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Everything posted by Oleksandr

  1. This mod is an alternative reality thing. In real life though everything is the same - when russia is providing equipment to its hybrid forces in Ukraine they usually mask their regular tactical signs with white paint or they are reworking them so that they directly do not show from what division those tanks came into ukraine. Russian backed/Hybrid forces of russia are using white painted signs of fast recognition (lines and so on), and white paint tactical signs to recognize each other on the battlefield. So those are made in white specifically to be visisble. In this mod though Im not recreating those forces as they are in life (because they are war criminals and they dont deserve to be recreated) - im creating a sort of hybrid forces mod what I will then use for my scenarios. Example - Russian T72B3 in hands of hybrid forces (sometimes they called separatists in order not to call them terrorists because if they would be called terrorists actions should've been made but that might lead to a world war 3 so so far they've been called "russian backed separatists") in certain areas of Donbass controlled by occupational/hybrid forces of russia.
  2. Mod used: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=5911
  3. CMBS: Hybrid Forces Mod T-90A By Oleksandr This mod will provide you with recamouflaged version of T-90A. Tactical signs were modified due to the concept of “they arent there” which was oftenly used in hybrid warfare. New camouflage works well on most of CMBS maps. This tank will be the main battle tank of russian hybrid forces which I’m later planing to use in my scenarios. Enjoy! Link to Download: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=5911
  4. One and the only "red" tank what I've modding in terms of my "Hybrid Forces Mod" series. Coming when ready... Soon
  5. I wish they would make CMA with all the features of 4th engine and pickable units and movable points.
  6. Actually there is a thing what I will announce a lil later so stay tuned my fellow commanders.
  7. Для тих хто розуміється на картоскладанні побудова оборони у більш динамічному виді. Це вже може бути (і є) сценарієм для мап та боїв у грі. Але знову ж таки треба робити поправки зважаючи на движок гри. Dont get confused guys this is just for few guys on the forum who I know are there - its for scenario purposes and for map crafting. It describes defence build up of a MB in a more dynamic way. Most of you guys can ignore that. That will work only for PRE-SET UP games and it is not likely to work in your regular player vs player or player vs ai type of games - for things like this you actually need to build up maps - specail places for IFV's and so on. Just an inside thing in a public space lol. Sorry for confusion.
  8. Для тих побратимів що хочуть спробувати розгорнути механізований батальйон у захисті. Попри цю схему зрозумійте що гра не передає усі властивості піхоти та техніки і деякі елементи повинні бути змінені по ходу гри з посиланням на движок. For those Brothers Who would like to set up Mechanized Battalion Deffense "by the book". Yet keep in mind that this game doesnt simulate everything as it is in life so you might correct certain elements.
  9. You will need to tell me how to set up and download maps - i never installed a map before.
  10. Well I mean russia violated borders of a sovereign country and international laws in both (in game and in real world) so I mean they are bad guys no matter how you look at it)
  11. Emm... thank you I guess lol I mean those meant to be bad guys lol But I mean as long as you like it lol enjoy!) I will take a break now)
  12. Mods used: 1 - http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=5863 2 - http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=5884
  13. Now more about this Hybrid Forces Mod I'm not going to recamouflage and rework all of the russian units in the game. I will work only on those what will be important for my scenarios (if I will have time to finish those). Overall this modding project should provide you with few models of recamouflaged vehicles/tanks/apc/ifv/etc. The reason for that is that I've reworked Ukrainian Armed Forces and now in order to provide some enemy for them I've decided to mod few things from the russian stock. This will be basically created for those who wants to recreate certain battles in a hybrid warfare style - where russia is backing up certain forces by sending its troops without patches and its armor with covered tactical signs to make it look like its some sort of a civil war going on there. Also its a huge favor to Ukrainian gamers because now they will be able to face and destroy those hybrid forces which are carefully being called (from variety of reasons which I will not going to discuss) - separatists. When I was playing this game for the first time I've seen a separatist mod - this is an alternative project inspired by that mod. I would love to see a module where additional forces from the WEST (like Poland, or Canada, or UK) and additional forces from Ukraine (like National Guard) and additional forces from the red side (like unconventional forces or as I call them in my mod - Hybrid Forces) formations would be represented along with their equipment. But since CM developing team is as I understood very busy with current projects - waiting for a new module can take some time. So in a meanwhile while we are waiting for those modules (to all those games out there) to come out I will try to provide some fresh content (when I will have time for that). Enjoy your games and battles! Crash those hybrid bastards! Glory to Ukraine!
  14. Before taking a vacation from modding and from posting stuff I've decided to post one more thing and share some plans with you guys just to keep contact with those of you who enjoys my work. CMBS: Hybrid Forces Mod BTR-80A By Oleksandr First of all I would like to say that Im against hybrid wars and that this content is provided only for in-game experience and has nothing to do with reality and should not be viewed as a propaganda of a hybrid warfare (which is the nastiest and worst type of war in my opinion). This mod will provide your red side with recamouflaged BTR-80A. Tactical signs on its hull and turret were removed or covered with white circles. While meeting those vehicles in the game you will be able to notice their camouflage – apperantly those came from brigades what are located in caucasus region of russia. Link to download: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=5884
  15. Going on a break from posting (got a lot of stuff to share but not so much of a free time). In a meanwhile I would like to wish to all of you to be more friendly to one another, the spirit of sharing is better than spirit of fighting. Enjoy your battles, share your experiences, and work together! Love you all (Even those who hates me lol)!
  16. Going on a break in modding (still got a lot of projects in progress) but have no time to finish all of them now. Will be busy. Enjoy your battles!
  17. Not a hack and not even a new thing but still oftenly ignored - this simple rule - > while one element is moving another element is providing cover. It is especially important while operating with high value units such as: sappers, RPOs, etc. So for example if you moving with your sappers towards certain place in a wall what you will take down - make sure that there are units watching in that direction (breach direction). Usually I would say - put a vehicle to watch that future hole to appear but sometimes it is impossible to do, sometimes its only infantry there so at least put few fighters to look in that direction. I know its simple, I know most of you probably know that, I know that its obvius, but - I thought it would be nice to mention it once again.
  18. "When there is a lack of honor in government, the morals of the whole people are poisoned." - Herbert Clark Hoover. On photo: Russian Hybrid Forces Infantry Mod. Link to download: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=5863
  19. "Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." - George Smith Patton Jr. Mod being used (direct link): http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=5841
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