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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. I should have expanded a bit. You’ll get a file that plays just like any other saved game file. IIRC (my comp burned out and replacement not here yet) email files is one of the Sort options in the Saved Game interface. I mostly used to use drop box when I played a real person and just cut and pasted so I’m a bit rusty about pbem.

  2. Sounds like you may be playing a scenario that is only to be played by one side, or a head to head (H2H) one where there are no AI orders. Or a QB without AI orders as ASL Vet said. Earlier stock scenarios often were only playable by one side, although I’m pretty certain stock scenarios now are all playable by both sides. Fan made scenarios often are just playable by one side.

    Go into the editor, pick one side, click Mission Objectives, then click Text, and see if there is any briefing for that side. If not, there isn’t likely an AI for that side. You can also check the AI to see if both sides have AI plans, but I don’t have access to the game and can’t give you directions on what to click from memory.

  3. Pre-orders don’t cost more. One point, if not the only one, was to be notified slightly ahead of time (a couple of hours) so you can beat the download rush and congestion that inevitably happens once it’s announced the game is ready for download. That never works, however, cuz someone always posts that it’s up on the BFC website as soon as they get the early notice.

  4. I’m no expert, but from what I can tell, they map the contours of the texture bmp, and do help make the model “pop” a bit in-game by adding a little depth. When someone mods a generic helmet, say, or a uniform, if you change nothing but the color, a normal map won’t be needed because the game is default normal map will still follow the contours of the model. But if you mod a helmet by putting a camo net on it, and use the game’s normal, that netting is going to look very flat and odd in the game because the netting contours aren’t there. If you make a normal map (many programs free on the Interwebs, and they are very easy to make) of that helmet-with-netting bmp, then in game it will look better. Depending on what you added to the original bmp, normals don’t always make that big a deal, IMHO. But when I make new faces, and don’t make a corresponding n-map, you can really tell the difference.

    Best  I can come up with, hope it helps.

  5. Erwin, the best thing to do is explode the brz’s files using the mod tools in the game’s root folder. Look in “soldiers” and you’ll see all the textures and can check the names used. Faces (skins), gear, and some random bits of uniforms haven’t had a name change, but most things have been. I haven’t modded any armor so I don’t recall, but I think most armor names haven’t been renamed either.

  6. I read the New Yorker article after I watched it. It put the general situation with Nineveh SWAT in perspective. They weren’t CTS, nor did the movie say they were. I enjoyed it as a mostly pure war movie, though, and a very well done one, IMHO. No love story (well, except for the reunion at the end, no corny speeches, etc. And face it, how many war movies about fighting ISIS have been made?

    Your mileage obviously varied!


    You press that button, Zloba, and you’re a goner! You don’t think you’ve had enough sleep now, but wait until you start really playing.  Your addiction will only grow, and grow, and grow. You will reach new heights of frustration and angst. Many Rage Quits await you. And if, like BornGinger says, you jump into pbem, you’ll be pulling your hair out and climbing the walls waiting for that next turn to see how your orders worked out.

    (This isn’t a duty that I enjoy, but someone had to warn him. I know you regulars understand.)

  8. Well, I went and maxed out on an Alienware AMD Razen9 2T Ss and 2T SATA, so I don’t think I’ll be upgrading to any Virpil equipment or a VR set anytime in the near future. But I am curious...how do you see your controls when you have a VR headset on?

    Also, I have been studying the BAT Red Core and Blue Core on both Mission 4Today and SAS sites (my log ins are still valid after 10 years!) and reading all the threads so I know what to expect and do when my ‘puter gets here. I’ve never used a torrent before, but looks like I very well might want to at 100gigs of content! How safe from viruses is that technique, and any tips on going that route? Thanks in advance!

  9. Glad I was able to help. The game also follows the moon phases, etc., for the time period of the game. Open a scenario (or go in the editor and change the time on a scenario to about 22:00 hours, but rename it so you don’t change the original) and let it run so that it goes into the night (in the game’s time), and watch the moon move across the sky over time...

  10. chuckdyke, that may be an issue with your comp. I’m not certain, but there is a thread here somewhere where others noted that same thing about seeing the outlines of fortifications, but I don’t have that issue. I thought it was suggested that it might have to do with video cards or something. But I have CRS, so who knows?

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