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Everything posted by JG11Preusse

  1. thats great and really well for the game and explains some strange things happens while playing. with the sharpshooter problem there must be an other reason, beacuse i tested them at all experience steps. also at elite level they arent able to hit a unbottoned tank commander at 50-200 meters while the tank is still standing
  2. same issue i posted long time ago. also got immobilized on "hard" ground one time. but didnt got the problem again up to now. have to admid that i only play quick battles an nothing further and the immobilization happened i a szenario, if i remember right
  3. @ narsis do you think all these circumstances you listed up in your post are implemented by the programmers into this game ? i cant beleave that
  4. the way this war ended was the best way what could happen, i guess. dont want to imagine what would happened, if my homeland would have won this stupid war. wondering that so much brainless psychopatics are leading whole counrtrys hitler, stalin and their shoescleaner at ww2, "mr. bunga bunga" in italy now, bush junior 2 times not to long time ago, the brainless whiterussian president an mr. kim jong il. look at iran, lyba, syria and so on... everywhere yo will find one person who strangulates a whole country...... strange, isnt it ?
  5. yes mr. english teacher ........ the rest of your text i will not read ........ if you still found grammar problems with this short reply now, let me know via pm
  6. for me it is the best way to test at qb´s, because you can setup almost the same enviroment and test several different kind of tanks, infantry, ari and so on. playing whole szenarios needs to long time for testing sch things and there are also to many troops on the map to obersver as much behavior of special units, as possible. i hope units will behave in qb´s same as in scenarios or in a campain, otherwise my tests will relly be obsolete. to come back to the fat marked sentence ... most wouldnt do that, bt some for sure do, as i also undertand with my pack of english if you like to test it with me together online, i will b e happy to make such testgames with you. so we can se teamspeak or something similar. in 2 weeks i will be back from asia and then i will have a fast and stable internet. here i get disconnects every 5-10 minutes
  7. i would recommend you to accept other peoples opinions, if in super native english or in chinese. people who start their answers with words like "rubbish" arent woth to talk with them and i guess its better that such morones dont recommend something to other people.
  8. thats why i wrote my opinion, also if others say that this problem inst real looks like its real and we not only see ghosts
  9. did i said he cant ? ....... maybe you need the chill pills ?
  10. sounds good ... sleeping at night is good for the health
  11. hope you are right, my testes today and yesterday are all with 1.01 patch
  12. right ... so what is the problem ? i allready said that differnt people play this game a different way. so for sure not everyone recognizes the same as others do. am i wrong ?
  13. noooooo its normal that underofficers are platoon leader in ngermany this and former times. nothing to do with losses or no losses. also the platoonleader of the first platoon (zug) can be a underofficer (f.e. oberfeldwebel) and the leader of the second platoon a "oberleutnant" or other way round. the reason can be, that underofficer grades like oberfeldwebel or hauptfeldwebel (or higher) in general have much more expierience than a leutnant or oberleutnant (second or first lieutenant).
  14. if you accept others experiences, i for sure also will do. the only thing about what i can write are my experiences and when im back from asia, i will show them with savegames ...... i learned that films are integrated in savegames
  15. no ... it is and was normal that "unteroffiziere" also are "zugführer"
  16. ?? i dont really understand what you like to know. "zugführer" are still and also was in former times also "unteroffiziere" .... some are leutnant, some oberleutnant, some are feldwebel, oberfeldwebel, hauptfeldwebel, stabsfeldwebel, oberstabsfeldwebel, stabsunteroffizier or just unteroffiziere. the bold ones are in common not "zugführer".
  17. maybe because you are not the only player of this game and maybe because many people play many different ways ? some only play some scenarios, others play whole campains and others play tonns of quickbattles and test tis and that. if you dont recognize something dont means that it dont exists or ?
  18. but many others did saw that, so it is an isseue and not only after the patch, was also an issue before the patch
  19. @siffo998 try a quick battle with only inantry at the one side and choose yorself for example 10 siper teams. so you will have a huge ammount of enemies and try to place 2-3 snipers in a building. others snipers you will try to set at a position, where they have a good overview over the battlearea from a medium to long range (maybe 250-400 meters). you can download a pack with 11 qb maps (battlefront.com), which lets you have a tiny open map with a very good chance to test such things. greetings andi i guess its not a feature, because it makes no sence. siffo´s explanation makes more sence. all in all i remember that here at this forum it was explained, that it makes sence to shoot at unbottoned tanks, but not at buttoned. so what could be better to use a sniper to shoot at the commander of the tank, if unbuttoned ?
  20. i did also for a "bridge problem". i will aso for the other mentioned problems, when im back from asia. will only last 2 weeks. internet here is horrible ... 5 minutes stable, then disconnects. have to wait further 3-10 minutes and then i can connect again. im sure they will look at the files with the shown problems. when i sent on e, i also got a feedback @magpie oz trained snipers have a special job. the target is to stay unseen and aim at a long or longer distance. thats what they are for and usually hidden soldiers will be able to aim accurate, not only at the shooting range also helicopter pilots get training in training areas and they normally also dont loose all knowledgees, when doing their job in a realistic area. yo can find a documentry film about a lynx and an gazelle pilot from uk, while they are dealing with a t-55 in real. if they would act like "tis guy here" explained, they would have been shot down after some minutes
  21. sure ... tell me where you where ? lets share our experiences and maybe you can tell me, why infantry sharpshooters lost all their knowledge about aiming, when in a conflict area ? did you ever heard that in real situation the senses will get sharpen ? thats for example a reason, why you feel that the rocket needs hours to reach the target and not hit after the usual 40 seconds f.e. reading what you wrote and also look at the way you wrote it, im sure you are only a senior expert internet soldier. but maybe im wrong and how the life goes, we where at an almost same palce and then we can share much memories
  22. and im sure you know both .. shooting range and real combat, otherwise you wont share your bull**** knowledges, right ? did you ever was in a war situation are are you also someone else, who knows everything from reading articles from internet ? i know about flying a military helicopter at a training area aswell, as in a conflict area, so dont tell me such stupit bull**** things
  23. after very much more quickbattles for testing this and that, i also can say that the "computer driven forces" are do the same thing. they also shoot at buttoned tanks. not only sometimes, almost all time. maybe someone things i only play to find odd things wich i can post here .... wrong. i like this game, otherwise i wont play that much with it. for such ammount of dollars i also dont expect a perfect and super real ww2 simulator. so dont get me wrong, also if it sounds like this sometimes (the language helps to get me wrong i guess, but thats my fault)
  24. its not my philosophy, it only was an idea to explain why they have aiming problems or whatever. i tried many quickbattles with many different settings. from elite snipers down to regular ones and it seems that they need several shots to hit something even at still standing targets. i only can talk about my impressions and i dont write something here only to create confusion or something. yes im sure you are right with this example, but for example im only a pilot and had 3 month time to learn also shooting and im easely can hit man size targets without a scope up to 300 meters. sure i dont used a k98 with scope, i had to shoot with g3, but im also sure that a k98 with scope will be a good deal to hit safe at distances p to 200 meters or maybe much more.
  25. no matter wich distance.... or if elite or regular .. they have aiming problems or broken scopes
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