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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Also from UKR TG Now we shoot 2000 shells for a day. Russians 10000.
  2. From UKR TG: Fierce battle took place throughout 5-6th of Feb near Bilohorivka (south from Kreminna). Russian attack started at the 3-00 of night and finished at 2-00 of night today. After intensive artillery shellings they were contiuously attacking during the day, pausing only for regroup and waiting for next arty barrage and glide bomb strikes. Several companies and up to 20 armored vehicles were involved. Initially Russians took the initiative and push off our troops from eight positions in local industrial zone (likely water pump station SE from the village). Among Russian tanks was spotted even one T-55. At the second half of the day UKR troops regrouped and counter attacked Russians, expelling them from seven captured posititions. Russians now control only part of garages. On one of directions of this battle Russian losses are 2 tanks, 4 BMP, up to 40 infantry KIA. Our unit on this direction lost 1 KIA and 6 WIA.
  3. Current war is some more than for "hystorical lands". This is the same as ISIS or N.Korea communists invade to your country. I would be see how you solve this problem without armed resistance. "We want to live, they want to kill us. There is no much space for compromises" (C) Golda Meir
  4. 110th - full, 47th and 116th - partially. Also some minor units.
  5. Feb 3, UKR HIMARS strike on restorant "Adriatic" in occupied Lysychanksk killed minister of emergncy of LNR lt.colonel Aleksei Potelishchenko (during ATO/OOS he was deputy of chief of the staff of LNR tank battalion). Together with him were killed several local city council deputies, servicemen of procecution office and police as weel as collaborationists. They gathered to celebrate a birthday of restorant owner and LNR deputy Ivan Zhushma. Also a traitor was killed - former policeman, who fled to Dnipro at the start of teh war, than deserted from service, returned to Lysuchansk and betrayed many locals, who had relatives in Ukrainain army or police. Total 28 dead after the strike (including 9 women and 1 girl - collaborationists came to celebtation with families), 10 wounded. Russian propaganda, of course showed this as a strike on bakery, where civilians gathered to buy a bread. The "bakery" before And after the strike Killed minister
  6. In the book of S.Shuster "The Showman", author told Zelenskiy has such a feature as carelessness, he has almost full absence of feel of danger. Probably this was one of reasons he didn't want to belive in information about Russian invasion, so Zaluzhnyi (as claimed Shuster) was preparing troops to repelling of aggression almost in secret both from Zelenskiy and from USA. This is concerning yesterday visit of Zelenskiy to Robotyne.
  7. Alas, Mariupol defence lines out of the city were abandoned almost at once. If not "Azov", which established defense inside the city and cut off panic among 36th marines brigade, which ran to the city from easterm defense line, the city would fall enough quickly.
  8. Not only in the "pocket", but whole Avdiivka front: 110th mech brigade, 47th mech.brigade, 116 mech.birgade, 53rd mech.brigade, battalion of 63rd mech,brigade, National Guard "Omega" special forces elements, combined police and border guard detachments
  9. I afraid, nobody can say real reasons. Zelenskiy said "I'm thinking about rotation of high military command and not only military leaders, we need to give new pulse to leadership of country. We can't despair, can't give up. We should push everybody in one direction". The minister of vetaran affairs resigned today. There are rumors that Zelenskiy is going to substitute also chief of General Staff general-lieutenant Serhiy Shaptala. But who can sit oт their places? President's Office (Yermak) is allegedly searching candidatures, but... who dares to take huge responsibility on this duty? Rumors say Sysrskiy and Budanov as most loyal to president rejected to be on the place of Zaluzhnyi and even stood for Zaluzhyi has to remain on own duty. But probably Zelenskiy is very dissapointed by summer campaign results and those who planned this operation - both Shaptala and Zaluzhnyi now should be "punished", especially after Zaluzhnyi in straight way told about "dead end" of war, which can be resolved onlt by significant technological superiruty, and criticized political leadership that they didn't do anything to encourage citizens go to army. Among soldiers Zaluzhnyi also slightly lost own popularity. Despite he continuously talks that stupid Soviet way of army managment and bureaucracy is almost gone, but soldiers say Soveit marasmus in army is growing month by month. Of course this is mostly work of MoD, not of Chief-in-Command or General Staff, but private Mykola see around the same "sovok" and naturaly blame all top-brass including Zaluzhnyi too. So, if Zaluzhnyi resigned (and this will be terrible mistake of Zelenskiy), I doubt we will see "march on Kyiv". Troops just accepted new chief and will do own work
  10. MON-50 "claymore" type mining with drones is known since 2017. For shrapnel effect of MON sometimes use balls from bearings, which volunteers gather in car services. Then these balls just attach with tape around HE charge
  11. Not only tanks and armored vehicles Russians use in the Avdiivka battle. They also widely use different engineer vehicles, except known UR-77 minecleaners. Here is destroyed BAT-2 - heavy armored tracklayer, which Russians could use for cleaning the way in dense bushes/small trees, private houses area or just like a dozer, who could dig out and throw away mines on the way of column. This BAT-2 has MadMax look because of additioanal steel panels on the side and cage armor on the top. Russian lost near Avdiivka already five different engineer combat vehicles, so their participation in assaults is quite active. Each Russian motor-rifle brigade and division has 7 BAT-2 in own engineer-sapper battalion. And each motor-rifle regiment has one BAT-2/BAT-M in own engineer-sapper company Interesting, that in USSR times BAT-2 produced in Kyiv and Kharkiv.
