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Posts posted by Strategiclayabout

  1. How the Research System Works

    Intelligence and Research

    Each new level of Intelligence research increases your own research bonus by 1% and decreases your opponent's bonus by 1%. If the enemy's intelligence level is higher than yours, then it will just negate your own intelligence.

    Intelligence levels only compete with each other, so if the enemy have higher intelligence than you, the only net effect will be to negate the benefit you'll get from your own intelligence level. It won't prevent or slow the base research % chance per turn.

    Intelligence can also affect the chance of a breakthrough after 30%.

    Good luck with your research! :)

    Hi :) ,

    - Maybe the word "negate" confused me a bit so just to be sure:

    Me (Myself) En (Enemy) IL (Intelligence Level) RB (Research Bonus)

    Me 0 (IL) 0 En = no effect

    Me 0 (IL) 1 En = Me +0% (RB) +1% En

    Me 0 (IL) 2 En = Me +0% (RB) +2% En

    Me 0 (IL) 3 En = Me +0% (RB) +3% En

    Me 1 (IL) 0 En = Me +1% (RB) +0% En

    Me 1 (IL) 1 En = no effect

    Me 1 (IL) 2 En = Me +0% (RB) +1% En

    Me 1 (IL) 3 En = Me +0% (RB) +2% En

    Me 2 (IL) 0 En = Me +2% (RB) +0% En

    Me 2 (IL) 1 En = Me +1% (RB) +0% En

    Me 2 (IL) 2 En = no effect

    Me 2 (IL) 3 En = Me +0% (RB) +1% En

    Me 3 (IL) 0 En = Me +3% (RB) +0% En

    Me 3 (IL) 1 En = Me +2% (RB) +0% En

    Me 3 (IL) 2 En = Me +1% (RB) +0% En

    Me 3 (IL) 3 En = no effect

    - Some things I'm not sure about:

    * Do negative IRB affect countries under 100% mobilization ?

    Say Germany has intel level 1 in 1940 and USSR intel level remains at 0.

    Will it penalize USSR before Barbarossa ?

    * Do negative IRB affect countries at 100% mobilization but not at war yet ?

    Say Japan has intel level 0 and USA intel level 2 starting 1942 with 100% mobilization.

    Will it penalize Japan if they're not at war with USA ?

    * When there are several countries, how does it work, does it only use best IL for each side (Axis/Allies, Entente/CP)?

    Germany IL 2, Japan IL 1, Italy IL 0

    USA IL 3, UK IL 2, USSR IL 1

    Here, will USA be the only country to get a Research Bonus (IL 3 - IL 2 = +1%) ?

    Thanks for the details !

  2. - I can understand how Panzer General feels :( though I don't remember a thread or post about an AoC-AoD only bundle either.

    - Usually there is always some kind of bundle deal coming with new SC games/expansions (eh I got the SCII-Gold and SCI-Break like that ^^).

    - Since the threads linked by Hubert above ruled out a bundle including SCII-Gold for AoC/AoD, an AoC+AoD bundle was quite probable as there was already a SCII-Gold Bundle.

    - And as we got to play AoC before those going for the bundle it was somehow fair to pay more for AoC (25$ instead of 20$).

    - Still, I hoped for some kind of bargain on AoD alone for those already having AoC (something like 20$ instead of 25$).

    - Well, who knows, maybe Battlefront will be kind enough to give us some kind of coupon code on AoD using our license key for AoC :P .

    - Anyway it's "only" 5$ so I'll see it as a way of supporting SC development team, but I'll still wait a bit to get AoD just in case ;) .

  3. - Isn't infrastructure tech supposed to work that way in the new SCGC model (increasing base supply for supply ressource with each level) ?


    (most points below would refer to WWII/SoE but maybe some of them can be interesting for WWI as well)

    - Another idea for a research field would be "secret weapons/advanced weaponry" as a whole to regroup fields players don't use much (who said rockets ?) with more random results than other fields:

    * from nothing or even losses like MPPs or research %, some dreamy programs being closed because of inefficiency or lack of results

    * to better breakthrough chances, free MPPs (industry/research rationalizing) or getting one level in another tech field

    - The progress per turn in that field would be more random too with chances of "setbacks" instead of breakthroughs.

    - You can think of the "no result", failures or setbacks as "funny" results like a hit in "aryan" anthropology or Graal Quest or just limited successes in nuclear research with no actual use unless you make other discoveries :D .

