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Everything posted by comsolut

  1. Been playing a game as the Allies (last version) and I have a repeating message about US reinforces Pacific, Tension reduced between US and Japan. US for the allies has gone down from 53% to 22% and has happened for about 7 turns in a row. Started about September 1941. Any thoughts - is this correct? The AI in the mod seems weaker than some of the other mods. Playing at .5 advantage for the AI. Still undecided but I do like the reactive aspect of the game and commend your creativity. Comsolut
  2. Thanks. I particularly like the lower MPPs, seems more realistic and does force some hard choices.
  3. There seems to be a problem with the Fall of France, or the Plunder Paris script, as I had to replay the turn after the game crashed. I don't know which script caused it because it crashed, but the game played through on the second try, and I have not had any issues since. It may have been the plunder Paris script. Have played through two partial games. 1st game to get a feel for the flow and the second to try a no Poland option and go for Sealion. In the first game opted for all the Ethiopia decisions as Italy but still failed to conquer the country. In the second opted not to take the Ethiopia decisions and just bunkered up. In the second game went thru Belgium only and conquered France in late 1939 and invaded England in summer 40. Just took Manchester but both USSR and US have declared war on Germany. Turkey did join the axis as I spent a lot on diplomacy there. Very interesting choices and options in this mod. Is the mod designed to force players to choose very carefully where to spend MPPs? I find myself low on units and many units at partial strength. Or am I doing something wrong. I like the feel of too few MPPs, just want to make sure that is the intent of the mod and not my poor play. Also having the problem with the script to garrison Warsaw, etc when I never attacked Poland. That script might need to just go away and not worry about the need to tie up German divisions since the Germans don't seem overbuilt. Just my opinion. Or find a way to make it contingent on Poland being attacked and conquered. Anyway, outstanding work and thanks for sharing it with us.
  4. First let me thank you for all the work you are putting into the mod. The scale is interesting and should provide excellent play for human players. As a solo player (would like to try hvh as the allied player but I am always worried the I won't find enough time to keep the turns flowing fast enough to suit my opponent)(particularly during the World CUP - go USA) I am very grateful for all the AI work you are putting into the mod. I have played several turns against the Allied AI and am enjoying the experience, i.e. lots of FUN! It is giving me a chance to relearn the game system, the new rules, and new units. Anyway, please keep working on the AI becuase I, and I am sure more players to come, will be appreciative.
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