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Posts posted by Thewood1

  1. Just for reference, I am running an i7-4710 at 2.5GHz on a laptop with an nvidia card and win8.1.  I am getting 20-30 fps on best/best with AA of 8 and no vert synch.  That is on a large map for First Clash.  I  also have shadows on, shaders on, and high trees.  I should also point out that I have never seen the CPU below 3.3GHz even on the most demanding apps.  That is because the cooling system in my MSI is awesome.


    Based on cpu benchmarking my i7 is about 8000 on the benchmark.  It puts it about 1/3 from the top of CPUs.  Your CPU gets a 6363 (still pretty good in raw multi-core power) on the list and it falls about half-way down the list.  I am not sure what your clock speed is for the 6300. 


    I would say that you would see anywhere from 15-20 in heavy scenarios to 30 in medium scenarios.  I personally see map size and complexity a bigger issue in CPU impact than anything else.  The big caveat is the interaction between the GPU and CPU, as well as bus speed and HD speed.


    btw, I still think there are issues with the AMD and ATI chipsets that inhibit OpenGL performance in games...but that is uneducated observation.

  2. If you just look at graphics, yeah, I can see that.  If you see ARMA 2/3 all up, it looks almost real.  You can make CM look really good depending on the angle and height of the camera, but the LOD is a visualization killer, along with soldier animations.  I am not complaining, but I can see where someone would think that CM is subpar.  Let's face it, BFC is squeezing the last dribs out of a dated engine on a standard (OpenGL) that is not well supported by the two main card producers.


    I actually don't have a problem with the graphics.  That is maybe 20% of why I play.  But I play a lot of ARMA and even a six year old ARMA game beats the latest release from BFC.  Some of my ARMA friends can't believe I play Combat Mission and Steel Beasts because of some of the graphics in the games.

  3. never seen that before, what is your system setup?


    remember that CM's graphics are not particularly demanding, from internal testing we have done, it is the CPU which is the biggest chokepoint. All you really need to play CM is a decent mid-range card.


    There was some testing done in CMSF or CMBN with wind at 0 and then heavy wind.  It showed some significant performance drop with heavy wind through the swaying.  In fact, it has been asked for the swaying to be an option for low-end systems.

  4. I have had AMD CPUs and GPUs since I can remember.  My most recent laptop was a Lenovo with an a10 quad and 85XX radeon.  It ran CM2 OK and did flight sims relatively well for a $500 laptop.  I just got my bonus and decided to splurge on a new laptop.  I really agonized over going to Intel CPUs, but I knew the Intel GPU sucked.  I decided to drop $900 on a new mid-range MSI laptop.  It has an I7-4710Q 8 core and an nVidia 850 GPU.  It is awesome.  My lesson from my last 10 years...bail on AMD if you can.  Intel and nVidia are the shizzel.  CMBS runs at Best/Best with full AA and all the bells and whistles.


    btw, its not just OpenGL support, I am finding my very first nVidia card a godsend in most of my games.

  5. It also seems weird where the hit spots are all exactly in the middle of the side.  Is a .50 cal really that accurate?  Why is there so little shot spread?


    I have been running a bunch of tests and it seems the more modern a Russian tank, the more likely to be penetrated by smaller rounds.  I have found the BMP3M more survivable than a T-90 from the side...by a little bit only.

  6. Here is my second test...multiple side penetrations...first one killed the engine and the 12th one killed the driver.  While no expert, I would think the T-90AM would have some resistance against 25mm, even with advanced rounds.


    I attached a jpg because I couldn't figure out how to embed it.


    My layman's opinion is something doesn't seem right.  Even in CMSF, lowly T-55s take multiple 25mm hits from 500m and can survive a while.  It also seems little weird that the rounds spray quite a bit, but never have hit the turret.


  7. I would have to double check, but in Steel Beasts Pro, the procedure that you are trained on is to always lase before shooting from an M1A1/A2.  Couple caveats; the procedures might be outdated based on development cycles...and it is only a simulator; be it one used by quite a few militaries to train tankers.


    I know there are a couple real tankers on the boards and maybe they'll step in and clarify instead of everyone assuming.

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