    - Another possibility would be the need to research that field to unlock last level for other fields (infantry semi-automatic weapons, jet fighters, subs type XXI...) or allow modern units to be produced if you have maxed out research in other fields.

    - One more possibility would be to shift victory conditions one level in your favor if you reach maximum level in that research field (you have techs to bargain at the peace table even if you lost the war).

    - A different model would be to buy an expensive "secret weapons" chit that would be the only way to double your research in one field with increased % of success and failure (say 0-10% instead of 3-6%). That chit would be buyable only after researching the "secret weapons" field (not sure how many levels here, perhaps 2 or 3).

    Just some thinking, no hard feeling if it all goes to the dustbin, thanks for reading ;) .

  4. - If you look at the stats, the "force projection" factor, i think it's already there with french tanks only having 4 base AP against panzer 6 and no motorization. The unit already in the production queue arrives in may 40 meaning you won't have much time to use it :) .

    - It's true base attack stats for french tanks are buffed up with 5-6 (soft/tank) instead of 4-5. Then you can combine it the way you want:

    * go for 4-5 attack from 5-6 while keeping heavy tanks level 1

    * keep the 5-6 attack stat but woth no heavy tanks level 1

    - The other possibility to fit your bill without tweaking stats would be to just give full strength light tank units to France (3-4 attack 4-5 defense). But light tanks not being able to upgrade, having heavy tanks level 1 tech would have no interest.

    - One thing to keep in mind though is that you arn't supposed to take those B1bis head on, you have to cut them off and avoid frontal combat. Hitler was worried all along about allied tanks counter-attacks on his advanced/flanking units.

    - I talked about Stonne before, you also had the Abbeville battle later where french tanks qualities were of little use when engaged on a larger scale in poor conditions. They didn't do better than english tanks. They had tactical punch but not enough force to achieve any strategic goal.

    - I suppose our gaming philosophy vary a bit too, a game should offer a chance to attain historical results but not often, I'm more of a "what if" guy ^^ .

  5. Hi,

    - I respectfully disagree on the heavy tank level 1 for France ;) : the B1bis tank had many defaults but it was very hard to destroy, many losses were due to breakdowns, lack of ammo or fuel and inability to repair them. The battle of Stonne showed what they were able to do if used with some brains ^^ .

    - I see french NM was at 51 when you took Paris, so you were very close to get a surrender with the fall of the city.

    - Some other possibilities to think about:

    1) add french NM loss (maybe 5 points) with the fall of Brussels

    2) add 0,5 french NM loss per town captured, 1 per bigger objective (cities, mines...)

    3) have an event where french player can decide to have Paris as an "open city" when german units come close (historical 13 juin 1940)

    It will enable the capital transfer to Bordeaux (historical 14 juin 1940) and Paris will become german controlled with 0 supply/no french unit at the end of french turn

  6. - I think landings/amphib don't work in winter/snow/frozen weather but it's true penalties could be harsher for transports in rough seas. "Overlording" in bad weather only works if there is little to no coastal defense (what happened in your game). The other problem, as always are operating costs, I hope next patch will tone them down a bit :) .

    - Otherwise, you need at least 10 corps and one HQ to defend France, your top priority being guarding towns/cities with/adjacent to ports (Rotterdam/Antwerp/Calais/Cherbourg) with some GAR units in rear cities against paradrops.

    - You're right when you say Allies can probably take any tile they want in the end but if they only get one port or city with the first wave because of your defense, their situation will be precarious for some time and their HQ not landed or left exposed ^^ .

    - If your units are entrenched, Allies will have to use air power to land in a good spot and if you have AA tech and some aerial cover they will have to send tanks/SF and waste them against town/city defensive bonuses. US tanks were already at level 5 in your game, negating your elite panzer advantage

    - Then if you had time to build some fortifications near those objectives your own tanks can attack weakened enemies while being entrenched. Without clear skies to paradrop and let air power reduce fortifications, Allies will have a very hard time since bad weather combat penalties will also apply to them.

    - As always, even if you don't have enough units, you can still try to lure Allies where your reserves are by leaving an opening in the Atlantik Wall.

    - Another thing about fortifications is you have to decide where to build them:

    1) on the coast (to prevent any landing but you'll be vulnerable to naval fire)

    2) behind the beaches (no enemy naval fire and an open field of fire for your units)

    3) far in the rear on the best defensive terrain (Antwerp-Amiens line)

    - Another possibility starting 1943 is to keep some fighters around to spot enemy ampbibious transports and soften them with tac bombers.

