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Posts posted by Currahee150

  1. and likely will remain a distant threat to the American serviceman, unlike direct fire, IEDs, mortars, and poor dental hygiene

    You forgot not wearing PT belts. Unbelievable. Your hubris makes us all cringe. You may as well have recreated Kasserine Pass single handedly with your arrogance.


  2. I think it may be debatable that Russia would extend the war into the Atlantic. Would it make military sense to do so? Yes, of course it would. But to the American public, I feel like fighting in some random eastern European country is one thing; watching the USS Carl Vinson explode off the east coast from ASMs is another. Once you start sinking American ships in international waters, things can start to escalate. Oh, you sunk our merchant ship and drowned the entirety of the 23rd Infantry Battalion? Well, some B-1s are going to visit Murmansk tomorrow morning. In the game, Russia and the West seem determined to limit the war to Ukraine. Declaring the North Atlantic a free-fire zone runs contrary to that assumption. Further, the Russian navy's ability to project power in this day and age is...suspect, to say the least. There are two Russian navies - the one and paper, and the one that mostly rusting at the moors. Yeah, they've made some impressive strides over the past few years, but the fact that their flagship had to have a tug tag along in case of breakdowns doesn't bode well for them. And although the number of Russian submarines has drastically decreased, convoy-capable surface combatant haven't suffered attrition as much. Although the art of ASW has definitely eroded over the years, Russian subs still have to survive the GIUK gap, their own mechanical difficulties, and then a US Navy that is largely well-equipped, well-trained, and confident in its ability to get the majority of its charges across the Atlantic. Yeah we'd lose ships...but at the end, like Russian CAS, it would be trading the Russian navy for a largely negligible effect on US reinforcements.

    As for the next topic...

    I sincerely doubt that panzersaurkrautwerfer is suffering from hubris. Rather, I think he is trying to provide a logical argument, based upon HIS TEN YEAR SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY, (which will forever and for all eternity largely trump any experience gleaned from video games), of why the Russian air force will not roam around and bomb M1 Abrams tank willy-nily. He's not saying the US military is going to beat everything and everyone because 'Merica; he's saying that after looking at the cold, hard numbers, past military history, and American military doctrine, Russian CAS intervening in engagements with US forces are either 1) short lived and desperate, 2) nonexistent, or 3) unsustainable. And believe me, historically, America doesn't tend to underestimate the Russians...it tends to blow them out of proportion into an nearly invincible force that if it really wants to can walk to the Rhine in four days and conquer the world in seven. And as history has shown, that is quite far from the mark. I'm not saying that Russia isn't a force to reckoned with...but I believe that we tend to turn them into an omni-potent, all-knowing entity that has the answers to every military problem. Kind of like what people tend to do to the CIA and NSA.

  3. ...to elaborate on that, while it apparently was exported to other countries (Syria?), and Russia probably has a few dozen, it was not adopted into Russian Army service and is not in the Russian TOE. Therefore, it was omitted from the game.

  4. Well...my experience in shooting is sparse as well. But I distinctly remember after sprinting through a FTX course that shooting the Ivans that popped up got a whole lot harder as I got more winded. CM reflects that with fatigue levels. Further, shooting at the range is a whole different ball game. When qualifying with M16s, we had 1) a bright sunny day, 2) an assigned target lane, and 3) a spotter that would tell you "target, left, 100 meters." Also, none of the targets were moving. The 200m targets were even day-glo orange. Of course, I guess that has less to do with hitting a target and more with target acquisition, which wasn't the point you are bringing up.

    Basically, I feel like shooting in combat is an entirely different level than qualifying at the range (no offense). In combat, even with the enemy at 25 meters, accuracy is not guaranteed. Combat is loud and disorienting, your target is moving, and you may have no idea what is happening. Besides, small arms fire apparently has less to do with hitting your enemy (initially) and more to do with pinning him down so you can maneuver and close with him and then kill him with accurate fire. That being said, sometimes I do feel like the accuracy is frustrating is CMBS, but considering how much ammo gets expended in places like Afghanistan to just kill a couple of Taliban, it may not be far of the mark. Just my 2 cents.

  5. I think the assumption that the all powerful JSTARs/US airpower will save the day and be able to coordinate a rain of fire on advancing T-14s a little far fetched. Russia may not be on par with the US on a lot of things, but in terms of EW capability, its a different story. I feel if we got deployed to a hot war with Russia or China a whole lot of out tech (or at least command and control/communication stuff) would go out the window. Not saying we'd be screwed, but the ever lasting assumption that US technological superiority will allow waves of A-10s, F-35s, and ATACMs to reduce a Russian tank regiment to few pitiful platoons before it reaches the front is a little optimistic. And lets not forget about Russia's air defense systems. That's whole other bag of worms (not that it is necessarily an insurmountable one).


    The Russian "Super tank" blurb mentions the range of the radar as being able to detect targets at 100km



    Yeah, and I also dress up in a black costume at night and go fight crime and the Russian mob. Why on earth would you even want that capability? If I want to detect something 100km away, I'll use a dedicated AD radar. Giving that capability to a tank that only has a machine gun for AA defense is silly. Not attacking you, just the Russian claim, which to me sounds a little absurd.

  6. Eh...relying on artillery as your only counter APS system sounds a little dodgy. What if the tanks don't want to cooperate and move away? It's hard enough to even keep LOS on tanks to direct artillery on them in CMBS. Also, barring a direct hit, I feel like near misses and airburst might not do a whole lot. And if your rounds are hitting the tank...well, you probably don't have to worry about APS anymore.

