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Posts posted by danfrodo

  1. Super cool, thanks for sharing.  I just went on a Roman reading binge:  Vindoland & The Encircling Sea, historical fiction by excellent historian Goldsworthy.  And also The Storm Before the Storm, history of the late republic -- super well told, reads like a novel.  Makes Game of Thrones look like Candyland.

  2. All these games are great, but BN big bundle is the best place to start IMO.  Lots of choices, lots of battles that are less complex (and lots that are very), lots of infantry-only fights, lots of tank fights.  You really can't make a 'wrong' choice.  In the long run you'll own them all anyway if this is the sort of gaming you like.  I have all the WW2 titles and will be getting the new RT & FI upgrades immediately when they come out.  Will get BS when I run out of WW2 -- which will take forever at the rate I get to play.

  3. Hi my Battlefront friends,

    Any chance you would ever provide a tool to extract scenarios from campaigns?  For me, it would provide increased value for CM.  I see there's some that have been made but they don't work on my PC, and seem kinda complicated.  I don't have a ton of time to play and would sure like more great scenarios to pick & choose from.  I don't see why this doesn't exist already actually.  Any chance of this in the future?  I'd even pay some money for it 😀

    Thanks, Dan

  4. 4 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    Danfrodo. I knew there are plans for a LOTR series, but I didn't know it will be focused around Aragorn. Personally I'm worried by that news. Hopefully it's not going to be another Game of Thrones and will they stay as close to Tolkien's books as possible. Where did you read that?

    Note the article says "this is just a rumor".  so of course I spread the aforementioned rumor.  Stating it as a rumor.  But still just spreading rumors.



  5. not available on my kindle in US until September.  Takes a long time to move things across the treacherous, storm-ridden Atlantic even today.  I did just read his D-Day book finally, which means I have now read 5 of his books.  Quite good.  His Battle for Spain is interesting instance of "what if fascist dictator takes power and then wisely doesn't start wars with every powerful nation on the planet?".  Well, said dictator gets to rule for 40 years. 

  6. When discussing the lack of forceful answers to Hitler in the mid to late 1930s, one must also recognize the context of the lives of the men involved.  They had all watched in abject horror the greatest slaughter in human history, perpetrated by the much vaunted 'western civilization'.  WW1 was in all their minds as they desperately, yet obviously quite naively, tried to avoid a replay of 1914-18.  While it's fun to laugh at how foolish Chamberlain et al were, we should also recognize that restraint and diplomacy (especially in Germany & Russia) in 1914 would've made Hitler's later rise to power impossible.  His rise was only possible in the post-apocalyptic world left by WW1.  And if one wants to look at our own time, compare current US psychopath John Bolton to the one of the greatest, most incompetent warmongering criminals of all time, Conrad of Austria, who more than any other pushed the Europe into WW1 (my source for Conrad comment, A World Undone, by Meyer, a great book on WW1). 

    And when looking at Churchill, I'd say he's good when there's a war -- but war was always the answer for him.  So when diplomacy IS the right answer, he is not the one you want.  His meddling and micromanaging actually hurt the British war effort in so many ways, so many times, but overall he did provide the leadership that was needed at the time it was needed.  In 1914 he's not the type you want.  In 1938 he is.

  7. I bought Fury just to support folks at least making WW2 films, flawed though it was in some areas,  I have re-watched it a couple times.   As mentioned above, the AT guns at that range would never miss, but I just decided to play along and assume these were bottom of the barrel troops, either old or young or some such.  Fury is still better than many of the 1950s/60s/70s ww2 blockbusters.

    Bought Dunkirk because I want more of the same and was voting w my dollars, like w Fury.  Hopefully the fact that Dunkirk made good money and is Oscar bait will get some other films made. 

  8. Speaking of Normandy battles, here's a book I recently read about 1st day action at the Orne river bridge by Brit airborne troops.  What I liked was how it focused on the tactical combat situation.  Just like in CM, it's hard with small arms to silence someone w sniper rifle or MG42 a couple hundred yards away in a stout stone building.  Also it was interesting just how precarious the situation was until the beach-landed troops linked up. 


    It's $9.99 US now, I got it on one of those amazon one day sales for $1.33.  was a steal.


  9. I now realize that you are much like a friend of mine who also goes "into character".   And best of luck to you & Blighty. 

    By the way, I have this weird penchant for playing the British in CMBN.  So much goofy gear.  Goofy helmets, goofy little mortars (quite effective, wish I had more rounds), PIATS (which somehow took out a tiger other day), Cromwell tanks (who thought this was a good idea by 1944?), Bren gun carriers (adorable little things).   Currently doing Scottish Corridor.

  10. 2 hours ago, Warts 'n' all said:

    Oh dear. You seem to not to understand irony. 

    I slip in and out my alter ego's personality many times on this forum. And as mentioned previously on this site if I'd have been around at the time of the Putney Debates, I would have been one of those "strung up".

    You might even wish to go back to Page 3 of this thread where I make my real views on Fascism crystal clear, via the late great lefty Woody Guthrie.

    Goodness, my apologies if I misunderstood this.  I am very sorry about that and to have sullied you in any way.  I was surprised to see someone call for lefties to be killed here and perhaps over-reacted since I didn't understand it.  Some of us in the US are a bit sensitive these days when, for example, man that can actually start nuclear war tweets about actually starting nuclear war. 

    I'll leave it and that and return more to listening to the forum than talking. 

  11. Thanks for that folierdux!

    Dear Fellow Battalion Commanders, note that I am not looking to start a discussion on left-right, right-wrong, etc.  I just want to point out that one cannot assume that everyone who plays and loves wargames is like oneself.  So let's be respectful.  We are all getting whupped, often, by this game and should therefore feel some shared experience and comradeship.  We all feel deeply the loss of our beloved troops -- especially when it's due to our (occasional/typical/endless?) poor command decisions.  ('endless' is my experience).  And do we not mourn those losses no matter the country for which they fight?  I've never been fighting as Germans and cheered as my ranks are decimated by allied artillery, yet I am glad that nazis lost. 


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