    I know I know, that's a lot of "ifs" so just win in USSR dammit :D !

  7. Unfortunately, it seems that if you have enough of a navy surrounding the port, then you can't amphib all eligible units :P

    - Too many naval units near port to amphib, that's not a common one huhu :D . Well it's true that Tunis only has 2 sea tiles adjacent to port... Still good to know there is a limit to amphib capacity of ports, thanks for that ;) .

    - Now that you did your Overlord, I think you see how doing a "Dieppe" with minimum forces in 1942 or even late 1941 can bring interesting results by distracting some german forces from the eastern front.

    - Seems there isn't much left in the south to stop your soviet tanks, smelling like romanian oil in the morning :cool: .

  8. - Hehe that's the thrill of the game with intel sometimes revealing something that wreak havoc in your plans. Having to guess what's the enemy is doing, trying to surprise him :) . Time will tell if your french gamble was an inspired move or just a MPPs waste :D .

    - About amphibious transports they can stay at sea a very long time but the thing is each turn they will lose supply. When in low supply they will begin to lose movement so at some point they become nearly useless and you have to land them somewhere.

    - Also, they are vulnerable, the longer they're at sea, the more they have chances to be destroyed or take damage by enemy units (even just because of bad weather/rough seas).

  9. - Hoho, early Overlord, that should be interesting :D . I wonder where all of those red tanks in the south will go, Romania, Hungary, Poland ?

    - About your port/amphibious problem in NA, remember you don't need ports to ampbib special forces.

    - And as long as an unit is adjacent to a port (or "able to transport" from that port because some adjacent tiles are sometimes cut from the port by terrain) you can still amphib them, the amphibious transport should just pop on the nearest free sea tile (random if several eligible tiles are available).

  10. I edited my previous post with a game part ^^ .

    - Having an HQ is important, having a high level one too but difference between a level 8 and a level 9 commander isn't that big unless there is a big experience difference (not sure excatly how much but a lvl 8 HQ with 2 stars will work better than a 9 one with no star).

    - Good question about readiness, I can be wrong but I don't think it's linked directly to morale (your 5th army has a decent readiness with low morale) except it has the same basis for calculation (supply). A unit can regain readiness just by not fighting (unless it has low supply of course). To be sure you'd need the calculation formula to see if there's anything with "morale" inside :P .

    - HQs are different from other units because they generate their own supply so I suppose it was logical to have them work a bit differently than combat units but that's only my opinion ;) . You can say to yourself that HQs need to reorganize themselves (executing traitors, eliminating corruption, that kind of things :D) before working again at full capacity.

  11. GAME:

    - Good elite panzer management, you did great at the tactical level but I agree you lost initiative by making no strategic gain in the center while Soviets pushed in the south. Smolensk was a good objective but it was also "Kursk-like" as it was one of the most obvious targets and you ran in the might of Red Army when you decided to attack first.

    - Now you'll enjoy the thrill of mobile defense, trying to surprise advancing Russians with local superiority achieved by clever maneuvering hehehe.

    - Nice move to grab MPPs wherever you can now that diplomatic penalties are irrelevant, probably a good call to avoid Spain too, you wouldn't have any spare troops to defend it with GIs already in the MED. By the way, any gold in those swiss accounts ?

    - Italy will be fun to defend (but probably short-lived). Sorry for the engineers, didn't think to point it out, it's the kind of obvious thing (like "meh surely Ash recruited them already, no need to bother") easy to forget in the heat of battle. Your (fake) Atlantik Wall can still has some propaganda use huhu.



    - When HQs lose too many steps, their supply ability suffers meaning you can't rebuild them in one turn. You have to reinforce them as much as you're allowed to first, then they'll get back in good supply and you'll be able to bring them back to 100% strength ^^ .

    - Just think about those british HQs in your France campaigns, if you blow them up when they have 10 steps they'll be rebuilt at half-price. But if you kill them at say 4 steps, even if they're on a good supply tile, the damage they took before will prevent them to create enough supply to sustain themselves.

    - You can see the supply level generated by an HQ in its stat window (screen left bottom corner when clicking on the unit). You'll see it's linked to its strength/step number :) .

    - That's what make them such lovely targets, so rebuild them when you can, no brainer (unless they have no units left to command :D ) !



