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Posts posted by warrenpeace

  1. One of the things I find annoying is how troops behave when they first come under fire.  Unless they are hunting, they generally speed up and run to their destination point until they get pinned down.  I'd love to see a toggle or flag that allows them one of two different behaviors, either go for it (what they do now), or stop.  


  2. Pelican Pal: Thanks for the defense. Frankly, I have given up on this board because there are so many _holes around.

    With regards to the game, I did play around the bug for a while, but I was just running into too many situations where I did strange things because I couldn't enter buildings, so I stopped playing. While I am glad to hear a patch is underway, it seems to me that the problem was fixed in CMFI over a month ago (when the 3.0 patch came out), so I was baffled at why there was no fix for CMRT. Are the DRM issues really that different between the two games? Now BF releases another pay-for product and still no patch.

    My perspective is that six months is a long time to fix a bug. It either wasn't a high priority, or there was a competence issue. Either way, it makes me reluctant to give BF any more of my money.

  3. ASL,

    I'm not sure what you are reading, but I have never seen anything approaching apologetic language from BF. What I wrote is to try and show what I expect from good customer service/relations. If I go out to eat and they screw up the order, it is quite common for them to be quite apologetic and comp me some part of the bill. Some places will, some won't. Guess which ones I go back to?

    Basically, BF has needlessly antagonized me as a customer. I just wanted to point out that it didn't need to happen.


  4. Pissed off LG customer ' Next time I am buying Sony TV!'

    Pissed off BFC customer ' Next time I am buying a ......Oh shiiieett, there is nothing else!'

    There is truth in this. However, of late I've been playing Crusader Kings 2 and really like it. Clearly a very different game, but really addicting once you figure out what is going on.

  5. Quote:

    In general I find Steve's "My way or the highway attitude" rather bizarre for someone in a customer dependent business.

    You find it "bizarre" only because you apparently can't figure out how we can be both customer unfriendly and yet be in business longer than just about any other wargame company ever to exist. That's because you refuse to understand that what you want is sometimes not what is in your own best interests. And I'm quite honest about that too. Or would you prefer this response from me:

    "Dear Warrenpeace. Thank you for your recent inquiry about receiving beta code instead of waiting for the product to be properly tested and released. We value your opinion and I can assure you that it is under active consideration for some time in the future, but at the present time I regret to say that we are not in a position to accommodate this suggestion. Sincerely, Customer Support Representative"

    I just wanted to respond to this part of Steve's response to make it crystal clear what a customer might expect as a response to my initial post. Remember, the one one-story building bug is a serious bug, so those of you who are not plagued with it must imagine what it would do to the game. ALso, If you look at the tech support thread, I did a lot of work in characterizing it initially.

    If I was running BF I might respond this way.

    "Dear Warren,

    We are very sorry about the problems you are having with the one-story building bug. It was a difficult bug for us to track down (involving a bad compiler program), but we think we have it fixed now. The reason that the patch has not yet been released is that we are having some troubles with DRM and installing the patch. We think this will be cleared up shortly.

    Given the issues you have had, I will be happy to refund your money if you want to inactivate the program. However, we really do think that the patch will fix it. Thank you for your patients and we appreciate your loyalty as a customer.



    Note that this would not have taken Steve any longer to compose, and had he written something like this, it would have cost him nothing and he would have maintained a loyal customer.

  6. Actually my main issue is not communication, but customer satisfaction.

    Yes, I know that BF has been working on a patch since May. It is now Mid-September and it has not been released in any form. In that same period they seem to have brought CMFI and CMBN up to the 3.0 standard and fixed the bug. Why did this occur? Well, I speculate it is all about dollars and cents. Income would be generated from the "upgrades" for CMFI and CMBN, while no income is generated from patching CMRT. Frankly, I think this sucks.

    What could BF have done to make me happy? Well, allowing customers access to the Beta patches either via a public beta procedure or an expanded beta tester program would be nice. At least it would make us feel like we are involved in the process. However, when I brought this up before I was told by Steve in no uncertain terms that this was a bad idea. (This was in response to some issues that were found immediately upon release of the 2.11 patch.). In general I find Steve's "My way or the highway attitude" rather bizarre for someone in a customer dependent business.

    Frankly, I am getting to the point now where I probably will not be giving BF any more of my money. I think their attitude sucks.

  7. I am and I have - I just finished trying it myself and it "worked" like a charm. It has to be, what's called in the software business, a clue.

    Glad you were able to repeat my observation. It has to be said that this observation was clearly stated in the original tech thread, so it really shouldn't be news to Phil or Charles if they were paying attention to that thread. However, the lack of feedback makes it impossible to know.