  12. "Fat FPV drones" strike Russian position with HE charges. Not artillery equivalent, but some sort of 82 mm mortar shell (or even half of 120 mm HE charge) flies directly in the trench or blindage
  13. Example that a tank is not always easy target for drone dropped HEDP and thermobaric grenades. ERA and weakness of charge makes own work, if this is not sniper drop in open hatch or lucky hit in engine area. Here compilation of several drone attempts to finish of abandoned Russian tank. HEDP and two thermobaric grenades in the puddle of fuel can't set the tank on fire. Only last dropped thermobaric grenade penetrated inside the turred and caused fire. Several grenades were defeated by ERA - it's good seen how blocks dissapeared afer activation. But in one case ERA didn't activate
  14. Fighterbomber TG claimed this was domestic conflict and hooligans just shot him several times from traumatic pistol. The officer is alive, but got some non-lethal injuries and hospitalized. But who knows. Initially Fighterbober has wriiten accordng his information this officer was retired two years ago %)
  15. New Zeland fighters, probably from UKR Foreign legion makes haka ) Tough guys %)
  16. Sattelite images appeared with consequences of SCALP strike on Belbek airfield. Radar unit command center building was destroyed
  17. Historical cadres - UKR MLRS Uragan launches rockets from the barge to Zmiinyi island in spring 2022
  18. GUR reported in Engels city Tu-95 bomber commander major Oleg Stegachov was shot out in own car. Currently unknown either he was wounded or killed. This officer with own aircraft participated in missile strikes on Ukraine. UPD. According to Fighterbomber TG this was "domestic conflict", in which "hooligans made several shots with traumatic pistol. Officer is alive and hospitalized with non-lethal wounds"
  19. SBU hit next Russian oil refinery in Volgograd. Russian sources as usually say "all four drones were shot down, just fragments of one of them fell down on the territory of the refinery, causing a fire on 300 sq.m, then fire was extingushed, no casaualties". But video shows, at least one (SBU says two) drone hit technologucal equipment. This may cause reducing up to 15 % of refinery output capability After UKR drones taken out technology equipment of LNG terminal, refinery near St.Peterburg and refinery in Tuapse, casusing reducing of output capabilities or even full halt for weeks (LNG terminal and Tuapse refinery), according to traders data Russian export of gasoline and diesel has reduced in January on 37 % and 23 % respectively. The map of strikes or strike attempts for last months on Russian refineries (red marks)
  20. Key word "at some point". Despite we have now heavier "Mamont" drones, carring HE charge, but as I wrote recently drones can't substitute normal artillery shell (until it can lift it up and deliver to the target with proper speed), which could be combine both HE and fragmental effect. Usual FPV carries RPG-7 projectille, whih effective only against vehicles, less on fortifications and almost ineffective on infantry (except direct hit). "Mamont" FPV has good HE effect, so can be used against small infantry groups, blindages and infantry covered in the buildings, but it doesn't cause fragmental effect on the infantry. But when you have a lack of shells drones are single ultimate weapon which capable to hit enemy target precisely and dismoral enemy troops. We are already near that moment, when "at some point" the quantity will transfrom to quality. BTW despite Russians lost 12 vehicles in this attack, they managed to reach own goal - later they forced our troops to abandon this positions by heavy artillery and avaiation strikes. Here is one more example of combined elimination of Russian infantry near Avdiivka from 47th mech brigade. A drone films from close distanse DPCIM impact, 25 mm Bardley gun work and FPV strikes. Warning - teared off and burning bodies.
  21. Not confirmed yet. Russian TG sources say he was squadron coommander. This is too low duty for general rank. Even for fighter regiment command general rank is superfluous
  22. Forbs article claims Russian Lancets attacks were significantly reduced since September 2023, presumably because of August explosion on Zagorovskiy optic&mechanical factory, which produced cameras for Lancets.
  23. Russian TG Romanov92 reported UKR troops established new bridgehead in Krynky (yellow zone) SW from holding part of this very long village.
  24. Next example how FPVs expelled Russians from our previously captured positions. 103rd TD brogade launched pack of drones, including heavy FPVs "Mamont", carring HE charges. In result of strikes, position was badly damaged, Russians lost 8 KIA and WIA, called evacuation and abandoned position. FPVs saved lives and health of our infantry. This is also example of compete command, unlike a week ago scandal, when deputy commander of 74th recon batalion has sent two experienced FPV operators to direct assault of lost position and prohibited (!!!) them to attack Russians with drones. As a result assault failed, both operators were killed.
  25. We have a shortage of artillery shells, so FPV our only hope UKR troops repelled company size assault of Russian troops near Novomykhailivka (Maryinka - Vuhledar sector), using mostly FPV atatcks. 12 Russian vehicles were destroyed/damaged/abandoned UCAV company of 72nd mech.brigade scored 9 vehicles, 2nd mech.battalion of 72bd brigade - 1 and ATGM company of brigade's AT-battalion - 1
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