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Everything posted by Probus

  1. Yeah, but is the blanket/great coat/plain-plaid Scottish blanket/bed roll new or was it there before?
  2. Are there going to be any surprises in the release @BFCElvis? This is the first new release since I rediscovered Combat Mission so I have no idea if that is a common practice.
  3. Dis is de song we sung building the tank traps outside of Kursk:
  4. A quick update. Since I am still fairly new to Combat Mission I thought I would try/start a playthrough over on A Few Good Men of a new Black Sea Campaign: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/forums/cmbs-brief-border-war.476/ Once I get a good feel for how that campaign works, we will get this one moving. Thanks! Probus.
  5. Modders could take that weight off you guys, ya know. I know you know but I couldn't resist.
  6. I've eliminated 50% of the mods from being suspect. As I said earlier, I finally got the turn to process and sent it to my opponent. But when he took his turn and sent the game back to me, none of my orders had executed. Or none that I could tell. I lost 2 tanks, 2 Flak-tracks, and 1 half track. This in a game where maybe <1 APC a turn was being lost. So there must have been some kind of file corruption that was causing the CTD. I may ask him for a test turn just to see if I delete all my orders and re-issue them, if that fixes the file.
  7. It was a mod. If someone would like to know which mod it is, let me know and I will try narrowing it down.
  8. Well I kept fiddling and decided I would try removing all mods, turning off all effects, and stopping all processes on the PC that I didn't need. Flew right through with no CTD. I'll add things back, one block at a time to see if I can figure out the general area of that was causing the problem.
  9. I have a CMRT game, about 100 turns so far (about 50 minutes), and when I end my turn it processes about 30-40% then crashes to desktop. Can anyone suggest a solution I could try? I haven't changed my hardware or software. So I'm thinking its a bug in one of my orders maybe? Any help would be appreciated.
  10. Yes. I'm hoping we have enough maps to keep it interesting. I have a cunning plan.
  11. Received the Holland '44 game yesterday. Setting up the board to look for an area that would be good for a "Bridge Too Far" mini campaign game. Some details: Each hex is 2 km. You can stack up to ~2 battalions per hex. So if we just used a small portion of the game map, maybe around 9 hexes, each hex could be broken into smaller squares to make sure the battles stay small. A battle could be the entire hex if just 2 commanders would be involved. (Huge map, with a relatively small force). Really struggling over how much of a force a company commander should control. Somewhere on the order of 1-2+ reinforced companies. Working on rules governing how each battle starts. What constitutes a meeting engagement vs a probe vs and attack etc... Each turn of the game is broken into morning and afternoon and there are rules for weather.
  12. Not to worry. We will have the full campaign next year. Please don't hesitate to comment. We can use all the advice we can get.
  13. Thank you kind sir. I will get this fixed. Seems like I can't edit the post anymore. I'll ask admin what's up.
  14. Operation Market Garden Multi-Player Campaign (Holland '44) Today, I am supposed to get a physical copy of Holland '44 in my grubby little hands to use in testing VASSAL for our first prototyping campaign game. We thought it would be wise to iron out the rules above and find the best location in the battle/map for the campaign. It will be ~3 short turns of intensive testing and feedback to get us ready for the full campaign ~next month in 2021 (no way I'm starting anything in 2020!). Thanks to everyone behind the scenes who have helped us get this far. So now I am officially asking for VOLUNTEERS for the proto-multi-community-campaign-mini-test-game (PMCCMTG). No. No. No. I'm a government engineer, I can do way better than that for an acronym. Hmmmm..... CM2PTG - Community-Mini-Campaign-Multi-Prototype-Test-Game. There, much better, anyway, If you are interested please PM me which position(s). Here is what we are looking for in our Victims Volunteers: 1. Field Officer - Axis Forces a) Operational Command b) Orders to Company Commanders c) Take over temporarily for KIA, MIA Company Commanders under certain conditions. 2. Company Commander 1 - Axis Forces a) Lead their company size forces into battle against overwhelming odds. 3. Company Commander 2 - Axis Forces a) Lead their company size forces into battle against overwhelming odds. 4. Field Officer - Allied Forces a) Operational Command b) Orders to Company Commanders c) Take over temporarily for KIA, MIA Company Commanders under certain conditions. 5. Company Commander 1 - Allied Forces a) Lead their company size forces into battle against overwhelming odds. 6. Company Commander 2 - Allied Forces a) Lead their company size forces into battle against overwhelming odds. 7. 2nd Lieutenant(s) - Faceless Pixeltroopen a) Field promotion to Commander for (KIA. MIA) Company Commanders. b) KIA - Permanent, MIA - Temporary, but axis/allied designation will stay the same. c) This will happen in our test game a few times to test the substitution rules. Patience and feedback will be required. Competitiveness is optional during the testing. We are looking for "devils advocates" but any criticisms should always be accompanied with solution(s) and work arounds. Our motto will be KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid Thanks! This is going to be a blast!!!
  15. Figured it out... You take two units of wire and arrange them the direction you want them. Select them both and move them to the opening in the wall. Just one of them moves but stays aligned to the other one and, ta da! You have an aesthetically pleasing barbed wire fence/wall. This may be old news for most of you, but this ranks right up there with landing a Starship back on the pad with 3 intact Raptor engines, for me!
  16. I did a quick search and couldn't find the answer, but I have a simple question: If I have a single unit of barbed wire and want it to face NW instead of North, how do I change its facing when setting up? I wan to put it across an opening in a wall to a compound. Thanks!
  17. Everything is in flux so nothing is set in stone. We are just going to use a small portion of Holland '44 right now. The battalion size counters break down into companies. But please keep feeding ideas.
  18. Here is a link to the Multiplayer Campaign guide. I'm not done transferring it into Google docs (from an old scanned copy), but feel free to comment. It should be open for comments: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uqp6EbBIsrfiiOL_LKjRNQx1kaPaxNlkjvMMUK5HTF0/edit?usp=sharing Thanks!
  19. Each hex is ~2km Randomly assign CM maps depending on terrain features, City, Forest, village, farmland Stacking limits. Supply/logistics points, weather, ground conditions, etc... Have to figure out how to handle offboard artillery and air support I will open the rules up (Google docs) so anyone can comment.
  20. Ha! Do they offer one? They had a whole series at the operational level. So I used those as examples of maps. I'm thinking about using Panzerblitz or Panzer Leader to track forces. Give the commanders "counters" to arrange on a section of map for the campaign. What do you think @Erwin? Rules overview coming later today. All with a little help from my friends.
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