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Posts posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. 20 minutes ago, BFCElvis said:

    Sure. Let's break tradition a bit. Let's pull back the curtain some and talk about the release process and I'll tell you where we are in that process. As things go along we get "Beta Builds" . These get piled onto a testers existing installation. Once we feel that everything that is going into the game is in the game an installer version is created as either a RC or FC version (release candidate and final candidate). I've seen anywhere from 1 to 5 of these. More commonly "a couple two tree" as we say in Philly. The only thing that stops these from being released is something show stopping. These are as much to test the installers as they are to test the game. Going back to CMSF1 and through every game I have seen this last phase take a day or 2 and I've seen it take a couple of weeks. Depends if any showstoppers are found. 

    That's the process. So, where are we in that process? Ben and I were asked by HQ the other day if we felt that the next Beta build would be enough to move onto an RC version. We both said yes. I believe that when the first FC/RC version for Rome to Victory was available to test is when I first said that we were "very" close with Rome to Victory. That was when I felt comfortable saying "very". So, if anyone feels like going back through those threads it'll give you an idea of how long it was from first FC/RC to release on that title. 


    I don't want to alarm anyone but the last time this man said very in that RTV thread it released on the same day. ITS GOING TO BE TOMORROW (MAYBE).

  2. You're talking to Aragorn, the guy that only plays as the Germans in Combat Mission and has talked about how great a Holocaust deniers books are. Any time someone posts something about the Russians hes always very eager to tell us about how awful they were even if the topic has nothing to do with it. He has a very obvious agenda and honestly he shouldn't be posting here anymore in my opinion.

    Sorry for the continued derail but I really feel like this needs to be said.

  3. Pacifism is now "dangerous nonsense".

    As far as I'm concerned everyone should be a pacifist, war should always be the last resort to anything. Idealistic? Maybe. But I think everything should start from that view point, millions of people didn't die as recently as the 20th century for us to fall back on "war is necessary" nonsense.

  4. 14 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

    I have an old friend who, back when he was in college (sometime last century), found himself sitting at a social event table with the senior editor of 'Consumer Reports' magazine. My friend spent the entire evening detailing exactly what was wrong with the magazine and exactly what the editor needs to do to fix it. I'm SURE the poor editor really-really appreciated all that advice from a random teenager. CM gets criticized, toaster ovens get criticized, municipal public service workers get criticized. Not because they're any more deserving of criticism but because there are personality types in the world who are compelled to criticize stuff. Steve had once mentioned the term (unrelated to CM, so don't worry) 'C.A.V.E. people', which is short for 'Citizens Against Virtually Everything'.

    You've told this same story about 5 times now and its still wrong.

    Games should always be looking out for the good constructive criticism, there is nothing wrong with changing your game based on it as long as you do it responsibly. I guarantee you Steve doesn't agree with this ridiculous anecdote you drag out whenever someone has a minor criticism or suggestion.

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