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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. No, no go for it. I think it is great. I did not mean to give the impression of being impatient - just wanted to start the discussion. I am cool if you want to fight all the CM battles - even (but I'll do my bit if you don't want to). I did not think there would be so few of us either - but hey it should be fun.
  2. As the guy fighting the battle you are in full command. I would like to ask you let us know generally how things are going. Nothing to crazy like the AARs posted here. But when things get going. What you start to see and how things are going from time to time.
  3. Can I ask that you drop a note in here when such a battle is set? Just so those of us not actually fighting are aware. Please.
  4. So, I have read the rules and been thinking about the situation. Obviously, my thoughts are just a starting point because we have not seen what the Alies have done yet. Given the above here are my immediate thoughts. We should be trying to maneuver to get reinforcements to the VL locations. I doubt the current forces on those locations would last very long without some shoring up. In addition, to me it looks like E11 and F10 are important to prevent the enemy from isolating the top most VL. I also see from the rules that we can use artillery to disrupt the enemy and prevent their movement. I submit we should be looking for opportunities to do that. In order to slow their ability to get men into position to assault the VLs. Speaking of artillery, @noob can you provide a link to a higher res version of the OOB? I cannot tell what kind of artillery is in stack 11 or what kind of mortars are available in stacks 4, 5 and 6. My first thoughts.
  5. LOL good theory I like it It is probably just observation bias - it sucks when it happens so you remember it more. People do not remember the other multiple times their gunner did a good job. For example I just had two Sherman tanks go head to head against a German 75mm HT. Seriously two Shermans facing a 75mm HT facing them (not sure on the range but way under 1000m). I don't know about you but I was expecting a burning HT and two totally happy Shermans at the end of the minute. After the first minute that is *not* what happened. Both Sherman gunners missed multiple times and the HT scored two direct hits on one of the Sherman tanks. I was pulling my hair out. Those gunners could not hit the broad side of a barn. Thankfully the tank was not seriously damaged. I moved both tanks forward through the smoke to try again - I just could not accept that HT driving off. The second minute my gunners did not disappoint. They did not miss a single round and hit that HT five times before they stopped firing. Yeah it is destroyed. Probably a goner after the first hit but I think my gunners were embarrassed and needed to prove themselves.
  6. It is a probe map "240Probe Med Rough 240.btt". Thanks for the advice to solve the problem - that is indeed what I did yesterday after more attempts. I hope it works.
  7. So, I just sent a new game - with the map but edited by me. I manually reversed the sides. Swapped the type to Axis Probe, redrew the setup zones and changed the friendly map edges. I hope that works. Again - I have saved games if any testers want them.
  8. Ooops I missed that "indirect". Sorry about that.
  9. OK I have tried this: Setup a PBEM when the turn comes back (002) pick my forces and hit go. Save the game. Open the game again - fail guys are in the attacker setup zone. I reopened (002) pick my forces and hit go. All was good - saved it as (002_save) and reopen - fail guys are in the attacker setup zone. So if this holds I should be able to reopen my original turn pick my forces and settings up - no saving and things should be fine. That should help BFC figure this out. The one thing I have not done is start over and try to reproduce the broken after fail state. I *may* try that tomorrow - sounds like a job for a tester.
  10. I could be onto something here. I just reopened the turn file and all was well. What I did yesterday was select my forces and hit save. Then I opened up the saved game and I was in the wrong setup zone. I wonder if saving during deployment is what triggers this. I might just try that again too. But first I have a turn to play.
  11. I just tried a two player hot see with the same settings - and it worked. Trying the sent turn again...
  12. Again, I don't think so. I was just watching a Sherman that I gave an area fire order at a trench work. Its first round hit a tree between it and the trench. The second round went long. Third round was short but hit part of the trench closer to the tank and the last round of the turn was pretty much where I asked. This tank is on the edge of a wood firing over a lower area into a heavily treed hill with the trench works on it. I was watching impressed that the AI did such a good job figuring out the shot.
  13. I just started an Italian attacking, Canadian's defending Medium Probe and ended up with the Canadian defenders in the attacker's setup zone. I have a saved game if you need it but the map was "240Probe Med Rough 240.btt". When you get to play once per day it can take two days to discover this problem and then you have to throw it all away and start over. I would really like to know, is this usually caused by a map setting that can be tweaked by me? If so, I would like to check before using any map in the future. Frankly I am find this frustrating and it keeps happening, release after release. Please, if at all possible, enlighten me what setting(s) I should be checking before using a QB map.
  14. No, you cannot see the plane. If you move the camera to ground where the shells are landing and point up you just see the shells streaming down. The effect on the ground is pretty dramatic.
  15. OK awesome - my head is in the right place now. Thanks. I take it from the above we have no information about the allied disposition at the start. I suspect we will see something as their turn develops then. Thank you, Ian
  16. Wow - that really was unfortunate. I tried out air support for the first time recently. I bought strafing only no bombs. My opponent brought 5 or 6 M10s to the battle. The pilot never hit one of them. He chewed up some infantry but never an M10. Now to be fair my opponent mostly kept the M10s out of the way which actually helped me a lot so it turned out OK.
  17. Oh now I get. it those hexes with the 50s are the VL. We start with them thinly defended and have reinforcements "behind them".
  18. If you really want to make up your own price list you can try the technique Dungeon Tiger and I did for our 20 000 point battle. Of course in your case you would have a price list beside you when you made your scenario editor purchases rather than using the QB screen like we did. Check out the first post here for an explanation of what we did: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=105660
  19. I like them too. They tend to survive a few hits from the front. Since they are turret-less you have to handle them carefully. In an attack or meeting engagement I will likely have a mix of turret and turret-less AFVs. But on defense I do not think twice about going with Stugs only. Of course only if I can have Panthers - they are my favourite.
  20. Awesome. So, our forces are already in position - correct. I must be missing something because I cannot tell where the victory locations are?
  21. Which part of "start another thread" are you guys having trouble with? Yes, those feeding the troll are as much to blame. Are there only two of us that would like more on topic discussion on this thread?
  22. Yeah, battle ship barrages are wild. Thankfully my men have never been under one but they are impressive to watch. In an earlier test match to the 20 000 point battle my friend and I played he used a battle ship to level the town. My force was just about to attack when the rounds started. We waited.
  23. OK then I just miss understood. I'll just rotate Is is possible to use numbers past 9 for the uniform mods? I am asking is it possible to rename the files and create one big mod with 36 (ish) choices? Or would that be just crazy. Well I know it would be crazy but would it work?
  24. Woh, come on guys we need some more players. I have already said I am not going to be able to keep up the turn rate for CM battles so we need some more commanders here. Raise your hand and be counted.
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