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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. All misiles were intercepted on approaches to Kyiv. Though we have impacts in Lviv, Zaporizhzhia, Dnipro, Khmelnytskyi and Kharkiv oblasts Here is giaint crater on the place of falling of intercepted missile near Bucha. It could not necessarily be a ballistic missile, but cruise too - soils NW from Kyiv are soft with many of sand, so even lesser impact can throw out many of soil. In nearby village seven houses were damaged by shockwave Total statistic of the strike - 26 missiles launched/13 intercepted: - 12 Kh-101 (8 intercepted) - 2 Kalibr (2) - 4 Kh-59 (2) - 6 Iskander-M/ KN-23 (1) - 2 S-300 (0)
  2. Bilohorivka, Luhansk oblast. Drone unit 'Black Ravens" of 81st airmobile brigade finishes off anandoned and damaged Russian BMPs near the village
  3. The ground conditions in fields western from Avdiivka Summary from different UKR TGs about Avdiivka situation - 3rd brigade arrived in time - 110th brigade was completely exhausted and couldn't hold the line. Reinforcement allowed to stabilize situation from "catastrofical" to "very hard". Units of 110th brigade now are gradually withdrawing to the rear - first time for almost 1,5 years. - Main effort of Russian on the north - to cut off coke plant ("AKXЗ" mark on the map) from the town, cut off urban area of Avdiivka with multystorey buildings (so called "9th quarter" or "Khimik"), capture fortified "Zenit" position on the south (former AD basem having underground bunkers and by rumors underground pass to coke plant). Now "Zenit" ("Зенит" on the map)is almost encircled - Reportedly 3rd assault brigade could push back Russians from Industrial avenu in coke plant area and holds transport depo ("Avtobaza"). But due to opsec reasons there are no verified informations about 3rd brigade successs. - Main trouble of our forces in Avdiivka are gliding bombs, which Russians don't spare. Each day they drop 35-40 heav bombs (including 1500 kg) on Avdiivka and villages in the rear - Lastochmkyne and Sieverne. AD here is very weak. Many criticism in adress of gen. Tarnavskyi and Air Force Command, which probably don't want to risk with Patriots of NASAMS for ambush actions, but infantry and logistic suffer hard under these strikes. On the video Russian bombs impact urban "9th quarter", coke plant is further on the backgrond
  4. UKR BMP-2 of 1st mech.battalion of 30th mech.brigade shells Russian position on northern outskirt of Syn'kivka, Kupiansk direction. Russians in last days could slightly push back our troops here and gained foothold on northern outskirt of this village Also pay atatntion how unstable BMP's gun barrel during firing
  5. A girl, Bradley commander of 47th mech.briagde issiued a video how her crew works near Avdiivka. Rare episode, how look TOW launches through the thermal sight.
  6. Next high-ranked Russian officer has found own death near Krynky. "Bukhanka" with commander of 77th naval infantry brigade was hit with FPV drone on 13th of Feb. Colonel Magomedali Magomedzhanov has died in hospital on next day. Recently he was a commander of 61st naval infantry brigade on Northern Fleet, when 177th separate naval infantry regiment was expanded to 77th naval infantry brigade of Kaspian sea, he was appointed there. In Krynky UKR troops expanded own zone of control on SW.
  7. These two Grads were destroyed by GLSDB strike too. Huge BOOM. Location near Zhytlivka village, Luhansk oblast, Svatove direction. Chevrone with the rhino belongs to 4th tank brigade, though it old, now they have other. Likely their UAV targeted Grads for missile strike. GLDSB parts from Tendar's tweet were found after teh strike on furniture factory in Kreminna, were Russian had a repair workshop for vehicles. https://twitter.com/sgorlovki/status/1757773363336847392
  8. GUR unit "Group 13" has issued a video of attack on "Tsezar Kunnikov". Budanov has good feel of humor - Soviet officer Tsezar Kunnikov, who led landing group on Gelendzhyk bridgehead was killed on 14th Feb 1943
  9. Last breath of LLS "Tsezar Kunnikov" (pr.775, Ropuha-class) Likely GUR later will post a video of attack. Russian sources say all crew was rescued Russian naval TG confirms - "I just got confirmation from BSF. But will be no official release"
  10. It's confirmed Russians have used 3M22 "Zirkon" missile in Feb 7th strike on Kyiv. The missile more likely wasn't intercepted (see the lower video - it falls verticlally and no explosion in the sky) Ineteresting, that recently commander of Russian frigade "Admiral Gorshkov" told "Zirkon has outstanding accuracy - if we aim in the front door of building, that this missile hit exactly this front door in wose case - the next one". This comamnder has died by own death in December 2023. And Russian "outstanding accuracy" missile hit the ground between two malls (250-300 m from each)
  11. No, this "monarcho-imperial-nazi" was captured in Luhansk oblast. He was a serviceman of elite 1st tank regiment of 4th "Kantemirovskaya" tank division.
