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Posts posted by Strategiclayabout

  1. Hi Will :) ,

    - One word: carriers ! Deadly to subs and surface units without AA or air cover. Brits will have a big advantage there with Germany + Italy having 2 at best. Protect them and avoid wasting them against land target with AA or air cover (unless you're ready for D-Day or you have a chance to kill key units with 1 or 2 remaining steps like tanks or HQs).

    - For UK, early when you havn't DDs (or not many), use the french ships to patrol lanes or recon pathes for RN, it will save you some MPPs. Don't forget to raid german convoy from Norway as soon as you can (Germany hasn't many MPPs early and anything missing hurts).

    - Cruisers can help finish wounded subs or force them to dive away from convoy lanes. You can also let them on stand by to ambush subs on those lanes.

    - When enough DDs are around you can set a distant blockade of axis ports (far enough to avoid land based air attacks, close enough to need only some units to spot/ambush subs (EX: from the tip of Spain to UK).

    - BBs would mostly be used to protect carriers and counter german surface raiders or Regia Marina since you can replace ships faster. 1:1 to 2:1 exchange odds are fine.

    - It's hard to avoid the fall of Gibraltar if Axis go for it but you can still blockade the strait with some units. Keep a naval group with at least 1 carrier around to counter any italian move but keep an eye out for axis air cover coming from Spain.

    - You can use strat bombers as recon units (long range and 2 missions per turn). Put on good tiles they can clear a lot of naval space/convoy tiles just by themselves.

    - Don't let axis raiders roam free in Indian Ocean, it can kill your income quickly. Laying traps with ships waiting near italian ports can be interesting.


    - As Axis: spread allied fleets as wide as you can by raiding far away. Try to keep/grab some ports to sustain your efforts in Indian Ocean and South Atlantic. In those areas, allied ships won't be able to repair above 8 steps so their power is diminished.

  2. Thanks Big Al :) ,

    - While I'm at it, a small funny detail: for Case Blue, when Germans got their strategy tips pop window at start, the picture included actually shows the location of all soviet units in the back of the southern front (when FOW should conceal them.

    - I suppose the screen was taken on soviet side. Not sure if you wanted it like that but I'll take it as gathered intel before the offensive ;) . Havn't checked for other campaigns.


  3. Way to go Hyazinth, you're ahead of history ^^ !

    - Thanks for continuing the AAR despite patches and terrible Axis state. Must hurt a lot to lose all those units in low supply for Hitler.

    - Not sure why Jörg dispatched his strongest units here and there instead of keeping them concentrated. I wonder if there's any kind of reserve in Poland ?

    P.S.: Nice little brawl in the Baltic hehe :) .

  4. Hi Big Al :) ,

    First thanks for the hotfix(es) !

    Playing AoC 1.02 hotfix 1.00.3 I noticed some small things:


    Case Blue classic:

    rail gun with deentrench stat 1 only deentrench Sevastopol 1 level (8 to 7) after 3 shells

    Case Blue frontline:

    rail gun with deentrench stat 1 and no strategic value attack doesn't deentrench but attack Sevastopol supply (from 5 to 4, one hit with 3 shells)

    So it seems stats for rail gun got messed up somewhere ^^ .


    Citadel classic/frontline:

    soviet fortification (1 corner) south of Kursk on tile 73,36 is facing northwards instead of southwards

  5. What I had recommended to Amadeus was also on the National Morale line.... except using it for a 'tie-break' when, for instance, players decide to go with a mirrored match... and both sides manage a win... now what?... so I was thinking the same thing... they add up their remaining NM at the end of their 2games (or some other point as in Amadeus minimum game point at 105th move)....surrendered nations are given zero with this approach. Highest total wins.

    Also applicable, I think, in the event that all 3 players in a group of 3 manage to go 1 win & 1 tie...so now a 3-way tie (yikes) ... if players kept a record of the NM at the predetermined point ... then highest 2 go forward... lowest total left scratching head and waiting for the next event.

    And I further agree that a lot of 'little' objectives and battles could now become very critical... particularly, as you note, naval battles. ps: use the actual NM numbers, not the %, so that Italy is not over valued.

    Having said all that, I still think that the simplistic approach of the key strategic/political targets as Amadeus has set up would probably be easier to follow for most players ...only using the National Morale to decide the tie games

    - Yes I agree :) , only when you need to decide a winner in close games. Usually, locations victory conditions objectives should be enough for most games !

    - I also think it would be better for all players to wait the new patch, they'll lose a turn at worst and everybody will have the same playing conditions. Better than having to run two AoD later in the tournament ;) .

  6. Thanks for the comment Amadeus ;) ,

    - I was thinking about what Monsterclaude said for table points and the worlkoad it would be for you. Why not use national morale when you need to determine winners ?

    * you can shorten several games to a set date where NM will be counted.

    (frantic last turns guaranteed :P)

    * It already includes strategic/MPPs locations and main unit losses.

    * The game does the job for you, just add NM values for each side.

    * Even those pesky locations with NM value 2 can make a difference.

    * It would incite players to avoid/seek casualties in low supply/encirclements.

