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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by db_zero

  1. Ah, that is "eye black".  It cuts down on glare, or so the theory goes.

    That started after the Korean War IIRC. It may have been something copied from fighter planes. Many came from the factory unpained and bright silver. The sun would reflect off the metal so they would paint an area in front of the windshied/front canopy flat black so you wouldn't get glare or relection from the sun.


    We used to do that as kids when playing football as we thought it looked cool. Im sure the same thing holds true today with pro football players. Does nothing to cut down on glare, but its like using war paint.

  2. imagine how i feel.  I live in Boston =D

    You should send Pete Carol flowers and a thank you note. Beast Mode and Hawks win.


    Oh well a few years ago Harbaugh had Kap throw 3 passes near the goal line instead of giving it to the money man Gore.


    Still Carols call will go down as the worst in history and the Offensive Coordinator Bevell should go in hiding for a couple of weeks.

  3. I saw an article yesterday saying the US is already providing "non-lethal" aid that does include body armor. What sort of body armor that is I don't know. The article also mentions the US is now considering giving AT and AA weapons to Ukraine.

  4. Playing this battle and its an interesting one. I won't give away anything, but you are outnumbered by the enemy armor.


    I just has a sniper team with a barret 50 cal hold off an attack by APC by firing at it and penetrating the armor. The APC retreated. I'm now desperately trying to get to the truck so my Javelin team can reload. You better not lose those resupply truclks or you may be in a world of hurt.


    That sniper team is also going to be very useful against the armor. Don't want to lose that.


    Not sure about the HUMVEE, though. I'm keeping that in the rear for now. The 50 should be useful against the enemy APCs, but is also vulnerable to return fire.

  5. Great scenario. I do have one comment not related to the scenario design.


    There are walls that block movement.. You can use demo charges to blast holes in them, but they also look like they could be scalable by troops using buddy climb methods. It may not be practicle in real life given how burden down troops tend to be with body armor and other stuff, but would it be somting to consider implementing?

  6. I’m very hesitant to put my .02 cents in, but reading some of the stories has really touched a raw nerve inside of me. Regardless of how you may feel about Iraq the men and women who were sent there didn’t have a choice, did the very best they could do, sacrificed way beyond the call of duty and were in my opinion tasked with an impossible mission.


    When I heard of the proposed invasion of Iraq in 2002 I immediately contacted my Senator and expressed a very strong opinion that it was a terrible idea. There were 2 main objectives I heard being expressed. The search for and destruction of  WMD’s and secondly to bring democracy to the region.


    I based my assessment on the fact that when I was 16, I  moved to the Middle East with my Mom and Dad who got a job there. It immediately became apparent the stark contrast between Western culture and ideals and Islamic cultures and ideals. The whole notion that America would invade and occupy, topple a dictator and create a democratic nation that would serve as a shining beacon to the Muslim world was in my mind absurd.


    We also had a past history of sending troops to the region. In 1983 we sent the Marines to Lebanon and for all our might, that turned out badly. We shelled positions with 16inch cannons fired from battleships, we launched alpha strikes from aircraft carriers where we lost an A-6 which resulted in a pilot killed and a navigator captured. Suicide bombers leveled the Marine barracks and well as French positions resulting in the withdraw of US and French forces. The intentions may have been noble, but end result was a disaster.


    The WMD issue was a separate issue that I did not bring up in my email to my senator.  


    In the end my senator voted to invade Iraq. I didn’t protest and once we invaded I put aside my bad omens and supported the war.


    We definitely went in too light and soon discovered that invading, toppling a dictator and occupying a country is one thing, but administering and creating democracy in a country and region with no history and concept of the democratic process is another. Fortunately the surge was successful and we left Iraq in a state where its really up to the Iraqis to decide what they want. Personally I don’t think it will be a democracy in the western sense and we really won’t know for sometime what the final outcome will be.


    The military is a very small percentage of the American population. I wonder if that’s a good or bad thing. The military does not seem to be interested in reinstating conscription and considering the Viet-Nam experience and the aftermath that’s understandable. On the other hand I think that the military and war is far too distant to many Americans. Its someone else’s son or daughter being sent over there. Its somebody else’s husband or wife being sent over there. Its somebody else’s brother or sister being sent over there.  


