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Posts posted by agusto

  1. Hey, can anyone of you recommend me any good games? I want something that really makes use of all the calculating power i now have at home. Currently i mostly play CM and 2D Hex/Counter wargames and they dont make my PC sweat even a little bit. How is GTA V? Is it worth getting it? And ArmA3? Are there any good shooters/wargames/flight sims with good graphics you could recommend me? I want something that really makes me feel the technological development of the past couple of years.

  2. Maybe someone could post a poll about how many campaign missions you want to see in a campaign.  Bear in mind that 'unlimited' isn't an option! ;)


    Personally i prefer the shorter campaigns of the recent titles. Task Force Thunder (CMSF) had aboput 20 mission IIRC and it was almost a tad too long fore my taste. 7 missions would be ideal for my taste.

  3. Hey, it' s a bit off-topic, but who' s responsible at BFC for unlocked files uploaded to the Repository? I uploaded a CMSF scenario almostg a week ago (5 days) and it' s still barred.




    I and others put a lot of work into it and now it would be great if people could download it as long as there still is someone interested in playing CMSF. I know you guys have lots of other things to do as well, but you will certainly understand why a 5+ day waiting period decreases the attractivity of the Repository as a file host.


    Please unlock it soon.

  4. If all goes well with Carius you can finish it pretty quick.


    If it all goes really badly with Carius you can finish it even quicker! ;)


    I am a slow player, i watch every turn probably 20 times from 20 different angles, and if something cool happens, i cant spend up to half an hour just reviewing that particular scene again and again and again :D.


    I am 12 turns in now and - so far - there have only been minor setbacks. 1 Tiger lost for 9 T-34s and 2 Stalin tanks. Those Stalin tanks are really tough nuts to crack. At first i tried sniping them, trusting in the superior marksmanship of my elite crews, but although my guys scored hits quickly, it took about 5-7 hits to disable each of the 2 dead Stalins. Right now the remaining Stalins are pushing towards the center of the map and i am racing them to arrive first because i think my best chance to kill them without loosing too many Tigers is by setting up an ambush. But it is a risky plan - i am using the village that runs from SW to SE (what is it called again? Milankova?) as concealment for one of my Tiger groups as Avenue of Approach although i dont know if i got all of the T-34 that were in the village. There could be a lone survivor who could try to get the Hero of the Soviet Union medal! Currently the scenario is very exciting, i cant wait to see if my plan to ambush the Stalins works. Let' s see what happens next, i will report back then.


    Also - on a side note - i think there might be a little error in the Briefing, or maybe a misunderstanding on my part. You are talking about a "rollbahn". What do you mean by that? I associate the term "Rollbahn" with an airport.

  5. Has anyone of you ever read the book "Fritz B. Simon - Tödliche Konflikte. Zur Selbstorganisation privater und öffentlicher Kriege." (Fritz B. Simon - Patterns of War. Systemic Aspects of Deadly Conflicts.)? In his book, Simon uses Systems Theory to explain the way human conflicts work, why they start, how they start, how they proceed, how they end, the motivation of the participants (both individuals and larger organisations), etc. This thread and the the other two that got closed recently are such wonderful examples of his thesis, i feel inclined to read his book again.


    From a review at weltbild.at:

    "In this book, Fritz Simon analyses the developmental conditions for war from the perspective of systems theory. The author covers biological and psycho-analytical models as well as sociological findings. The result is that, in general, these conflicts are not about economic or impulse-driven interests, but seem to be about such antiquated values as honour, pride and status. In the author’s opinion, then, wars should be understood as a continuation of sport with other means and, a fact we should not ignore, as the ultimate form of entertainment – at least for observers who are not directly affected."



  6. I have both games installed and CMSF overall runs better then CMBS on my pc.


    Actually that' s the case for me too. Probably because CMBS has more complex and detailed textures, 3D models, etc. They both run nicely in general, but during very large battles, i get more FPS in CMSF.


    One thing i would wish BFC to improve in CMx2 is its use of hardware. I have an Intel I-7 with 8 x 4,0 GHz cores, 16 GB RAM and a GeForce 580 with about 1,5 GB VRAM and CM uses only a tiny fraction of all that computing power (1 core and max. 4GB RAM). 64- bit and multicore suppport, that' the No.1 engine features i wish for, the rest is not as important for me as getting the Bulge game, CMRT, CMFI & CMBS modules.

  7. ...sorry for not being the manager of a multi-millon dollar game company.

    I apologize for that...


    Now you are trying to make me justify myself for something that i' have never said.


    Its up to BFC if they will take it seriously, most likely not but i dont care, its just what i think could work,


    Still you are so confidently agitating that BFC have chosen the wrong path in so many ways...that' s exactely why some of the replies you got in the other thread were so unfriendly.


    But let' s leave it at that, i dont want another thread get closed because of a meaningless fight.

  8. What' s your age and occupational background that you think you are qualified to tell others what kind of suggestions they can make and not make on a internet forum ?


    Now there are two options:


    A- You are dodging my question which indicates that even you yourself dont regard yourself as qualified - otherwise, why would you lie? If you had a background that would give weight to your views, you would have most likely answeard my question honestly instead of avoiding an answear.



    But if its a serious question:

    Iam 17 and my occupational background is that i live in my parents basement...



    B- You are actually honest - in which case you also most likely have no clue about how to lead a software company.





    What' s your age and occupational background that you think you are qualified to tell others what kind of suggestions they can make and not make on a internet forum ?


    I asked you because i wanted to know if you actually know what you are talking about or if you are just narcisstically overestimating yourself. You are suggesting a couple of peolpe who are financially dependent on the success of their company to change their business strategy despite it has worked well for the last decade - why should they listen you? Because of a 150 word rant? Most likely not.


    But regarding your question, i didnt tell you what to suggest and what not - i asked you why you think your suggestions should be taken seriously.

  9. There are many possible ways to finance the creation of a new engine.

    One would be to search for a Publisher like Paradox or Matrix Games.

    Or use Kickstarter and look how much money you can collect.

    I would go for this approach:

    1. Work on a concept for a CMx3 engine

    2. Release all the CMx2 games and modules on Steam, do a discount like 20% for the first few weeks...the popularity of CM will go through the roof !

    4. Make sure all those new CM players know about the Kickstarter campaign for CMx3

    If you reach the goal and can actually build a CMx3 engine, great !

    If not you at least tried it.

    But i suspect BFC fears such a approach. They make enough money with CMx2 and know pretty well how much money they make with every "new" game and module.

    Possible they can all carry on this way till they can retire and become full-time grandpas.


    Wiggum what' s your age and occupational background that you think you are qualified to tell others how to lead their company?

  10. If you're talking about writing an entirely new game engine from the ground-up be careful what you wish for. The real money is in doing iphone games based on anime erotica for the Japanese market. They'll never get rich doing wargames for you and me.


    Developing a completely new engine from the ground up is a work of several years. I d rather have them finish the CMx2 series first before they start CMx3, because then at least there is enough CMx2 content for me to play until they got CMx3 ready.

  11. 2. Just because something CAN be improved doesn't mean it NEEDS to be improved.


    "You shot yourself in your own knee" with that line, as we say in my country. If something can be improved, why should it not be done then? The answear lies in your previous post.


    Edited to add: 2m x 2m action spots. Right now it's 64m^2. If it were 4m^2, that'd be a 16x increase in action spots. That means a 16 x 16 increase in action spot checking... That pre-game load screen? If it takes 2 minutes now, it'd take 32 minutes (AERTS). Ditto turns. Etc.


    But if it was possible to improve the matter without any negative side aspects, there would be no rational behind not improving it.

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