    So, counter APS. Maybe the jammer will be like a precursor round - it flies in front of the APFSDS/missile warhead, jams the APS, and then the munition is safe to hit the target. Of course, I'm sure there are some physics laws which may make a precursor warhead flying faster than a 120mm sabot round a little tricky.

    All I know is that the APS and counter APS evolution is going to be interesting.

  7. I dunno...I think millimetric radars are hard to jam. Also, it's not like jamming a normal radar. With a Regiment, You have 30 inividual tanks, each with its own system, possibly with minute wavelength differences, each with its own LOS. It's not like air war or radio waves where you have either LOS or can just white out the frequency. Of course I'm planning on majoring in history, not STEM, so this could all be BS. 


    Yup, there's an enormous difference between the two timeframes in terms of points and what to do with them. The lethality factor is major part of that difference. A modern day mech infantry platoon could probably decimate a WW2 battalion if they went head to head.


    Combat Mission: The Final Countdown confirmed.

    But yeah that would be a cool scenario. For the first three times, then it would get boring. "Oh look. A T-34 brigade. I'll let my M1A2 kill them like baby seals until its out of ammo."

  9. Foxtrot Alpha analyzed it.


    Didn't say anything about the Chinese equivalent of 'Be all you can be!'. More like "Awesome V-Day celebration video showing how we can still crush the American capitalists!"


    On another note, ok yeah, Call of Duty and Battlefield all have China, Russia, and terrorists as their antagonists to gun down in doves with you M4A1 SOPMOD. But you know what the big difference is between those and this Chinese video? They aren't government sponsored. Call of Duty MW2 wasn't spun by the US Gov't as how to claim victory over the Russian invaders by detonating a nuke over DC. The Chinese video, well, is. Ok, not by detonating a nuke, but by showing how to claim victory over the evil USA with our undefeatable DF-21s. Even US gov't sponsored commercial, either have no direct combat (like the US Army and US Navy ), or have the Marines landing on some random beachhead. No Aramta's or Su-33s with a red star are shown being exploded by M1s and F-22s, and the Liangyang (or however the hell you spell it) isn't depicted as being gutted by the USS Virginia. They just show soldier doing their job - granted in a albeit, uh, glamorous fashion with out the drill sergeant screaming in your ear at 0235 in the morning, or having to stand in the House of Tears with your gas mask off - but the recruiting videos remain decidedly neutral.

    When I watched that video, it sent chills down my spine. Why? If the Chinese government is depicting the US as the bad guys to kick out of Pacific, then the Chinese public may very well decide that that's what they want to happen - regardless of what the actual Chinese government wants to do.



    It's also like watching a modern version of a Pearl Harbor movie. You would think the Chinese would want to avoid that perception.


    The scary thing is, its a Pearl Harbor that hasn't happened yet...


    Just my 2 cent. I'm probably overreacting a bit - its just a video - but still, we live in interesting times.

  10. I remember watching that...seems like those Chinese tankers watched Dukes of Hazard or something.


    On more serious note, I thought it was a tad bit disturbing that the Chinese government sponsored a video that portrayed the destruction of an irrefutably American carrier battle group, along with the destruction of irrefutably American aircraft (F-22s and F-35s). Along with the invasion of what I guess would be Guam or Okinawa. I thought it...amusing at how easily China believe it could eliminate our forces. Just press a button, sink 7th Fleet, shoot down some silly F-35s, and land on Guam and...and...and I guess they didn't think about what would happen next.

  11. edit: currahee as Nidan said and I knew and you probably did (tho ur post confused me) claymores have a clacker it looks like to small rectangles attached like a clip you.d close a bag of chips with sort of you close them 'clack em' and boom.

    Yeah they had us attach the wire to the clacker which ran to the claymore. You then, er, clacked the clacker and a boom was supposed to follow. We also had to test each element of the system with a test box thingy - first the clacker, then wire and clacker, then the whole system after it was hooked to the claymore.

  12. I was told during during Cadet Basic Training that we no longer use trip wires "because if we forget about them they become an IED threat to civilians." I got the impression they only detonate them with wire, but that could be more in theory than in practice.

    And as a random fact, I was 15 meteres away from one when it went off. Behind cover and in the opposite direction of the frag cone, of course. So not all Cadet training was touchy feely...we got to blow some stuff up!

    But yeah, I got the impression that the CBT of 1985 and CBT of 2015 were two wildly different things, for better or worse.

  13. Sure...but can Combat Mission x2 game engine handle the pure awesomeness of Chuck Norris and Armata in the same simulation, let alone the same scenario? I think not! I fear this reckless expiramentation will result in a gravitational singularity that will consume the universe as predicted by [insert doomsayer/church here]!!!!111one!1

    We need CMx3 to prevent the apocalypse.

    The choice is yours Battlefront. Develop CMx3, and give future generations hope...or condemn us all to atomization.

  14. The Armata is so awesome, Chuck Norris even worships it. 

    Actually, it is a little known fact the Armata program is actually self aware. That's right - its actually Skynet . And  on August 28th, 2015, it will initiate a nuclear war between Russia and the West. Russia will obviously win (Armata knows this, so is doing the Motherland a huge favor) and will take over the world with its self-aware Armata tanks, which are impervious to nuclear warheads, Kim Kardashian, and heavy metal music. 


    I've gone far enough off the reservation. Its time for me to stop...

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