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Posts posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. I mean this really isn't normal for a patch so rather then it being a problem of getting everything right i'd imagine it has a lot more to do with the manpower that's available. Love BFC but you're kidding yourselves if you think this only has to do with reaching a certain level of quality.

  2. If your view was more nuanced then "The refugees are the reason the German military is in bad shape" I would absolutely agree with that quote. Since I haven't seen any other kind of reasoning from you it doesn't apply, sorry. Is that part of the problem though? Sure if you think social programs and the like that go to them and the rest of the population should instead be spent on the military.

  3. Yes the refugees stole all of the money from the Bundeswehr in the span of 4-5 years, this definitely isn't part of a chronic problem that's existed for far longer then that. It must be nice to be able to scapegoat one decision as the reason for all of a country's failings. It certainly has nothing to do with Germany's military history and all that that entails.

  4. 1 minute ago, sid_burn said:

    To be fair, it takes very little to strike fear into the heart of the ukranian army. Even uttering the simple phrase “that ridge is held by unemployed taxi drivers” is enough to turn the Azov battalion into a quivering mess. 

    The Russians must also have this problem because they seem to have stopped as well.

  5. Something tells me that if I was a Ukranian soldier and my superior briefed us by saying "Our artillery has created cover in the open field we'll be crossing by blowing holes into the ground" I wouldn' be to "enthused" about the attack. My second question would probably be "Sir have they thought about firing shells at the enemy?"

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