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Everything posted by NPye

  1. I was reading that the Germans cleared areas in the forest to make kill zones...note the Dragon's Teeth in the distance.
  2. Hurtgen Forest, i'm really enjoying getting back to making countryside maps.
  3. The Berlin z folder works well in the Bulge z folder...
  4. Guess what that's how they entered the Reichstag... a mortar fired directly at the entrance to blow a whole in the bricked up wall, as the building had been bricked up since 1933 then further bricked up when the BOB began... There were no nice shiny doors to enter, they did fight inside especially from the cellars (NOT AVAILABLE IN CURRENT GAME MODE)... Mate in the scenario I have included plenty of Sappers and 3 Red Flag teams, the job is to launch the flag which can be done... by entering the Reichstag. There is a way? You are misrepresenting this mod without downloading and using the textures etc. and playing each scenario. Only then will you see what this mod is all about. Maybe you should get a new computer with plenty of RAM and diskspace so you can achieve this. Cheers
  5. How much did you pay for my mod? At any point when did you ask me if I would link every Building before the MOD was released? At what point did you offer any assistance? Cheers
  6. PLEASE NOTE! The images that Artkin have uploaded are not a representation of what the mod looks like, the mod has 100s of different buildings vehicles flavour objects and ground textures to name a few. His images are loaded without them on. Cheers Fully loaded this is what the mod looks like:
  7. Mate, if you don't play the game and don't load the textures then im afraid you will never get it, I made the mods in the way I like to play, if you don't like it then dont bother with it. Simple all these so called issues you point out aren't issues the games are designed to flow in a certain way, until you play them with all the textures on I can't help you. I never intended to link unimportant buildings, however many are, so you think I should spend 100s of extra hours to do this on every m,ap just to suit you. This game is crap at fighting inside. THERE ARE NO STAIRS NO FURNITURE, NO WINDOWS, JUST A RECTANGLE BOX, IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT INSIDE A BOX THEN CARRY ON ITS YOUR PRIVILEGE, I SUGGEST YOU INVEST YOUR TIME PLAYING HELL LET LOOSE OR COD OR ENLISTED, AS THEY CATER FOR THIS VERY WELL???
  8. You will never fight in this building for one and 2 there are doors on all exterior parts of this building, This is where the Soviets set up dude you don't need to go in there... And yet again you don't add the mod in full it's just the crappy default buildings.... You are being misled because you are not playing the scenarios and reading the briefs. Most people do not expect to move through the interior of building that will never be used but if you did you can fire from the outer buildings, I cant help if this is what the default building game engine does and quite frankly I would not be inclined to add all these doors (which takes ages) for a building that really will not ever see action. For christ sake mate, this mod is not for you bud, you didn't add the graphics on version 1 and it seems you won't on version 2....So what's the point of you downloading, I stand by my case so please bin it as I will not change this particular instance, as it's not required.
  9. Send me a screen shot, i dont know what you are talkin about??????
  10. You don't have to bud, the scenario brief is for the Soviets to capture the Bridge and The ministry for the interior and Himmler's house. These buildings are all correct for window and door placement. If you go to any other places there is no point as you wont get any mission points and just lose soldiers which will affect your score?????????? Read the briefings play it and most importantly add all the graphic files to get the most out of this MOD?????????
  11. This map is for scenario designers to split up and make new scenarios of their own liking?
  12. Try the Reichstag Scenario Not Master Map, remember mate you can go and edit to suite your style???? You don't have to stay with what i've done? And what do you mean by Museum? There is no Museum on that map???
  13. That's not true bud there are loads, if they are one block, if they are separate then no you wouldn't expect to have doors to your neighbours building, would you?
  14. Send me a screen grab please, as far as i'm concerned all key buildings are enterable, there are a few flavour object buildings purely for aesthetic purposes... and some I have deliberately blocked off.
  15. Yes bud when you look at bombed out builds that's how they are built room to room, space to space. If the buildings have courtyards then they should be accessible ...if enclosed I will have connected the important ones as I have in the Kaiserhoff Hotel. But some will be closed off and the player will have to blast. The default is when buildings join no windows are placed where the buildings join.
  16. As it stands you can fight through buildings, the Huge Luftwaffe Ministry is completely connected, so is the New Chancellery, The Reichstag and loads of bigger builds are able to fight in, although I personally don't like it as the interiors looks rubbish and is very difficult to see what you are doing, the Prison has to be blown by sappers, every other building hs normal windows and doors to enter and fire from which is how it should be IMHO. But the user can go through the builds if he likes using sappers to blow walls, this happened more in Stalingrad, in Berlin the Soviet Infantry generally advanced on land with Tank support acting in teams to flush out infantry and the tanks would then destroy the enemy positions. I think we should also remember that bombed out buildings are often just shells no stairs potentially booby trapped and very slow going climbing over the rubble. So you can do both, whatever tactics you choose the maps are there and can be used internally or externally. The buildings have copied original buildings ie, There are only 2 - 3 entrances to the New Chancellery, I have made it the same, you have to enter through these reception areas or blast in? If anyone thinks that's not correct go look at any gov or commercial building were you live and see how they control how the building is entered. Cheers
  17. All QBs go in your Qbs folder, if they are the same name use the one that is the latest, they are probably the same. ????? Cheers
  18. Dude I never designed or intended to fight inside buildings. The game engine is not suitable IMHO. Cheers
  19. Thanks bud, it took a while to get that look using bridge and mod builds...
  20. Mate this game just is not suited for internal battles and decor...the train stations are open so you can fight in them, the idea of the prison is you HAVE to blast the walls to release the prisoners... I made that deliberate? Cheers bud
  21. The mod is work in progress so please, report to me any errors and i will put right.... unbelievably I can't open RT Or BN at the moment on my iMac so please bare with me. Cheers
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