    (ships will be even more preciouuuuuuus :D)

    Finished games:

    - Let's say your 18 players have finished two games (axis + allies), you add player NM for those two games (UK+France+USA+USSR+China+Germany+Italy+Japan) and compare with other players, highest combined NM will pass.

    - If your 18 players only have one finished game, you compare NM for allied players (UK+France+USA+USSR+China) and axis players separately. Best allies and axis (Germany+Italy+Japan) will reach the next round where they will change sides.

    Unfinished games:

    - Same thing except you set a date/game turn to count NM for those trailing behind :) .

  7. Hi there Amadeus and others :) ,

    - Just my opinion but with 18 players you can have:

    - All players will meet 4 different opponents and have at least 4 games (2 axis/2 allies).

    - All players will remain involved with something to fight for after the first round/losses (and even a shot at the main final depending on 3rd round organization).

    - Groups of 3 will allow players to have 2 ongoing games at the same time, still manageable and reducing tournament length for first rounds.


    1st round:

    6 groups of 3

    (each player has 2 games, one as ally, one as axis)

    First 2 players of each group go to 2nd round part A (12 players)

    Remaining players go to 2nd round part B (6 players)


    2nd round:

    Part A

    4 groups of 3

    (each player has 2 games, one as ally, one as axis)

    You can select from 4 (group winners) to 8 players (with seconds) for next round.

    part B

    2 groups of 3

    (each player has 2 games, one as ally, one as axis)

    You can select from 2 (group winners) to 4 players (with seconds) for next turn.


    3rd round:

    option A (long) 12 players / 12-15 games / 2 parts

    Part A

    (8 players / 8-11 games / 3 sub-turns)

    - 4 group winners from 2nd round part A

    - 2 best second from 2nd round part A

    - 2 group winners from 2nd round part B

    (4 games as 1/4 finals)

    (2 games as 1/2 finals)

    (one game for third place)

    (one game as main final)

    NB1: of course you can still add 3 games ("second" 1/2 and finals for the 4 players eliminated in 1/4 finals)

    NB2: you can also have mirror games instead of single ones

    NB3: if single games, for 1/4 side should be decided by (Part A group winners) opponents to level chances

    NB4: for 1/4 finals (Part A group winners) shouldn't meet each others

    NB5: for 1/4 finals players should play an opponent they havn't met before when possible

    Part B

    (4 players / 4 games / 2 sub-turns)

    - 2 remaining second from 2nd round Part A

    - 2 group second from 2nd round part B

    (2 games as part B 1/2 finals)

    (one game for part B third place)

    (one game for part B first place)


    option B (medium) 8 players / 8 games / 2 sub-turns

    Part A

    - 4 group winners from 2nd round part A

    (two games as 1/2 finals)

    (one game for third place)

    (one game as main final)

    Part B

    - 2 group winners from 2nd round part B

    - 2 best second from 2nd round part A

    (two games as "second" 1/2 finals)

    (one game for "second" third place)

    (one game as "second" final)


    option C (short) 6 players / 5 games / 2 sub-turns

    Part A

    - 4 group winners from 2nd round part A

    (two games as 1/2 finals)

    (one game for third place)

    (one game as main final)

    Part B

    - 2 group winners from 2nd round part B

    (one game as "second" final)

    Hope it will help you ;) .

  8. Hi Eisenhammer ^^ ,

    - Actually, Japs are stretched thin for 1939-early 1940 but after that it's still hard for China. Amona played very defensive and got a second chinese HQ in the south. I suppose being more agressive before summer 40 can slow down Japs but it would probably have a big MPPs cost for China.

    (see pic 1 below)


  9. Hi ^^ ,

    - I noticed some strange things in South America, not sure how it was supposed to work:

    * No border between Bolivia and Paraguay (see pic 1 below)

    * Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay don't have cities as capitals.

    * Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay don't have their name on the map

    (like Panama, Honduras, Guatemala and others have)

    * Ecuador has its name on the map but is followed by (neutral), see pic 2 below

    * Name of tiles for Ecuador is "Neutral (Neutral)" instead of Ecuador (Neutral)

    (screen right top corner, see pic 2 below)

    * Same thing for Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay, tile names is "Neutral (Neutral)"



  10. - The main problem about Sealion is that it will rise USSR mobilization, a big NONO for me :P .


    - About diplomacy against majors (150 MPPs for USA and USSR), it's worth it in different ways:

    1) For Axis:

    - Just counter allied diplo chits if they go for USA or USSR.

    - Reduce USSR income/mob % if you go for Eastern Poland or Baltic States.

    - Reduce USSR income/mob % if Axis player forgot to GAR Poland or Manchuria.

    - Reduce USSR/USA income/mob % near 0 early to weaken investments, especially tech.

    (say you invest 3 chits in intelligence early for Japs, adding some diplo chits against USA as well can give you a tech edge)

    - Reduce USA income/mob % when piling up "bad" events (Spain-Gibraltar, Vichy Gold...).

    - Give more time to Japan before Pearl Harbor.

