it took Lucien Truscott to actually effect the breakout. 

    Now, I'm not saying that this new guy is suddenly gonna have the keys to success but sometimes a new perspective is needed. 

  8. 21 hours ago, Phantom Captain said:

    I played Lemon Hill, PBEM, me as the Americans and completely fell victim to thinking this would be a piece of cake, I mean, it's the Americans against the Italians right?  Those mortars devastated me.  It was eye opening.


    Last year I played a few of the Italian scenarios PBEM with my army buddy and I won every single time thanks to those beautiful little mortars.

  9. 2 hours ago, David Jaros said:

    Take your time Mr.X  I would like to see Italians i know only about one campaign that is all . It looks nobody care about them and they are missing in red thunder too maybe they will be in next dlc

    Not really on this topic at all but I completely agree with you about the Italians. It's a damn shame that there is only one Italian campaign and only a handful of scenarios. I wish someone would do an Italian focused battle pack for Fortress Italy. I love playing as them because they are such an odd faction. Plus, those Brixia mortars are absolute 🔥🔥🔥.

  10. On 1/23/2024 at 12:21 PM, Mr.X said:


    „More drama than at an Alabama Sweet 16 party „

    Well said 😂

    But seriously: will the next step be to declare this guy, JoMac, the real victim ? OMG 🙏🏼

    During all the years, I have never ever insulted anyone in this forum and I have never ever put pointless bull**** into somebody‘s threads. 
    And I would be very curious to see how relaxed you would react, if I reported you the admins here for criminal activity😉

    Ultimately, I don‘t care . I will continue with playing CM or creating some stuff if I like to, with or without being a member of this forum😁

    the still not deleted Mr.X 😎




    Are you still planning on letting us play with your creations? I was very much looking forward to a bunch of new campaigns.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Vet 0369 said:

    It was the considered opinion of virtually every Grunt that the main purpose of Staff Officers was to bring the coffee the Junior Officers had made to their bosses in the Pentagon, to come up with plans that would increase funding and prevent the other services from receiving a portion of said funding, and mostly to come up with idiotic ways to screw with said Grunts!

    Present company excluded of course!

    I was a dirty enlisted man too but those staff officers are why you had food, fuel, and ammunition out in the field.

  12. 6 hours ago, dan/california said:

    There is third choice, though not a better one, simply print the money. Of course you then have to win the war before full blown hyper inflation sets in. But one way or another Putin only has so much time to get this done. We just have To ensure Ukraine can outlast him.

    Or simply not pay the soldiers. How many mobik/mobik wives videos have we seen complaining about not getting the pay that was promised them?

  13. In regards to the US military's recruitment woes there is a major issue that people are overlooking. When I joined up in 2010 the DoD didn't pull your entire medical record at MEPS. If you had been prescribed ADHD medication or antidepressants in high school your recruiter would straight up tell you to lie to the MEPS doctors. If the MEPS doctors couldn't find something wrong with you during your examination at the facility that day they cleared you. Now, they pull your entire medical record so if your parents got a pediatrician to prescribe you meds when you were 14 and had no idea that you were going to try and join the Marines when you turned 20 then you are SOL.

  14. Just now, billbindc said:

    "Look at me" has been the main preoccupation of NK foreign policy for 60+ years. I don't see any alteration to the strategic situation that would change that barring mental illness on Kim's part. Even if Trump gets back in the WH, I wouldn't rate their chances.   

    Exactly. Their playbook for decades has been to ratchet up tension and then use that to gain sanction relief or food or money. I'm sure KJU would like nothing better than to realize his grandfather's dream and rule over a unified Korea but I doubt he wants to rule a blasted, irradiated wasteland. Assuming he even survives the war that is.

  15. 2 hours ago, dan/california said:


    Kristof is pretty much an out and out peacenik. At the very least his attitude is extremely dovish, he just issued what amounts to a hair on fire war warning about North Korea doing something absolutely crazy. Anybody else seeing weirder  noises than usual from the hermit kingdom?

    My background is Korean Peninsula analysis and I speak the language but I haven't really focused on North Korea professionally for a few years. That being said, I do try and keep up on news even if not to the level I used to. 

    The timing seems off. If he waits a year it is possible that he may have his buddy Donny Trump back in the White House. Trump has repeatedly expressed his opposition to the entire notion of USFK and I suspect he would try to withdraw all our forces from there if he wins the election. 

    Additionally, South Korea is going through a truly unprecedented demographic crisis. Their birth-rate is something like 0.78 kids per woman. That is existentially bad for society in general but also catastrophic for a nation that relies on universal conscription for its national security. If Kim waits even five years before making a move the ROKA will have a massive problem fielding enough soldiers to effectively fight the KPA. 

    KJU is a relatively young (if unhealthy) man and he has time if he is truly dead set on re-uniting Korea by force. I think trying something now would be extremely foolish. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, keas66 said:

    You are clearly either delusional or this is just a deliberate campaign of mis- information - I'll be blocking you going forwards .

    I'm strongly leaning towards the latter. He seems mightily invested in pushing the "bow down before the might of the unstoppable Russian bear" line.

  17. 1 minute ago, Zeleban said:

    It is thanks to this attitude of the Europeans that Russian troops will be able to break through to the channel

    The French are a nuclear power. Even if all your doomsaying is correct and Europeans are woefully incapable of defeating the mighty Russian bear in a conventional conflict, there is no ****ing way the Russians are getting anywhere near the channel.

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