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Posts posted by db_zero

  1. I once heard a joke that there are 2 things you'll never find in a foxhole. Athesists and anyone above the rank of captain. How do you like to use your HQ units? Generally I have platoon HQs trailing slightly behind squads. Company HQs and other higher HQ's I generally keep further back. I've heard that in the Israeli army leaders are encouraged to lead from the front.


    I don't know if the US Army or Marines have a procedure, unwritten rule or doctrine about where a leader should be when the bullets start flying, I would guess it also depends on the rank and role the leader plays. I know some players are very aggressive with their leaders and use them upfront. I'm curous as to whether the Army and Marines frown on company commanders and higher from being right up in the front line and exposing themselves to enemy fire.


    I'm guessing with modern command and control systems there is neither the need or if its wise for Captains, Majors and above to be upfront and they can better manage from a TOC...


    It would also be interesting to see how the Russian and Ukranian armry deal with tis too.

  2. What Bill described is a problem for many RT games. Too much to do and a clickfest. You would have multiple layers of command and a staff handling the different branches like infantry, armor, artillery, ADA, airpower and naval forces in real life. That's one the reason why you so often see the bull rush tactics and other odities.


    There are ways around this, if designers are careful. Command Naval Operations works because you can set the time to 1 second and faster. Yes you are doing the task that in real life would be done by a huge staff, but because you can not only pause, but also slow down the time it works out well in practice.


    Perhaps if the time could be scaled or slowed down it might mitigate some of the RT issues, but that may not be practicle. Some battle are fun to try out in RT. For me the smaller ones and ones where I'm the defender and have to defend a fixed position seem to work out well.

  3. Lately I've been buying lots of artillery and enough TRPs to put one in any suspicious looking patch of woods. I find a troop of 155s firing airbursts for a couple minutes of intense bombardment can definitely sweeten the process. Anybody left alive is not likely to have so much fight left in them. Sometimes Monty had it right.



    That will work...until someone designs a scenario or you just find yourself in a situation where assets like artillery is limited and you have to fight it out with grunts mano a mano....

  4. Between events in Russia, ISIS and the Middle East, Central Banks around the world devaluating their currencies and all the other stuff like homegrown terrorist attacks, it makes one long for the good old days of the Cold War. The rhetoric was hot, but at least the superpowers kept their allieds, clients and proxies in line for the most part.


    The move from a bi-polar world to a multi-polar one hasn't been without its share of challenges.

  5. Wooded terrain is always a big challenge in the WW2 titles-especially h2h against a good opponent. I'm not 100 convinced that targeting an area where you think or last took fire from is always the best solution. I've used it in over a dozen or so battles in wooded terrain and it seems hit or miss. It could just be that they were h2h battles on elite or iron level against good opponents so against the AI it may be a different story.


    What I'm really interested to see is how it all plays out in Black Sea. Against German Paras or other troops with automatic weapons it could get very bloody very fast if you're not careful or unlucky and the times when German troops with MP44's got into he act it could become an outright sausage factory.


    Now in Black Sea where just about everyone has an assault rifle, machine gun or auto grenade launcher and carries an obscene amount of ammo it seems like you have the potential to have a situation where every wooded area could be a potential Hurtgen Forrest type battle.

  6. I don't have any problems playing Black Sea. During the Cold War and much of the Reagan years the relationship between Russia (Soviet Union) was as frosty as a severe Siberan Winter and there were plenty of wargames to play.


    If you want something to worry about when it comes to Russia then follow the price of oil and natural gas. Russia is an oil state and highly dependent on the price of both for mcuh of its economic stability.

  7. I think Chinese players would love a game where they get to kick some western ass. Its hugely popular in the Battlefield series. I found there are tons of people still playing Battlefield 2 and the servers where all Chinese . lol.

    Theres potential there. Lots of cool vehicles. Chinese have those long range carrier killers in the future and their own stealth planes. wouldnt be one sided soon.  As a scenario though doesn't really feel realistic . not for decades anyway.

    Personally Id rather have full NATO panoply in BS.

    I have no interest in a WW2 Asian game. Nor 50's Korea or Vietnam.

    This would certainly be a case of "build it and they shall come" You wouldn't need to even market it. if just 1% of the Chinese population bought a CM product you'd make a profit. Its hard for many to grasp the size of that market. Apple has just 14 stores in China, yet the number of IPhone 6 sold in China blew the what was already an elevated estimated projected sales number out of the water.


    I would not be interested in a WW2 Asia oriented game at the moment. I think a lot of improvements to the infantry side of things would need to take place. 1950 Korea is a forgotten war and will probably stay that way. Viet-Nam....hmmmm, we're getting warmer.


