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Posts posted by Crushingleeek

  1. [*]Spread out. If you can stomach the micromanagement, split your squads into teams and have space between them. If you want to keep your squads intact, make sure they're well spread out.

    +1. I always split squads into teams. (unless there is a narrow firing lane that I want to squeeze as many rifles into as i can.)

    • Let your infantry find the enemy armour so you can plan your attack on the Panzers.
    • Look for flank shots and ambushes. If you have to actively hunt them rather than letting them come to you, popup attacks can work well.

    In general, take it slow, but not slow enough that their arty can catch you...

    Right on. Against AI, really really take it slow. don't worry too much about arty finding you (unless its an FO or HQ. If you're like me, you have all teams, all spread out if you can help it and there are enough cover areas. A team or two getting peppered, while stressful, won't kill your operation.)

    With superior German armor, sometimes all you can do is flank for a side or rear shot, while playing a cat n mouse game, moving a tank in for a shot, hiding behind cover, then alternating with another tank on the other flank moving in for a shot and then reversing for cover.

    Bazooka teams at short range help too.

  2. I don't know much about 105s, however I heard one very well sourced story about a Marine FO protecting his escaping recon unit with a moving box of four sided linear missions fired from four different arty units. It is my understanding from reading WWII history that the Arty really put their pre-war time to good use and developed some amazing capabilities.

    Imagine trying to carry that out in CMBN.

    if you hadn't said well-sourced, i'd put it in the folklore folder:D

  3. I also think that it could be wise to gather together all the icons in plain view on the map (have a word on the briefing about it) and allow the player to put them where they feel it will be best. But, for doing so the designer has to draw a set up area allowing for that. That might not be always possible or wanted depending on the scenario design.

    Players can put TRPS anywhere they want on a map. it need not be within setup areas.

  4. Let me ask this Rafter11:

    Do you think mortar/artillery is modeled just right/over-represented/under-represented in CMBN?

    I know BF has put a ton of research/effort/thought into all aspects of CMBN, but any real-world input from veterans, Rafter or other ppl perusing these forums, could always be helpful.

    I'm all for realism, even at the expense of gameplay. I just thought, like someone mentioned, that FO's could judge based on explosion clouds, not necessarily in their direct line of sight (a could of smoke behind a patch of trees in their LoS), how to direct fire.

  5. Requiring a forward observer to have eyes on the impact zone seems normal enough. But I am questioning the requirement to have Line of site on both the origin point of impact and the end point ...be it the outer diameter for area call ins or the end of the line for linear call ins.

    i know arty is handled well in the game, but I'm thinking an observer can see the high plumes of the explosians, and can judge distance, he is an observer after-all. So he knows he needs his arty walking linear west 75 meters for example. Even though he can't see 75 meters west of the origin, he should still be able to set the end of line or diameter.

    I think something like this is what I would love and did a bad job of conveying in the other thread

  6. For example, the attacking force may know that TOWN X is defended by the enemy so they will pre-register artillery on the town but that doesn't mean that every hedgerow in and around the town is pre-registered with LINE bombardments.

    Exactly! I want to be able to pre-register artillery on town x!

    let's face it, some of the 155mm, 205mm howitzers, and naval guns modeled in CM are not used for the smaller "tactical" situations that some insist is the point of CM battles.

    Designing scenarios/campaigns within a larger context, I think it'd be nice if ppl have a chance to "loosen up" a town with some of the larger scale guns within cmbn that were intended for such a purpose, and not just suppressing 2nd squad of 3rd platoon.

    But I'm not pushing further; not as many ppl as I hoped feel the same way.

  7. 3. Well, the vast majority of battles and campaigns (that come with the game) are meant for the player to be on the offensive. However, it's the defensive side that usually has the time to pre-register artillery. So maybe it just seems skewed because we've mainly been playing on the offensive.

    i'll drop this discussion, since it seems like the vast majority abhor the idea of expanding blind fire arty capability, and after hashing it out, all I'm really for is the more prevalent use of TRPs.

    but I can't resist one more rebuttal: defensive sides have the time? So the defenders dictate when attacks will happen? "Hey attackers, we're doing this right now, we want to defend this moment, so you don't have time to set up your artillery!":D

    of course its the offensive side that dictates the pace and sets up a 4 hr pre-offensive bombardment.

    ok, i'm done, gonna go listen to ppl lament the lack of cover armor arc and missing southpaws.

  8. Anything they can do to add some character to the soldiers would be great but it may be asking too much to have variations in the models to that extent.

    I was being facetious. I am very content that there is 1:1 modeling. the abstraction in CM1 always dented it a little bit for me.

    I think if anything, maybe work on ironing out the kinks where some individuals in squads stand up in open ground waiting to get shot while most of the rest of the squad is well covered behind/in the thing you told them to hide

  9. 1. True, but this is primarily a technique that battle designers use because most battles in WWII (at the CM scale) did not have pre-registered artillery.

    2. I am not for this. This will allow every artillery mission in every battle the ability to have pre-registered accuracy. Highly unrealistic and would obviously be abused by the players.

    3. If the scenario designer wants the player to have the TRP accuracy then he will put them in the battle. Otherwise just suck it up and call in artillery like normal and suffer the wait the way real soldiers did in WWII.

    1). Mere speculation. you can't generalize what you think "most battles" (at the CM scale) had or did not have in terms of pre-registered artillery. Maybe I am modelling the most intense artillery barrage documented in WWII.

    2). Is it really unrealistic for an artillery section to know the coordinates to what they have already previously fired upon? Will it really be abused, judging by the amount of artillery rounds allotted in the typical "full supply" option? (Ans: No.) If the enemy is thick enough to continue occupying that particular zone targeted by the TRP, do they deserve to live? (Ans: guess)

    3) Precisely what I am arguing. TRP's are often neglected in scenario (ie single player scenarios and not quick battle/PBEM) design.

  10. I kinda like this idea. It would perhaps mean you'd have to buy TRPs in order to be eligible for pre-planned artillery missions... which doesn't seem too onerous. Though they should probably be more expensive for the attacker. As it stands, they're 30 points whoever buys 'em and 90 rarity for the US vs zero for the Germans, even in a meeting engagement. I know BFC don't fiddle with points values, but I'd've thought it would make sense for rarity to vary with context for something like that, and I wonder if it's an oversight.

    Oops, forgot about the PBEM/quick battle crowd. I see in those cases balance is an issue.

    I'm coming more from a historical scenario/campaign creator slant, where 4 hr bombardments were the norm ;), and victory/defeat is not necessarily who holds all the pieces at the end, but how you did given what you have.

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