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Posts posted by Buzz

  1. With 4 GB of video memory you should have room for plenty of higher resolution textures! I am sure CMBN/CW &FI look fantastic with that much video memory headroom.

    Tanks A Lot is working in a great looking high resolution church right now. Give it a try and let us know how it looks.

    My old ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB card works but stumbles with a "Z" filled with > 1 GB of all the fantastic Mod HD Eye Candy available for the CM games.

    Kilroy Lurking / David,

    Are you running a PC (non Mac-EFI) GTX 670 in your Mac?

    If so what model Mac are you using?

    You may fine this link helpful or you may know of better information.

    Frequently Asked Questions About NVIDIA PC (non-EFI) Graphics Cards


    "I am running a GTX 670 which gives, with all options maxed out, really good graphics and response times (except AA which has to be turned "Off", or the scenarios won't load)."

    I understand Mountain Lion needs no additional drivers to boot and start using the card. Could it be the card drivers needs updating from NVidia so AA can be used?

    It sounds like a 2 GB GTX 670 is the way to go for a Mac as " no hack the OpenCl drivers to use that feature in Adobe / Apple's apps that use GPU acceleration..."

    Thanks for the information.

  2. "Maybe time for a holiday sale?"

    No holiday sale but this morphed into barbed comments about what may be happening in the BFC - CMFI sales model… and more!

    Replies from BFC that guesses were wrong, not facts appear to be disregarded.

    At this point pressing ahead with the guesses is discourteous and (IMO) insulting.

    Is someone guessing that BFC personnel / owners are liars about the facts of their own business?

    As ASL Veteran correctly stated said, "Since the bar for success is set entirely by BFC then what possible value could BFC gain from having someone else who is not intimate with their business model, cost structure, or their needs lecture them on what is a success or not? There is no value to BFC. None whatsoever. So what could the motivations for these discussions be?"

    Motivations :confused:

    I thought the thread / motivation was about a holiday sale that might knock $10 off a product you said "….doesn't look very attractive as a base game for more modules". I am guessing … I may be wrong:rolleyes:

    Off to play some CMFI.

    Happy Holidays to All :)

  3. "The theatre is not going to be something everyone is drawn to."

    Which is a trifle sad. The campaign was challenging and exciting. It also was a bit adventurous as it gave the Allies a chance to test out their amphibious doctrine on a larger scale than they had before. But most importantly, it was—for the Western Allies at any rate—one of the most decisive of the war. It resulted in the downfall of Mussolini and led directly to the Italian capitulation. Just as importantly, it meant that convoys could now travel west to east through the entire length of the Mediterranean resulting in a saving of an estimated million tons of shipping. This in turn greatly facilitated Operation Bolero and Overlord.

    Anyone who thinks it was a mere sideshow or a sop thrown to the British should think again.


    Correct Michael... but that is in your signature lines :)

    There were plenty of Allied lessons learned in the real CMFI. Some were costly but helped craft future "amphibious doctrine on a larger scale" to prevent mistakes and become more effective in the BIG French beach bash. CMFI is not a large scale game interest for most but an authentic and interesting WWII historical challenge.

  4. BFC's offering functional demos of the game and "updated" sales model are both intelligent.

    If you can't run / enjoy the demo the game is not for you at this time. That should save plenty of business hassles right there.

    Offering "updated" sales model increases value to customers while extending product life cycle is just good business plain and simple.

    Periodic "sales events" is smart. A modest markdown on a bundle(s) is not a fire sale blow out of your profit and keeps customers eyes on the store. Eyes on the store is a good thing that often means an eventual sale. Sometimes folks just need that little economic incentive to "get game". Once you have a CMXX and one module another module and engine upgrade is not a big financial leap if you enjoy and play the game. From a business perspective it supports a more steady cash flow over time.

    You can't hide from market forces if you are a survivor in a real business.

    Don't get me started on "legislated monopoly."

    I digress....:rolleyes:

    I was much, much younger when I learned how international wholesale worked. This was well before internet … back when we actually traveled to make product decisions, container purchases, came back to the USA, took our own photos, typed up our own copy, literally pasted our catalogues together before getting them printed, then mailed and traveled to national sales events to sell our products. I worked the loading and unloading of containers in the warehouses. I was on the phone daily with retail customers making sales and packing their orders to get out ASAP. We all (small sales crew of 6 people) did everything from sweep the warehouse floors to international travel. It was a business university for me. I did very well financially (great sales bonuses after quota) and learned on the job. A good time in a good job making good money with like minded guys. I was lucky to have had this experience in Life.

    One of our competitors who failed slacked off and guessed what he could sell based on what he thought we were selling. We even told him he was making a mistake! He ended up with only X units to sell and didn't have anything of Z to sell. Hard to make money if people want Z and you don't have any. Do that enough times and customers stop calling…. the bank says… We want our money back now. He goes out of business. I felt for him as he thought he was being smarter cutting corners by guessing but in the end he just destroyed his own business.