    I have a sibling who did not go overseas with me and she has absolutely no interest in what’s going on around herself or the world. She like many other Americans wants to just live the good life and not be bothered with unpleasant issues. However if my niece or nephew were sent over there, she would change. IMO too many Americans are far too eager to go to war with no real skin in the game.


    One last thing. Its not just the men and women who get sent overseas who have to suffer and endure. The families are in it too. When we returned to the states from the Middle East, my father would go back. He would sit down with me and tell me I had to step up and grow up a little faster and take care of my mom and look after her while he was away. I’m quite sure families in the military have the same sort of talk when its time to deploy.


    I just hope that the leaders and American people have learned something from all of this and that all of the sacrifices were not made in vain.

  7. In addition, you might consider this: Back maybe 40 years ago the thinking was that if war did break out between NATO and WARPAC it would have to be decided one way or the other in the first 72 hours, because that is about as long as NATO's ammunition stocks would last at the expected rate of expenditure. If the issue was still undecided, there would then settle in a long pause while the warring countries got their factories producing again and their product to be transported to the war zone. BTW, I don't know what the expert thinking was on this matter, but it seems to me that WARPAC would enjoy some advantage in at least the transportation of fresh munitions since at least they would not be shipping across the Atlantic with all its hazards and delays.


    I remember an article that said NATO underestimated the ammo that would be required and used the Israeli experiences where they discovered that actual ammo usage was 3 times higher than what they though was going to be used. I've also heard stories that the Russians intentionally made their mortars 82mm and 107mm so if they captured a NATO ammo dump they could use NATO 81mm and 106mm ammo, but not vice versa.

  8. db zero, try recon by fire.If you expect a building to be occupied but no one is shooting at you from there yet, set a target light order on that building. They may simply havent spotted your units yet or they might have a covered arc.

    Ah yes recon by fire that would work...I was just in the mindset that I don't want to anger the civilian population by randomly shooing up their beloved dwellings we may need their support or at least their grudging compliance in the future....


    I know BF doesn't want to go there, but civilians wandering around would really all alot to the game.


    I didn't get into SF that much but I thought there were times when you couldn't just go shooting up buildings in some battles. Does that exist in Black Sea?

  9. Gauntlets Crossed is a scenario to try if your finding it lethal. You'll be surprised how intense and long Inf firefights last when in buildings. Feels very realistic. Really recommend the scenario as a starter.

    I started this after going through the training. Wicked battle. I'm playing on elite and it's tough. I'm trying to figure out the best way to move forward without suffering casulties. Do I send a couple of scouts forward to see if there are enemy hiding in buildings and draw fire while another element provides covering fire or should I use smoke to block LOS from potential enemy fire lane? I know in previous games once a unit uses smoke its gone. Would it be realistic if squads have the capablity to produce 2 or 3 smoke screens?


    I haven't gotten that far but I suspect I'm going to be using the breaching teams to make my own covered avenues of approach.


    This game is freaking good. I know some h2h player who were not going to get this because they really are not into the modern stuff, but really even if modern warfare isn't your thing you should consider trying it out.

  10. I have Apaches and F-16s called in by JTACS for airstrikes. I see the Russian SPAAs fire off what appears to be SAMs. You see a white smoke trails heading towards the skies then explostions, what does this represent and how do you know it they hit or miss?


    Would it be appropriate for B-52, B-1 and Stealth Bomber strikes to be added sometime in the future or would that be beyond the scale of the game?


    One thing I find very interesting. Sniper teams are able to call in airstrikes and other goodies. That besides their other capabilities makes them very high value units. I also see the sniper teams can also have HQ unit that can call in indirect fire and assets. In the WW2 games snipers teams can't call in indirect fire.

  11. Off-topic, but I think you put too much faith in the private sector. Some of the most bureaucratic thinking, stubborn denials, and useless wastes of money that I've ever seen were done by large corporations. And I work in the Canadian federal government.

    No argument from me about what you are saying. Corporations are just as capable of mucking things up as the government can. The economic catastrophe in 2007 was a private enterprise mess. Anyway I don't want to hijack the thread any more than I've already done.


