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Everything posted by Glabro

  1. Also, sadly Great War's WW2 scenario is maybe not as balanced as it could be, but that's all subjective of course and what mods are there for! I personally think the army scale makes for far too many empty spaces and holes in the battle lines.
  2. Good suggestions, but I don't really dig the + manpower thing, and the Panzer progression chart is not quite there - one shouldn't put the Tiger above the Panther for instance, and Pz I and II really are OLD, I guess Pz III-level is level 1, then french tanks are 2, T-34 is 3, Panther / Tiger 4 and so on. The oil and manpower additions are right up my alley though for much better force pool limitations, and I've spoken of their behalf earlier.
  3. This is a very good idea. A switch for "not one step back!" where a unit will stand just like in the current game unless its morale gets really low and it faces destruction (more often than currently, though), and a "normal" mode where units retreat in face of superior odds.
  4. Thanks. I didn't even know you could create new unit types. Or did you just mean replacing all the garrisons with that? That wouldn't really work... And the supply <5 is something that works when you have a lot more supply units going about. It's pretty ridiculous that an occupied non-port town can somehow replenish and supply a unit that conducted amphibious landing on it without a proper invasion, capture of a port and supply elements.
  5. The table in the editor doesn't have the max strength option, just the other combat stats. The resource editing tool doesn't allow values below 5.
  6. So, ev, did you find out how to set the max strength of units? What about resources, can they go lower than 5?
  7. Can I throw another feature request here? Simply to unlock strength rating of 1-4 for resources in the editor.(we would like towns to be 1 and use controllable supply depots), as well as unlocking Garrison Strength if not already possible?
  8. Whoops. That would explain it. Well I forgot, and there was no announcement about it after the first one. Good that there's an explanation, then.
  9. But isn't it already the most viable option? At least in my games this has been true, yet to see CP success from Schlieffen. The advance halts at the Somme, and it's downhill from there. Never tried it myself though, just my opponents.
  10. For one turn I didn't have a garrison in Cairo, but I replaced it with a French unit. I could see that perhaps this was not allowed, and it must be a brit unit occupying Cairo, that's the most logical explanation. None of the other triggers were activated, well besides the surrender of Poland of course.
  11. Well we could mod those in ourselves. Perhaps we will. Yeah, I know, would be good to have standardization, but...
  12. Really? So a good guess is there won't be a patch this year. Surprising, the hofix commentary left me to believe there would be one. But I understand you're busy with new games and such, the game itself is very playable and stable, we can tinker with the scenarios ourselves. And of course, WW1 still works pretty dang well.
  13. Oh I know, it's pointless to send Brits to France, it's as rigged to fall as can be with the NM scripts. They'll be changed, too.
  14. I'm not complaining about any particular point of view - I've played it both ways. What I mean is, France had a really strong army, but it wasn't very concentrated. Tanks were spread around the infantry divisions, which made them stronger (but of course here they're pathetically weak), but again diluted their "spearhead" effect. The Germans defeated the French so fast not through brute force, but by doing a major outflanking move with armour through the Ardennes. What I mean to say is, the effect of this in WW2 was to cut the French in Northern France off, cutting them from supply & higher command etc. for a critical period of time. The reason the French are so pathetic in SoE is probably because the game engine doesn't really support this, but I still disagree with it. You shouldn't correct one mistake with another. Now, I know SoE probably doesn't change by itself, but we (Kommandant & Me) are doing something about it, a competitor for CBTS and SOE, effectively. We just are interested in whether it's worth our while to keep waiting for the patch. Basically, we want to make Poland & France tougher nuts to crack along historical lines while delaying Soviet war entry (unprovoked) to spring / summer 42, possibly do something about the supply if at all possible, drop the scale to corps & divs, etc.
  15. Hubert, Bill - I know you don't want to give an ETA for the patch (although we're all grown men here, we won't cry foul like teens on a mass market game forum), but can you give us any hint about how soon we SHOULDN'T expect the next patch? Say, "probably not this year" or so? The Storm over Europe campaign was a big selling point, but now I find I'm unsatisfied with it since of the too large scale, and far too weak (artificially so - even the build limits are ridiculous) Poland and France. They're rigged to fall fast to conventional warfare. I guess this is a problem with the game engine - you can't make far-reaching sweeps to cut off supply, because any little town (esp. with a hq) gives you plenty of supply, so the historical blitzkrieg can't be done - but it is shamful about France, really. So we want to build our own improved SoE, but we've decided to wait for the patch...so that we don't have to update all the scripts manually.
  16. Is Italy's war entry totally random? When I played as the axis, Italy entered in August. Now as the Allies, Italy entered in January 40. I left Cairo without a garrison for one turn accidentally because of "no undo", so did this really cause this much damage? I put a french corps in Cairo, is this also not allowed?
  17. But I don't want to penalize any other tye of Adjacent Enemy Penalties, just the one in the case where a unit is moving through a north-south or east-west line of units where the units in a line only touch corner to corner (because of the tile layout). If I increased the adjacent unit penalty, it would be really hard even to move into contact with a normal battle line! Imagine the V and A are tile corners occupied by German units, the French unit could move right between them unless there's another unit to prevent it. V A
  18. Hmm, scratch the attack restriction, it isn't really necessary, but preventing movement between two units in an orthogonal line would be cool.
  19. I've often been thinking that the tile layout creates weird and "unfair" situations where it's much harder to create orthogonal defence lines than diagonal ones. You need 50% more men, and the enemy can attack the line with an extra unit. Therefore, I was thinking - would it be possible to limit movement between two enemy units in an orthogonal direction (squeezing between the two enemy tiles)? And would it be possible to prevent units from attacking between two tiles in an orthogonal direction if those two tiles were occupied by any units? Something to muse about...
  20. I'd like to know where I can see a list of all "traps" that create free units for either side. What I mean is, where can I see what I shouldn't do so that I'm not gifting away free unit creation scripts to my opponent? I don't want to try to read through all the scripts and try to deduce their meaning.
  21. Aha, so you're building a WW1 with no major naval component. Well, surely the German assumption was that GB would get involved with France, otherwise the naval focus makes even less sense. But he effects of the naval operations are not strong enough compared to the investment (at least in MPPs), at least before max corps are reached. The scenario you're proposing is quite favourable for the CP compared to the normal setup, but interesting regardless. More troops would be followed by 1 more art in my mind, 1 st 5 scout plane could be possible (but not really useful). The troops would be deployed as the Eastern reserve on the Polish border, while the rest of the army would go ahead with Schlieffen.
  22. That's my understanding, unless you're experiencing severely painful lag. I'm just talking about an all-around slowness to the unit selection, movement etc - sluggishness, but not anything painful that I'd have to wait seconds for stuff to happen.
  23. I gather it's just a very slow engine for some reason, and leave it at that. One would think simple movements and selectins like this would go in a zip, but something's just lagging the game up.
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