    What perplexes me today is how few really understand that a long term business is not static if it plans to survive. A long term business must be organic, modify and adjust to the market forces to survive. Markets forces change and you either adjust or get eaten.

    People can guess business works like XYZ but since they have never actually run a profitable business over years, they could be mistaken. :rolleyes:

    Everyone has their perspective.

    "We knew when we started out that CMFI would be a little odd in that for many players the most desirable content would likely come in the 2nd release instead of the 1st. CMFI's current customers are the more adventurous types who enjoy the lesser explored parts of the war, which is always a smaller chunk of the whole market."

    You are correct. I knew from the start CMFI was going to attract a smaller audience. Knowing about some of the fighting stories from family (and my travels) made the title attractive to me. It is an enjoyable game as is and the 2nd release will give it the broader appeal (sales) as well added value to me.

    "The theatre is not going to be something everyone is drawn to. Having had family in these battles in WWII (and visited Italy and Italian friends) it is attractive to me. The fact that CMFI was CM2 made the sale for me."

    I've heard this a number of times. I think more than I have for any other game.


    Another adapt move as well putting CM2 out on a smaller scale product before the CMBN/CW v2.0 upgrade. I bought this and must say (despite my b'ak'tun bunker humor banter about end of times & The Road Ahead modules :D) I have more than enough game to keep me entertained right now.

    Apologies for my protracted get "Squared Away" post.

    Back to regularly scheduled CM2 game play.:)

  5. Saw "holiday sale?" Darn...:o

    I know nothing about BFC sales #s but I suspect Phil is correct since he does have actual "SALES numbers." :) Reminds me of a previous wholesale position I had where our competition tried to guess our sales on their limited retail reports. They didn't import enough product because they guessed wrong. We grew $$$. They went out of business.

    "the theater is a bit obscure sounds like CMAK.."

    The theatre is not going to be something everyone is drawn to. Having had family in these battles in WWII (and visited Italy and Italian friends) it is attractive to me. The fact that CMFI was CM2 made the sale for me.

    Yeah, I bought CMBO/BB/AK as well. Had many days of fun with them all.

    I had some Mac - QB MIX issues = note really significant and will be fixed. I am happy to have CMFI (and the expected module) and CMBN/CW.

    I would really enjoy CMSF 2 on a Mac!

    Everyone has their perspective.

    Happy Holidays

  6. Never even heard of UMS before today! Imagination is a creative & "good thing."

    "My only beef was that the Bitten/Infected ratio was out of kilter."

    Yes... Walkers (won't mention D.C. though very tempted) like some politicians often eat more than they need.


    Another canapé?

    More champagne and we are ready for the Cosmic Clock to "tick".

    LAN CMFI underway!

    I think we will survive.... :)

  7. Irony is the Mayans never predicted an apocalypse. Media did. Now CDC says we should be prepared for ZEDs. ;)

    We are prepared and have the party goods ready to rock.

    ...will these be released before Friday?

    CM: Battle for Normandy Module 2

    Very unlikely, but just barely possible.

    CM: Eastern Front 1


    CM: Shock Force 2

    Not a chance.

    Looks like you are going to have to spend time with the family.


    Yes, Holiday Bonding. Got CMFI and CMBN/CW. Will get me through the 1st of the weeks of the next long count. A CM2 Zombie Mod would be a hoot! Think of the possibilities (especially on the Eastern Front!)"Casualties Wounded to Dead" might be a bit skewed… but Undead armored formations would be entertaining. Fleets of Jeeps & Kubelwagens with undead officers!:D

  8. Thanks. I think my Macbook Pro is also a Penryn with nVidia 8600M GT 512 MB. Will check. Don't have CMBN/CW installed there yet but good to hear it works there as well. Have considered putting an NVIDIA PC (non-EFI) Graphics Card in my Mac Pro as the old ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB card struggles to keep up with all settings at best with the HD Mods.

    I am sure Phil will work up some CMBN specific shaders for everyone.


  9. I was reminded I got my 1st CMBO CMBB Mac bundle today in 2002! Ten years ago!

    Of course CMAK Mac followed. I still occasionally fire up these old games. Saw there is a Mod for converting maps in these old games to use in modern CM!?

    Apple made their 'graphics adjustments' to BFC. For years no more Mac CM games.

    Had to PC my modern CM fix in 2007 with CMSF & Marines.

    *CMSF Euroscape version 1.0 Mod is pretty amazing. A new Mac CMSF should be lots of fun!*

    Now 2012, CMFI Mac &CMBN/CW Mac with more v2.0 Modules & CM games in the coming year!

    Satisfied customer,


  10. Will give that a try Tactical Vignette 98-3 Attack in Brandenburg back in boot camp.

    I do want the entire CMSF (II) Eurofacation Enchilada for Mac including that BMP-3 and T-90. I am impressed at how much work you all accomplished! CMSF looks completely different. Another reason to get all the modules. You have Syria & the Eurofacation world to battle in. Great work. My compliments Gentlemen.


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