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  1. Decloaking to join in the cheering. Game looks absolutely stunning, and runs fine even with everything (except AA) ramped up to max. Least during the Tutorial; what (if anything) happens when more units are added on the map is something to discover in the coming days. Had a small problem with the ATI left-click accuracy (resulting in one of my Shermans murdering one of my own squads, instead of hitting the farmhouse right in front of it ), but after toggling the 'ATI left-click thingie' in Options, no more problem. Now, if I could only remember to keep troops ON the objectives until the end of battle, it wouldn't have been a draw. One minor niggle (also mentioned previously) is the base used when moving units is a little hard to see. Nothing I can't live with, but there it is. System: AMD 620 QuadCore 2.6 GHz, ATI Radeon 6670, 4G RAM, Win 7.
  2. Straight WEGO player myself. Haven't got the attention-span, nor the motor-skills for RT. As for scenarios, I tend to favor company-sized infantry-heavy battles. I know everybody wants the big cats against a sea of Shermans, but I prefer sneaking around the bocage, ducking mortar-fire. Don't really care whether it's historical or not (within reason), long as the situation is interesting. Not sure what can be done with he QB selector, but it could be fun to try a sort of 'dynamic campaign' like there was in Grigsbys Campaign Series. Simply take a rifle-company through X number of QBs, and simulating earlier losses simply by not picking the full TOE for the next battle. Though obviously one will need the game to tinker around with before setting down the details. One things for sure, there's plenty of fun on the horizon.
  3. Having never stepped into the jungle that is CM multiplayer (though planning to with CM:BN), this may be a dunce-of-the-century question. But what the heck is a hamachi server, and what is it used for?
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