    The more I play the more I'm impressed. I just now wonder what the next module will be. I suspect the British and Marines are somewhere on the horizon.


    I would really like to see this move to Asia, but from other threads I don't think this is going to happen. Israel vs the Arab states would also be great, but I don't think that's going to happen and I could see that opening a huge can of worms.

  12. I bought multiple copies of CMSF to give to some of my Lieutenants.  I am really at a loss why the Army doesn't at least look into Combat Mission as a low investment sort training.  Likely because it doesn't require a dedicated guy to show you how to do things, or a complicated infastructure to run.


    So really, I think if Steve just made a "Department of Defense edition" that was less user friendly, and required some retired Sergeant First Class to baby sit it, and made the graphics worse and introduced more bugs, CMDoDE would be the system of record in no time! 

    If the military and DoD was a true private enterprise, issued stocks, had bond holders, board of directors and subjected to the whims of market forces and activitst shareholders they Army probably would use this as a low investment training tool and see it implemented in the most efficient way.


    But thats not the case and I think in many ways you hit the nail on the head perfectly. I've seen first hand and up close how the private and public sector operate. For all its inefficiencies I wouldn't want to see or think it would be a good idea to run the military like a private business, so its probably going to be people like you who see to it that this sort of training tool gets to where it needs to be via the back door.

  13. Very well done. Its also a very stark contrast to the WW2 games. Makes you wonder that if somthing like this did happen just how long it could last at full intensity. I get the sense that after a few weeks both sides would be pretty beat up and neither would be very enthusiastic to continue, unless one side broke.


    Its easy to see why so much resources is put into satelites, long range destection systems, stand off weapon systems and airpower where you can shoot precision weapons at great stand off distances with less lives risked. You want to kill off, demoralize and hinder an army long before you actually make contact if possible, because if Black Sea is a realistic representation of what modern land combat is like, you wouldn't want to just have 2 modern, well equipped and motivated armies just go head to head. It seems to be you would just have a real slaughter on both sides.

  14. Very well done. Its also a very stark contrast to the WW2 games. Makes you wonder that if somthing like this did happen just how long it could last at full intensity. I get the sense that after a few weeks both sides would be pretty beat up and neither would be very enthusiastic to continue, unless one side broke.


    Its easy to see why so much resources is put into satelites, long range destection systems, stand off weapon systems and airpower where you can shoot precision weapons at great stand off distances. You want to kill off, demoralize and hinder an army long before you actually make contact if possible, because if Black Sea is a realistic representation of what modern land combat is like, you wouldn't want to just have 2 modern, well equipped and motivated armies just go head to head. It seems to be you would just have a real slaughter on both sides.

  15. I decided to try this out based on the thread. I restarted the first mission and the second go around seems to be going better. I Picked one spot near the bridge to use the rockets and a point target for the arty. I think it killed, wounded and panicked some of the Paras as they ran around outside the buildings and let themselves get mowed down.


    I also made sure to use the one assault gun and AA halftrack. I've moved around the AA HT and used it to shoot at some Paras in the 3 level of a building that was using enfilade against my troops. I also piled squads into the upper levels of a building to continue to hose down the Paras. Unfortunately the way the spotting and fire mechanics work, I can no longer use the AA HT against these pesky Paras and the shootout between my troops and the AI is not going too well in my favor, but is probably good enough.


    I usually splt up my squads, but I find keeping them together and just concentrating fire at a few positions works better.


    I'm not really surprised at the British Paras devasting firepower. I've played a few h2h games and the British Paras are just tought to fight against. The Stens provide plenty of firepower and combined with the high morale and experience of the Paras makes them very tought opponents-especially in urban settings.


    As for the German Kreigsmarine...well they are not US Marines, that's for sure. They would have been better off on ships or U-Boats where they belong.

  16. Your friends Mac will run the game just fine. I have an old Core2 and that works, too.


    Gifting is easy: you buy a license and get an email with serial and download link. Give that to your friend and thats it.


    Thanks. I.m thinking of starting him off the with CMBN and Commonwealth module. If you buy the current bundles is that already up to ver 3.11 or will the 3.0 upgrade have to be purchased and then 3.11 unstaleld to get to latest version?

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