  12. CNN claims Russian recruited 15 000 Nepalians to Russian army: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/10/asia/nepal-fighters-russia-ukraine-families-intl-cmd The package included at least $2,000 salary a month and a fast-tracked process to obtain a Russian passport. After analyzing the TikTok profiles of 10 Nepali men who travelled to Russia to join the army, CNN used satellite imagery to geolocate them to the Avangard training center, a military academy outside of Moscow. The soldier described his fellow academy cadets as coming from across the global south. He cited Afghan, Indian, Congolese and Egyptian classmates, among others. Class photos from Avangard posted on social media show dozens of what appear to be South Asian soldiers with native Russian instructors. And here is likely "classmate" of Nepalians - the mercenery from Sierra-Leone was captured by UKR soldiers of 46th air-assault brigade on Maryinka direction Except countries named above there were spotted a precense or were captured merceneries from next countries Somalia, Syria, Palestine, Myanma, Lybia, China, N.Korea (though they could be confused with other S.Asian nationality)
  13. She was Orban is not a president. This is about Katelin Novak. She has only representative power. But despite this she was pro-Ukrainian unlike prime minister
  14. Rare episode of UKR fighter jet uses AA missile, likely to shoot down the drone
  15. And the other deputy of Syrskyi became brigade general Mykhailo Drapatyi. He will be responsible for soldiers training. Epsisode of 9th of May 2014, with his "flying BMP" breaking throw separatists barricades in Mariupol became a one of meme of this war. In that time Drapatyi was in a rank of major and was a commandr of mech.battalion of 72nd brigade. Since 2016 to 2019 he commamded 58th mot.inf. brigade.
  16. Russian TG rejected yesterday claims of other Russian TGs about capturing of transport depo in northern part of Avdiivka and approaching to railway station. Westren OSINTers give next sitaution for yesterday General Tarnasvskiy claimed about reserve units invilved in the battle. Unknown is this 3rd assault brigade or not. Commander of 47th mech.brigade Dmytro Riumshyn told Russians now assault with small groups, sometimes applying armored vehicles.
  17. Acoording to updated information UKR Su-25, lost on 7th of Feb was shot down on 17th minutes of flight by R-37 long-range AA missle, likely from Su-35. This missile has 200 km of range and speed 6M . Other carriers of this missile are Su-27 and MiG-31BM For the lost pilot Vladislav Rykov ("Magic"), this was 385th combat flight.
  18. Bilohorivka (Kreminna sector) Here Russian also use gliding bombs and main clashes is going for water pump complex east from the village, defending by 81st airmobile brigade. Most interesting aspect here is both sides actively dig underground tonnels to reach and surprise the enemy. The pump facility is partially is partially under our control, partilaly under Russians, partially in grey zone. Soldier of 81st brigade worte sometime they hear undergraiund works of Russians - how they hit the ground by picks. The facility have many underground tonnels and rooms, so both sides use it as start point to dig. But Russians have all plans of the facility, so their KABs hit in that places, where our soldiers provide underground work. But it enough deep beneath the surface it's not easy to penetrate. Russians after taking the pump facility is going to seize tall waste hip of chalk querry, but this point has tough fortifications. According to TG Officer+ for last two days in clashes around Bilohorivka one of our battalions lost 2 KIA and 20 WIA. Losses of Russians against that battalion 40+ KIA, 70+ WIA, 20 vehicles.
  19. We critically need F-16. Problem of KABs have been becoming more and more dangerous month by month This serviceman writes from Novomykhailivka, where Russian intensivley attack and drop many gliding bombs: For the hour 17 KABs impacted, and I more and more looking for F-16 on the horizon Autumn photo of Novomykhailivka with two gliding bomb craters The same serviceman: "Then [in Autumn] about 30 KAB were arriving for a day. More than 200+ bombs were dropped. No one di...k can't sit there. Two years Russians have been grinding it, the cities have fall, but Novomykhailivla still stood" This is article of UKR OSINT group "Information resistance" (alas in UKR only) about number of KAB usage by Russians: https://sprotyv.info/analitica/taktichna-aviacziya-rf-rekordno-zbilshila-vikoristannya-kabiv/ According their information November of 2023 became a record month of KAB strikes - 1200 and one day - Nov 25th had daily record - 120 KABs. For the 10 day of February 2024 Russians aviation already dropped 460 gliding bombs. And this month can beat the previous record. Despite Russian gliding bombs don't have the same precisiosn like JDAM, but their quantity already turning to quality and our troops feel this on their own. Russian industry produce up to 50 gliding kits per day for FAB equipping. France is going to give us 50 AASM per month. Feel a difference... The quantity of US JDAMs likely was also in dozens of bombs. And all they already dropped.
  20. "Magyar" has shared updated information about combined work of their EW unit and ELINT/EW units of marines and TD around Krynky For four months of Krynky battle 2592 Russian FPV were spotted, 2016 destroyed/supressed (77,77 %) For 31st of Jan to 10th of Feb - 380 drones spotted, 312 destroyed (82 %)
  21. Situation in northern part of Avdiivka became critical. Russians captured transport depo and now try to breakthrough to railway station (SE) and strongpoint around cafe "Brevno" (NW, yellow mark), guarding coke plant from the south. General Tarnavskyi, commander OTUV "Tavria" wrote "we strenghthe the lines to hold back the enemy" - so no any words about withdrawal. If no happen something miraculous, Russians have all chances to cut Avdiivka on two parts and to block the coke plant.
  22. We had usual FPVs, then "Mamont" - the "fat FPV" has appeared, now we have "Darts" - the "long FPVs". This is winged type-FPV, but not the same as Lancet - completely other architecture and control. M2 SBU unit already operates with them. Each "Darts" complex has 10 drones and control/transmitting equipment. There are no information except these drones can carry about 3 kg of load. Their range is more than usual FPV, but some less than Lancet. But this drone complex is more cheaper. In other "serious" class of kamikadze-drones, some recently unknown UKR long-range jet drone was found in Russia More evidences, that UKR has some new EW system, which can supress Shaheds and force them to land. One more almost undamaged UAV was found in Dnipropetrovsk oblast This statistic shows since Russians (or Iranians) two months ago made some improves in Shahed design - new black composite shell, integrated SIM card of UKR cellphone operators, which probably gives opportunity of inflight change of route wapoints, resultativity of UKR AD on Shaheds reduced on 1/3. Though, this can other reason - Air Forces Command didn't count supressed by EW and landed Shaheds as shot down. They are "drones, which didn't reach aims"
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