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Posts posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. Nice work.  I am glad to see the fight is still on!  After the appearance of the "freaking Panther" (as Heinrich 505 would say  :) ) and the pause in posting I was afraid Sasha was a martyred Hero of the Motherland.  Maybe Sasha can get the Panther to button up even if the TC is not outright KIA.  Then your unbuttoned T-34/85 might get a spotting advantage on the Panther and thereby get the first shot. Good luck with that. :P   

  2. I apologize for the mix up MOS ;) I edited the OP, thanks for the informative post.


    No problem.  Thanks for the interesting topic.  I was doing some more experimenting and noticed that the spacing of units in the formation may also depend on the electronic warfare setting.  From the 3.01 game manual page 77:


    - All radio and satellite communications links are disabled. Units must maintain C3 links via verbal face-to-face communications or visual hand signals.


    This setting seems like it is actually harder on C2 than the WWII titles.  Not even the platoon HQ radio.  This would be a challenge.      

  3. Red, there are several ways to get a screenshot.  I assume you will also want to post the screenshots here in the forum.  Below is the way I take and post screenshots.


    Capture a screen shot with FRAPS  (There is a free version)

    Save in Paint as a jpeg file

    Crop if you want

    Save and name


    Sign in to photobucket   (Free version)

    Click on the upload button

    Navigate to the location of the photo  (normally on the desktop)

    Drag the photo into the photo bucket area that says “Drag here”

    (You can use photo bucket tools to get different effects if you want.) 

    Click on IMG tag to the right of the photo to copy the photo


    Go to the forum

    Paste the photo into the narrative box

    The URL will appear

    Preview it and the photo will appear (Click more reply options)



    Some tips for screenshots:

    Shift / esc pauses the game without the word PAUSED across the screen

    Alt / I toggles off unit icons

    Alt / h toggles off hit text

    Alt / j toggles off objectives


    Hope this helped.  Have fun and lets see some screenshots.  :) 



  4. MOS96B (by the way I was a 98C   ;)  ), this is a nice technique to keep your platoons organized.. one that I am going to have to use.  Thanks for posting it.




    SIGINT now that was a cool job.  (From what I hear on the news it is even more fun now) I was in the 313th MI Bn, 82nd Abn. and worked in the all source SCIF at Division G2 back in the 1980s.  A bunch of my beer drinking buddies back in the day were SIGINT types.  :)

  5. Rap,


    I think you were talking about this post: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119361-what-are-your-favorite-cm-tips-and-tricks/?p=1604371 in the CMBN thread.  :)


    I probably should have been a little more detailed in my post.  The example was for WWII infantry.  The platoon leader is the only one with a radio so the subordinate squads / teams have to be close enough to the platoon HQ to stay in C2.  This tip is also good for giving a rough estimate of the platoons Area of Operations A/O.


    In CMBS every US fire team has a radio/device and the firepower is much deadlier than in WWII.  In CMBS I don't keep my infantry as close to the platoon HQ as I do in the WWII titles.  But I still like the idea of the Platoon HQ circular target arc helping to define the A/O of the platoon.  


    So you raise an interesting topic.  In general terms what approximate size of an Area of Operations should a dismounted US infantry platoon have in CMBS?  A Russian infantry platoon?  A Ukrainian infantry platoon?  I have been experimenting with my dismounted US infantry in CMBS and attempting to find a typical size Area of Operations for the platoons.  Using the above tip from WWII I am now using a infantry platoon HQ with a 150 meter circular target arc so the subordinate squads and fire teams are operating in an approximately 300 meter diameter area. Typically with two squads up one back, weapons teams etc trailing until called forward when needed.  I am still trying to decide if this is workable or not.  It would be interesting to hear what others think and what they use.


    I thought I read what the typical frontage was for a modern US Infantry platoon in FM 3-21.10 (FM 7-10).  But of course, now that I want it for this post, I can't find it in the FM.          



  6. Seems I one-upped my previous flamethrower screen shot.  In my battles, the operator doesn't usually see his target, just firing on suspected locations, but in this case, he did.  A truly terrifying weapon.


    Nice screen shot.  I have to practice with flamethrowers more.  I tried to use one in two or three different PBEM games but they were KIA before they were close enough to fire the fire. :)   We may have to get the administrator to change your screen name to Pyro505 or Fahrenheit 451 or Torch or ..........  :D.  

  7. <snip>  Hackett's THIRD WORLD WAR AUGUST 1985 "Black Horse 1 this is Shovel Six. Confirm many.....crossing the Inter German Border. Am engaging. Out."  <snip> 


    Yes, that was a cool book.  One of my favorites from back in the day.  Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising was also a good one.   

  8.  I like to have a general visual representation of a platoon's C2 radius for subordinate squads and the platoon's Area of Operations (A/O). Also I don't want the platoon HQ taking a shot at a far off target and drawing return fire.  To fulfill these purposes I give the platoon HQ a 50 meter, 360 degree, circular target arc.  This should be enough for close in self-defense.  It also is a visual aid to try and keep all the fire teams in C2 and organized.  The fire teams in contact (front of the circle) I especially try to keep in the target arc.  The follow on squad, MMGs, engineers, etc I may let drop back some until they are needed.  




