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Posts posted by Currahee150

  1. How my call for fire went down:

    Me: So how'd I do?

    NCO: Good. 

    Me: What I get?

    NCO: A 90%.

    Me: Why not a perfect score?

    NCO: We can't give everyone 100s, dude.

    Me: Oh.

    Everyone else in my squad got a perfect score. 

    I also thought it was funny that we didn't call in fire or shoot AT-4s at any old tanks. I'm 95% those rusting hulks were the M60A2 Starships the Army ended up hating so much they condemned them to being shot at by inexperienced  numskull cadets for half a century.

    Purgatory for tanks, basically. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Codename Duchess said:

    The Brazilian guy attached to our squad fell asleep and his uniform had tons of velcro on it, so we fixed it.

    Lol, thats more like it! In a similar vein, we had a squid in our squad. He only had the navy blueberry uniform, and stuck out like a sore thumb during our FTX. Another dude thought it would be a good idea to buy a ghillie suit for said FTX. It wasn't. 

    7 hours ago, panzersaurkrautwerfer said:


    Because...I don't know. Probably because I wanted an excuse not to study last night. 

    155s would have been cooler for sure though.

  3. 5 hours ago, Codename Duchess said:

    This discussion reminds me of my own cadet war story though from when I did Army things. The second summer at USMA is a month in the field ("Buckner), meant to be more tactical and also expose you to the various branches of the army (it was a lot broader in the past with cadet vs cadet tank fights at Ft. Knox). One day is Field Artillery day where you rotate through the FDC, gun line, and actually on a hill calling in 5-7 round 105mm missions on old tanks. There was a female in my platoon, maybe 5'2" and never speaking more than a sentence per week. Most of us were pretty lousy at our first ever fire mission but she gets up there and the first spotting round emits a loud "PING" Garand style as it bounced off the top of the M60 or whatever she called it on. We all kind of revered her in awe after that. She got to set the pile of excess propellant bags on fire too which was the hottest fire I've ever seen (like burned my face from 100 yards hot).

    I remember that fire...


    The range still hasn't changed much either.



  4. Ok, I only skimmed the article, but here's my input:

    I don't think Russia is going to risk nuclear escalation because we HARM'd an S-400 battery. Maybe due escalation beyond that event, but not because we blew up a SAM battery.

    Further, the author makes some claims that could be debatable. Like stating that Iran+Russia+China are some shadowy cyber superpower that can destroy the west at a drop of a hat. 

    I know that the Russian doctrine with nukes is looser than the west, but again, I just think its a little abrupt. Just my 2 cents.

  5. 16 hours ago, panzersaurkrautwerfer said:

    do all the weird little cheers ya'll have to learn for football in order to earn their kit back.

    That's just mean, man. 

    I always thought it was just the task force guys from the 10th Mountain and air assault school that relished making us do the rocket, but I guess everyone likes to make fun of it. *sigh*.

    And it sounds like I should have lived in the northwest. My state schools didn't have any of that. And I sure wasn't going to the Citadel. USMA may suck in some ways, but I think that the Citadel just sucks all around. Not by the graduates it produces by any means, but just the lifestyle. Pay to get hazed? No thanks. But then again, to each his own. 

    3 hours ago, Plague2Delta said:

    Is that a bad thing? I have learned a ton from lurking and reading veterans posts and knowledge, including yours lol.

    I thinks this forum may tie with my MS100 class for military skills learned. Well, maybe not skills, but interesting things that will come in handy should I get armor. 

  6. 1 hour ago, panzersaurkrautwerfer said:

    Commissioning via ROTC was never one of them.

    I had a ROTC dude in my squad for summer training. Made me question some things too. "You can go parties?" ""You have more than one attractive girl in your classes?" "You can sleep in until 11?!?" 

    I could go on. 

    On the other hand, the South Hudson Institute of Technology lets me study military history, and ride in Black Hawks, for free. It depends on what you want. I don't regret my decision in the slightest. Neither is better or worse as a commissioning source - you just have to know what your getting into. One has some pretty cool opportunities and funding to take advantage of. The other has plentiful girls, alcohol, and lets you have a social life. 

    I heard a story that ROTC guys actual do better in flight school and stuff. Reason being that after 4 years of college they are partied out, and at least know who to handle their alcohol. South Hudson Institute of Technology grads, on the other hands, do not usually, having been confined to castle Hogwarts for four years of their life. They consequently go crazy with poor results for their classes. 

  7. For the game itself, I'm not entirely sure. I've always figured that the bright red cross meant 'knocked out' and it could be repaired at some point down the road (beyond the games scope, of course) ; and the dark red cross meant it was done for. I've never been entirely sure though. Maybe experience levels may have something to do with it as well - a rookie crew would be more likely to bail out after a thunder bolt whams the turret; more experienced crews would be more confident in their tracks.