  8. Ian:

    Go to the scenario editor and plunk down a few one story houses. Next plunk down one two story house. Now put down a few more one story houses.

    Also, you should buy a platoon of infantry. Save scenario.

    Now play the scenario. Your troops will not be able to enter the houses put down before the second story house, but will be able to enter the ones put down afterwards.

    I have also experimented with removing the second story house after the initial save. In that case, the later houses not longer work.

    From these experiments, I concluded that when the two story house is loaded it brings with it some information related to doors that is missing when one story houses are loaded. Once this info exists in the memory, all subsequent houses have access to it.

  9. I guess I typed a little fast. I will be happy to send them a gift if they fix the bug!

    One thing that is interesting about the bug is that if you place a two story building down first when you make a scenario, all subsequent one story buildings do not seem affected. It almost seems like the code for doors in the one story building are not loading, but are for two story buildings and once the code is loaded into the memory it stays there. I wonder if a work around couldn't be to load a virtual two story building automatically into the memory when a scenario loads.

    Just to clarify, it seems the bug requires three things: 1) Intel chip; 2) nVidia Graphics card, and 3) Windows 7. If your machine does not have all three of these conditions you are ok. Furthurmore, even if your machine has all of these three things, it is not certain that the bug will manifest itself. It is much more likely to be present on a laptop than a desktop. If people have all three of these conditions they should download my test scenarios for CMRT and/or CMFI from the original thread in the tech section and report what happens. Alternatively, just play the Tankovi descent scenario in the demo and see if you can enter the house on the left of the road as the Russians.

  10. "It's some sort of low level bug that is extremely machine specific and even then inconsistent. What's making this exceptionally difficult is that there's very few people experiencing this problem in any way that's reproducible on their end, not to mention on ours (we can not reproduce it). Worse, the few people that do report the problem often do not have exactly the same symptoms and we've failed to find a "smoking gun" platform link that confirms where the problem might be. Our best guess is it has something to do with a bug in the compiler we use and/or in certain platforms and/or both. "

    Thanks Joch. Not great news, but at least its news.

    I'm not sure what Steve means not the same symptoms. I made several test scenarios that are quite reproducible and multiple people reported the same problem. I think the real problem is that BF does not have a machine that reproduces the problem. Very difficult to fix if you can't see the problem. Perhaps they should buy one for this purpose.

  11. No. There are some people with i3 and i5 chips that have reported it. The only two things that all users have in common are nVidia graphics cards and windows 7. All but one person who has reported the bug are using laptops (however there was one report from a desktop).

  12. Ken,

    I appreciate your response. However, the CDA makes it hard for me to figure out whether this thing is fixed or not.

    I recognize that this is a complicated bug, and my concern is that since it only effects a minority of players (about 15 have reported it on the thread), BFC may have decided that it is not worth fixing or perhaps they simply can't figure it out. It has been over three months since it was reported and it does make me wonder whether it is "fixable". This is especially the case as it seems that the original "fix" which ChrisND mentioned on his Twitch show apparently did not work.

    As a matter of customer relations I don't think it is too much to ask that someone from BF comment about the status of the patch and whether this bug will be fixed. If it is not, perhaps they will off me a refund. (Although, I would much prefer that they fix the game).

  13. Mike,

    For those of us with the one story building bug it is a show stopper. It affects quite a few maps and makes playing with others by PBEM not poosible (my troops can't enter, oppenents can). Even the demo tankovi descent scenario does not play right (can't enter building on the left side).

    I did a lot of testing when the bug first came out and reported what I found on the main thread. Several others chimed in with their own observations. It is a complicated bug involving interactions between the video card and the operating system. It is also present in CMFI, but interestingly not in CMBN. In CMFI it was not very noticeable because most maps had two story as well as one story buildings and the bug only manifests itself when one story buidings are placed on the map before two story buildings.

    Frankly, I put a lot of effort into figuring out what was going on with this bug and feel a bit entitled to know what the status is. The lack of communication from BF is really pissing me off.

  14. I would just like to know a bit about where the process is. Originally Steve estimated that the CMRT patch would be in one month and the CMBN and CMFI upgrades would be a month after that. It is now three months and we still don't have a CMRT patch. Clearly things are not going quite as swiftly as initially estimated.

    My rough guess is roughly 2 months. That's one month to take care of unexpected CMRT issues and to prep the builds for both Normandy and Italy. Then a month of testing, tweaking, and retesting.


  15. I'm pessimistic given that they still haven't figured out the one story building bug.

    Also, Steve or Moon have not posted in quite a while. Other than one thread about why they don't like Steam, Steve's last post was May 9 and Moon was April 23. My impression is that things are going slower than anticipated.

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