    2nd Platoon's position in the bigger Company attack. 


  9. Maybe its to.much to.ask but what i would like to see is european cold war! Personnally at the end of the 80 with everyone with their best weapons. But any setting, (50 to 89) in europe will be awesome.


    YES!!  Fulda Gap 1985!  Then with some modding maybe Falklands, Grenada, Panama, Iran/Iraq, .........

  10. Some vehicles do not get benefit from their primary thermal sensor if buttoned:

    M1152 Recon Humvee

    M1167 ATGM Humvee

    M1127 Stryker RV

    M1131 Stryker FSV

    M1200 Armored Knight


    Thanks akd.  That was good info I didn't know.  I think you had a typo on the first one M1151 Recon Humvee.  But I knew what you meant.   :)  

  11. MethodGamer, thanks for another interesting topic.


    Walking fire mission:

    A spotter calls for maximum duration, point target, light fire mission on an OpFor position.  After a few minutes the fire is adjusted (walked) onto another close by OpFor position.  (I like using 2 tubes of 105mm.)  This can be repeated until the targets or ammo runs out.  This can easily get you 25 minutes of walking fire divided between four or five different targets with adjusting time.  A nice way to soften a defense or disrupt an attack.  


  12. You owe me a few points worth of quick battle...


    Yes, I think I might.   :)   I have not had a chance to test if the Battalion HQ has to be on the map for the subordinate companies HQs (separated by more than three action spots) to share information.  I sometimes miss the nuances of a conversation when it is not face to face but I am pretty sure womble was saying the Bn HQ does not have to be on the map.  I don't ever remember womble being wrong about game mechanics (I sometimes suspect womble is a covert forum name for Charles  :D)  But I will run a few tests just for my own understanding and of course for the fun of it.

  13. As I understand it, yes. And even without the Bttn HQs being on map, information will eventually trickle up to then down from 1Inf Bttn, via 2AInf Bttn to the squad in 2AInf. 


    Oops.  I may have given Kieme(ITA) some bad information in a different topic.  The link is below. 




    I thought if two units (fire teams, platoons, etc...) were over Vanir's stated three action spots apart they would only be able to share information with each other through the chain of command.  Example: 1st platoon, Alfa Company 2nd Battalion spots an OpFor tank platoon on the left flank.  This information would go up an unbroken C2 chain and back down to 2nd Platoon, Bravo Company 2nd Battalion on the right flank.  If the Bn HQ was destroyed (along with the XO team for this example) the information between companies in the battalion could not be relayed via the C2 chain.  


    If after the destruction of the Battalion HQ the surviving Company HQs moved to within three action spots of each other the C2 information sharing between companies could resume???


    But maybe I was wrong.................  I guess when I get a chance I should try to test some of this.  

  14. If an unit is enough close to another one (voice distance) but they are not in the same company (or section), will they share informations about what they are seeing directly?



    Yes, although they have to be fairly close to each other. I have tested it out to 3 action spot (about 24 meters). The closer they are the faster the information is shared.



    You need a higher HQ for info sharing between units with different lower order HQs


    This is an interesting topic.  So, just to clarify.  My understanding is that units need the same higher HQ to share ammo.  I am not so sure if they need the same higher HQ to share information.  Will a fire team from 1st Infantry Battalion share information with a fire team from 2nd Armored Infantry Battalion if they are in adjacent action spots?     

  15. Thanks delliejonut.  This is a handy little chart to have.  Your chart is good for all three WWII titles.  The Quick Battle purchase points are much higher in CMBS.  (Must be inflation :P )  And of course CMSF does not have a purchase screen for Quick Battles.  I don't own CM Afghanistan so I could not check and compare that game.  Now if CM Battle of the Bulge has the same purchase points .............  Thanks again. 

  16. <snip> AIR platoons are large and make up for the lack of squad level firepower with the 60mm and double MMGs. They're hands down my favorite unit to play with, even in poor armored terrain, and I've never had problems co-coordinating fire support for them, but my Captains are often up front.


    This sounds kind of interesting.  I shied away from using armored infantry after I discovered the Plt HQ was in 1st Squad.  Maybe I will go back and give it a try with this new configuration.  It will be a new challenge.  By the way, if you don't mind me asking, what is your avatar?  Is that WWII North Africa?  I can't quite make it out.  I was going to click on it to make it bigger but of course that would show your profile.   

  17. Thanks Rinaldi.  It is nice to know this was done intentionally and was not a problem with my install or my memory.  And if it is also a good abstract of what the historical situation was all the better.  I noticed when the Platoon Lt. is dismounted his team does not have a radio.  Is this also historically accurate?  At least in the game I guess the Lt will need to be in a radio equipped vehicle to maintain C2.  This might be problematic with how vulnerable half-tracks are.          

  18. Okay, I did some more investigating.  I used the administrative command to split 1st Squad.  After the split the HQ icon appeared over A Team and the HQ / unit section appeared in the UI.  Also the smallest split I was able to get with the commander was four men.  So after splitting off the HQ team (A Team) 1st Squad is left with six men.  Also the XO is with B Team.  I just don't remember having to split 1st Squad to get a separate HQ Team. 



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