    2) For Allies:

    - If UK invests early in some chits for USSR it will give more MPPs to Stalin for any hit and more importantly put pressure on Barbarossa preparations.

    - Just forcing Germans to launch their attack 1 turn early because USSR mobilization is about to reach 100% can pay big time.

    - Nazis can also have bad weather, can have less units on the wrong tiles with lower stats, upgrades or steps, bad HQ attachments...

    - Best case, a diplo chit can hit big just before Barbarossa and give Stalin free hands in early 41.

    - Same thing about USA: screwing up Pearl Harbor schedule can save many units early that will hurt Japs badly later.

    - UK can also use diplo raise back US mob % after DOWing on other countries (neutrals, Italy, Japan... make your choice !).

    There are many vicious things to try as you can see :D .

  11. Some other points to consider :) :

    - They also take less time to produce and upgrades are cheaper than BBs.

    - They can help DDs to hunt/defend against subs: better cost same sub attack as BBs.

    (plus they have 15% demoralization DDs don't have)

    - They have a strategic attack value: less than BBs 1 to 2 but DDs have none.

    (so they can reduce ports and coastal ressources out of bombers range)

    - They have the same air defense (2) and nearly same carrier defense (2 to 3) as BBs.

    - They have the same air attack (1) as BBs (good to pound air units on islands).

    - They can be used as "static" defenses to block/defend some locations.

    (ports/straits... DDs are busy with subs and you want to keep your BBs together)

    - On hard builds, the bigger pool of cruisers made them made them worth it just for numbers and most neutrals you can ally with will also have cruisers (Sweden, Spain, Turkey...).

    - So overall, you need them because it's easier to sacrifice them and can be used for everything (raiding, escort, recon, ambush, land shelling...). They are medium/multi-purpose units, no outstanding advantage but no true weak spot either.

    Hope it will help !

  12. Hi :) ,

    - With one of my opponent (Amona, playing Allies), we decided to try some things in Asia to weaken the Japs and see what happens.

    - Playing WaW 1939 (email multiplayer), Japan disbanded 11 armies at start, keeping the experienced ones (1 or 2 stars), all corps/lesser troops and the SF unit. List of disbanded units:


    3rd army Manchouli

    40th army Kiamusze

    37th army Taiyuan

    1st army (Kwantung) Wuhan

    13th army Wuhan (moved then disbanded on turn 2, supply 9)

    2nd army (Kwantung) Suchow

    17th army Suchow

    6th army Suchow

    11th army Wenchow

    17th army (Korean) Taipei (landed then disbanded on turn 2, supply 8)

    NC army Nanchang


    - Disbanded armies are worth 1745 MPPs (including infantry lvl 1 upgrade for several of them). Disbanding also gave back 233 MPPs to Japan (vary for each unit depending on supply level).

    - All in all it's a 1500 MPPs "penalty", nearly 4 carriers without upgrades. Extra MPPs from disbanded units can be used to boost research early or buy units.

    EX1: It is enough for the 2 GAR and 2 divisions available (hard builds) that will quickly free up 4 corps tasked with rear duty

    EX2: It is enough to buy the elite mechanized unit (with infantry lvl 1 upgrade) that will arrive for 1940 and give great punch to jap offensives

    - So far it's very interesting/challenging:

    0) Japs have a clear choice between spending for China (land) or USA (navy)

    1) Japs have enough HQs to command remaining units

    2) Japs have enough units to cover manchurian/partisan tiles

    3) Japs have barely enough units to man frontlines

    4) Japs have enough power to attack but not everywhere

    (have to balance forces between coast and center)

    5) Japs have to maneuver more aorund chinese fortifications

    6) Putting chinese units out of supply is much more rewarding

    7) Japs still have the MPPs/tech advantage

    Thanks for reading ^^ !

  13. Hi :) ,

    - When refusing to share Poland with USSR are there any other locations to garrison than Koenigsberg and Warsaw ? I seem to remember there was something like that but I can't find it anywhere.

    - We're in november and USSR mobilization is at 32% growing by 4% a turn, at this rate I'll be at war with Stalin in september 40 with russian MPPs piling up (already over 80) :eek: .

    Thanks in advance !

  14. - I see Germans don't defend on the Dnepr itself, I suppose it's to have a narrow front for crossing soviet units where you can hit each one of them with 3-4 more axis units ?

    - Maybe that's why the Reds moved some units out: no space to deploy all those troops...

    - About the new front(s), I'd bet Ivanov is eying some move from the Riga-Kaunas area to crush AGC Bagration style :) .

  15. Thanks for all the tips Big Al !

    - I would add for Germany that putting frontline starting soviet units out of supply before destroying them "waste" some time early but will also delay USSR effort to build reserves for late 41 and then weaken any winter offensive.

    - Having to buy back most units at full price is a pain for Stalin (no need for light tanks of course since they won't come back once out).

    - For USSR, those light tanks can be the key to good defense/slowing down Nazis. However it is also possible to take some risks and "save" them for russian later counter-offensive. Along with heavy tanks, they can create a dangerous mass effect at the critical point :) .

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