    I'm sure the resident tankers on this thread will explain this thoroughly, but this is what I understand on how it works in real life. There can be several different levels of 'knocked out'. Maintenance shops crews classify tank casualties in different levels - 'A' could be an hour back at the company maintenance shop (track blown off, engine malfunction); 'B' could be back at battalion (more extensive repairs, like engine overhaul maybe?), and so on and so forth. The more serious the damage, the higher it has to go. Gun tube bent? probably brigade (just a guess). Tank caught on fire and burned so hot it melted the road wheels? Back to Anniston Army Depot stateside. Tanks - at least M1 Abrams - can be hard to permanently 'kill'. Even the ones that got blasted in Iraq with 2000lbs IEDs were eventually sent back home for 'extensive repairs'. In WWII, the even the M4 Sherman continually came back from the dead.  For the tank to written off it usually has to have died in a catastrophic manner - like the turret has left the tank, or the ammo went off so catastrophically that there is no longer proof that a tank was here. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, Kevin2k said:

    As to its futuristic successor ArmA III;  I never played it.

    It's pretty decent. I only played the vanilla, baseline version, but it was least fun, kept the simulator reaslism of the other ArmA series, and had pretty good graphics. The setting was kinda weird though - apparently the US Army divested all of its M1A2s and bought the Merkava IV instead. Things like this made me think "WTF?" And what on earth is CSAT and what do they want? The endings were also weird, and the plot made zero sense outside of giving you an excuse to shoot at things.

    16 minutes ago, Kevin2k said:

    I don't think they tried very hard

    They didn't. 

    I don't know why the military decides to stick with crappy, buggy simulators to try and train its soldiers. Games like Combat Mission and the actual ArmA series, CMANO, and heck, maybe even Call of Duty are going to teach me way more about squad tactics, combined arms, and tactical problems than some half-baked, pixelated mess that kept bugging out every other checkpoint.  

  9. Oh god...not these videos again. Well, I guess my complaint is less at the videos and more at the simulator in the videos.

    I remember during training they decided to try to familiarize our upcoming landnav course by having us run around on a VBS map. "Hmm, this is just like ArmA, but crappier..."

    Needless to say, the map in VBS and the landnav course at Buckner were two entirely different things. 

  10. If the mission didn't have M1A1s, it wasn't my favorite mission. :D

    Another thing I used to do on the missions where you were fighting in Murmansk was I would use LGBs to LEVEL EVERY BUILDING ON THE MAP. And trains. And trees. And apartment complexes that may or may not have held Malashenko's wife and child. NOTHING WILL BE LEFT FOR THE COMMUNISTS TO USE.

    I agree that I don't think I've met another game that really captured the 'feel' of the cold war than WiC. Going a bit OT, some of the Call of Duty's captured the feel of their setting pretty well - World at War felt like the apocalypse, and Black Ops I perfectly captured Cold War paranoia. MW2 presented a nice 'Red Dawn' like scenario (even if it was impossible). The other ones may have well been 'lets go around the world and shoot terrorists'. In general, the gameplay may be good, but what makes a game a classic is how well it captures the 'mood.'

    As for wargame...I booted it up a few weeks ago, and it was fun to march around with M1A2s, COMVATs, and AH-64Ds...but its still a bit disappointing because that really isn't close to what it would have actually been like. And the music wasn't epic enough. I still play the WiC Musial score in my head when drama is required. 

  11. I think the only game that I played more than or equal to CM was WiC. I don't know why, but as a kid I literally played some missions until the scripting broke.

    I don't even know how that happened, but it did.

    Multi was fun too. Some minor gripes were the games notion that the Chieftain was an Anti-infantry tank (HAHAHAHA); the Mi-28 was as plentiful as the AH-64; and the game never explored battles on the central front. Still on of my faves of all time. They need to make a WiC 2. Like, now. 

    Also, I think the games marketing quote "In August 1989, the Cold War was supposed to end. It didn't," was...prophetic, shall we say.



    @TheForwardObserverYeah, I don't think they are going to take down Western Civilization or anything. I'm not one of those guys that thinks ISIS is going to conquer the Middle East, march on Israel, and develop nuclear weapons. I'm pretty sure they are currently on the downward curve of their lifespan. They're just another threat and we have to take precautions.

  13. It is a little known fact the Armata was devoloped entirely to counter the US Army's Murder Apes program. Russian is hoping the stronkness of the Armata can overcome the bloodlust of America's Apes, but only combat will test which one will win.

    3 hours ago, TheForwardObserver said:


    Nobody is afraid of ISIS

    @TheForwardObserverAfraid of ISIS? No. Taking reasonable measures to minimize the impact their proven capabilities may have on operations? Yes.



    @TheForwardObserverIts not the Russians the Army is solely worried about. Its some ISIS cell or something equally nasty  that figures out that there's gonna be a battalions worth of US personnel riding in buses to the airport on Saturday and decide to act on the information. Is it likely to happen? No. Was 9/11 likely to happen? Most people would have said no as well. 

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