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Status Updates posted by danfrodo

  1. Hey Mr Heirloom, 

    I finished the Duna (Duma?) battle #14, nicely done.  Had enough forces to leapfrog through the buildings.  Good combined arms work kept the ambushes from wreaking havoc.  Overall good fun.

    Now on battle #1 "going downtown":  ugly so far.  One of two challengers had gun damaged by mix of tank & ATRM fire.  On my left tanks are moving in, don't like that.  I've knocked out some tanks using shoot & scoot of javelin teams -- run up on roof, fire, run back down.  Your attacks are generally troublesome in this campaign.  Unlike most AI attacks I actually fear for my life in these.  Usually it's dumb hordes plowing forward into my waiting guns, not so here.  Nice work!


  2. Well, that was ugly.  Why is it that so many nasty things start w Aragorn2002?  Yep, he's a neo-nazi.  I have been exercising uncharacteristic restraint in my behavior on the forum w him.  Mainly because I realized I don't gain anything getting upset and arguing w fascists -- if they were rational and nice they wouldn't be fascists.

    IMO you are the sane one, for what that's worth.  And funny.  The Cromwell schtick is funny.  

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