    - For your 5th german army in USSR, I'm not sure because I don't see supply and HQs locations for all turns but there are some things to consider:

    1) supply displayed for units is the one they have for this turn, so after moving them they will still have good supply at the end of the turn even if they'll fall to 0 next turn. Sometimes, moving an HQ one tile is enough to cause trouble. Players never use the "S" key too much :P .

    * In your january pic your 5th army is at 6 supply this turn but can't be next turn (should be at 4) unless you move an HQ closer.

    2) partisans can disrupt supply on some tiles and only going from 6 to 5 supply will keep your unit stats low.

    3) only one turn in "bad" supply is enough to send your unit morale back to low levels

    4) a unit not at 100% strength will have big trouble to recover morale

    5) a unit just reinforced after losing steps will also take some time to recover morale

    6) supply at level 6 is considered "good" supply because it doesn't penalize your units (full movement, ability to reinforce at full strength...) HOWEVER there is a big difference between supply 6 and supply 9 or 10 in morale/readiness recovery.

    * Guys frozen to death for several monthes will be happier in a city or supply center than in a swamp with only the "necessary" supply. To make them truly recover, you have to pull them back, wherever there is better supply.

    * That's why I said in another message that you NEED cities for deep offensives/heavy fighting areas: their supply levels 10 or 8 allow HQs to have supply 9 and 8 tiles around them, boosting readiness/morale recovery.

    * I see your 5th army gained 6% in one turn at 6 supply with HQ backing between april and may, I think that's about right. I don't know the rates for each level but if you gain 6% turn at supply 6, I let you imagine how better it goes at higher levels ;) .

  12. - Classic move when Hitler's short on cash and diplomatic penalties don't mean anything anymore (all major players already in). There should be an event "Nazis can't do money laundering anymore, you lose 50MPPs per turn" when invading Switzerland :D.

    - More seriously, since Benito's african empire is over and with all those GIs sunbathing on Med beaches, can be a way to secure Axis southern flank.

  13. The Leningrad surprise was a naughty one but maybe a blessing in disguise :) .

    - Having to evacuate in the north, you were able to focus more in the center and south, concentrating forces. Interesting plans in the center and lots of tanks everywhere, summer 43 will be hot ^^ .

    - I'm curious to see what Ash will decide when Allies begin to push in the West. Any of those elite panzers can cause trouble but can he afford to operate them away from USSR ?

    - Question: I only see one soviet tac bomber in the pics, do you have more around or in production ?

  14. I found a bug and now it can be fixed! Yay! :D

    Good thoughts in general, as usual, though I'm pondering how I could have focused more. I had pretty much 90% of my forces in USSR (bar some of those derped away units around italy, i never did get around to sending any units to NA) and my main thurst was definitely north, with a smaller thrust south. It's true that I lost MPP's from bombing, but I dont see any way of stopping that really, bar keeping most of the luftwaffe in france. I do have one idea, but that will have to wait until another game. perhaps I could have given up completely on the atlantic war, but that just feels... wrong somehow.

    So supply/morale/readiness takes longer in Russia than anywhere else?

    About the intel thing: I respectfully disagree. :) I'll write a more detailed explanation after the game, but I do not believe that the axis can ever implement this strategy in a way that gives them anything but an "even steven" game against the US, which really doesnt give them much at all.

    No problem with any disagreement at all and congratulations for finding your first bug :D .

    - About focus, your southern thrust still had something like 10 armies, 3 HQs and 2 panzers in august after taking Kiev, maybe a bit too much. True, some of those planes in NA were badly missed ;) .

    - You probably spread forces too much along the front in the north, in 41 it's usually better to forge ahead along supply lines to capture supply sources. ahead.

    - At some point your 3 thrusts didn't have enough forces left to reach any major objective. You'd have had to transfer most panzers in one area to achieve something (as Germans did, taking all tanks from AGN to push on Moscow).

    - Russia is the same as anywhere else for s/m/r game mechanisms but given the distances/lack of cities/partisans/winter event, you will always struggle to reach high levels.

    - Of you get a lead in intel with Germans it will probably not penalize USA but UK and USSR can feel it. So it would be more about keeping the tech advantage you have at start as long as you can than anything else :) .

  15. - Mmh, a panzer offensive from Nikolayev would have good chances to bag several soviet units and threaten the planes and HQ. It can even have some strategic spin to it so I'm a bit relieved to only see Italians around because units facing the town seem quite weak...

    - Situation at Kharkov and Helsinki (nice pic to illustrate your offensive ;) ) worsening by the turn for Axis. Are all reserve in the center to prepare some nasty surprise ?

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