    A modern day CM in Asia. Now were talking. The current Black Sea engine ported to Asia would be a very good game. I wouldn't hold my breath though. BF is a small company and they already have a lot on the plate. They still have modules for CMBN/Red Thunder and probably Italy on their plate and Black Sea will get the Brits, US Marines and others before they can even think of going to Asia and it sounds like the interest isn't there.


    So for now the best hope that a modder will carry the torch or perhaps something more unortodox. As I mentioned modern day Asia and the US Marines is a natural fit. The US is already in the process of pivoting defense posture to Asia. The US Army had a huge hit with Americas Army computer game. it would be interesting to see the USMC put a tiny fraction of their Pentagon budget money into modding Black Sea to the Asiatic theater and use it as a recruiting tool, just like Americas Army was. It could also double as a training tool.


    Unfortunately there are many huge practical and legal difficulties to accomplishing the goal of using CM as a recruiting tool, but modding it to Asia and using it as a training tool would certaintly be in the realm of doable for the Marine Corps. It could then be made available for the public. It would be a great training tool and the good PR and goodwill generated from making an Asia based mod could always be positive.


    However, for now and the forseeable future I would not expect to see CM in Asia.

  8. Maybe its better BF stays away from Asia. They make Shock Force then soon after look what happens in Syria. They announce and start working on Black Sea and look what happens in Russia.

    They announce Combat Mission Asia with China, Russia, North/South Korea, Japan and the US in it and I wouldn't want to think of a world where the same trend takes place.

    As they say bad things happen in 3s.

    Yes avoid asia....

  9. Steve has expressed a lack of interest in managing an explosion in growth of that magnitude. He has asserted that he's not in it for "billions" and is happy making a decent living rather than megabucks, as it means he can do the things he wants to rather than act as CEO for a large concern.

    Doesn't have to do it as a get rich venture. Just make it and break even. But if there is no interest, then there is no interest.

    What may end up happening is someone with interest may just mod whats already out there, just like the Africa and other mods that got done for Shock Force.

    It was mentioned in a thread elesewhere that one of the designers had a secret desire to get a DoD contract. I don't know if that was just a joke...but Asia is a natural fit for the US Marines and as a service I could easily see the whole heartely embracing a Pacific theater game with them in it as a training tool.

    They tend to be the most creative and out of the box thinking service always looking for different and cost effective ways of doing things. Its in their culture.

  10. Well I've been vocal on this so you know where I stand...

    Korea, Japan/China over disputed islands. Taiwan just to name a few. You also have Russia vs China and the US and Japan could conceivably get involved.

    With what I've seen so far in Black Sea, with some improvements in infantry you would have a great game.

    As for the market? Do what just about every company is doing...make the move East and market your product in China. You have a customer base in the billions that as it stands dwarfs anything in existence and the potential has only been about 25% penetrated.

    Apple is an example of a runaway success in that market.

    As I've said before I would pony up for it.

  11. In all CM games I regard recon vechices as rear area security, flank security or sacrificial lamb. The MG's and cannons are useful against infantry and other light vechicles. In CMBS the same holds true with the addition that HUMVEES can also be used as taxis for HQ/FOs/snipers. They also can be used as resupply or to top off squads. All units have a function.

  12. Spoilers-






















    Sniper team got wiped out by a 125mm shell fired from a MBT while trying to get to resupply truck. Apache made quite a few kills before it got hit by AA. Still have 1 Apache strike left, but not comitting for now. Ukranian Cavalry have arrived. I'm not sure if a bug regarding infantry AT weapon and how many you actually have and use is present.


    Infantry with body armor in built up areas are very tough to root out.


    Another observation a Russian GAZ? Jeep is knocked out on a bridge and a T-72 didn't just run over it and slowly went around it. I would think a MBT could just roll over it and crush it. 

  13. It looks hopeless, but its doable. You will just have to resupply. The 40mm GLs will kill or disable APC with HEDP. Don't know if the regular HE will penetrate the armor on APCs. The Barret 50 call will also penetrate APCs and I got Arty and Apaches so far.


    I just moved a supply truck forward (after my Javelin team in the rear grabbed the 2 missiles). While resupplying a section a Russian APC showed up. One of the supply clerks manned the Ma Duce and hosed down the APC killing it. He then started spraying some Russian infantry.


    Don't know if the supply clerks actions qualifies him for the CIB.


    I'm wondering if the supply trucks are manned by female troops. Don't they drive them?

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