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Posts posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. 2 minutes ago, patrykd said:

    I have another problem. I don't have cmsf1 licence key because I have paradox version. When I put my cmsf1 big bundle update licence key and after that license key to CMSF 3 Module Bundle I received that screen


    But after that when I click play I have empty screen and I don't know what to do?




    I have the same problem, except I don't have the paradox version, just bundles of all the CMSF 1 modules, I put in a ticket so hopefully it is resolved soon.

  2. 26 minutes ago, Ch53dVet said:

    I haven't done this yet but, after, my first go at it, I wondered, if placing my, soon to be destroyed, troop transports/supply vehicles, perpendicular, across the interior and exterior entrances, (that is, of course, after taking as much ammo out of them as I could, including, equipping the drivers and dismounting them to positions inside the fortress) would help keep my troops from fleeing the fortress which of course would delay the enemy troops from getting themselves embedded inside the fortress until my reinforcement's arrive, looks like I'm going to have to fire it up and give it a go.

    I know it doesn't solve the fleeing troops problem but this seems to be problematic in the other platforms too, it kills me when I see panicked and broken enemy troops running and firing straight at me. It feels like we are being dumbed down purposely to make winning these scenario's harder and harder to win at, just try putting a point target arty request on the bmp in the training mission and you'll be guaranteed multiple hits on the mosque and every else except for the bmp, SF1 & Black Sea, never had a problem with precise arty mission requests. 

    Thats because artillery in Black Sea fire Excalibur GPS guided rounds or laser guided artillery rounds when ordered to fire on a "precision" target. In Shock Force a precision fire mission just means that the guns are firing at a small area with normal rounds.

  3. 2 hours ago, peter thomas said:

    LOl. That does look crazy! It actually looks like what they're trying to do is carry out your intent by still trying to get into the building, but by searching for the door right round the other side. I've noticed that sometimes when they do this - search for silly far-away entry points - they are reacting to the proximity to the nearest doors of enemy units within the building. Your hunt order was not to enter a building, but I wonder if they're trying to carry it out by going around the long way. I mean, maybe the bug is that they're not panicking at all but actually continuing with the order via a different path (and at a trot). Who knows? Definitely not good though. 

    The "hunt" order is automatically cancelled when a unit spots an enemy so they definitely weren't trying to carry it out anymore. They just chose a very stupid place to run to.

  4. 3 minutes ago, IICptMillerII said:

    Obligatory +1 from me for Fulda Gap. 

    That said, if you set the Syrians to have good training/motivation, and you give them their best equipment, they are a pretty decent proxy for the Soviets in the 80's. It's not quite 1:1 but it's certainly doable. 

    Yeah you're right.

    There was a pretty cool couple of CM Shock Force scenarios someone made that did exactly that.

  5. 35 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

    Unsplit squads will automatically do 'bounding overwatch' if you use an 'assault' command. But it only works well if the movement waypoints are relatively close together and the place the team stops at has an unobstructed view to fire defensively from. People (meaning me) always make the mistake of doing one long run for 'assault' and the waypoints not within sight of eachother.

    Yeah I have a bad habit of doing that, I really need to use that command at shorter ranges.

    Good post.

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