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Posts posted by noxnoctum

  1. Alright so I'm playing the first mission of Paper Tiger's campaign and there's a T-62 sitting in plain sight on top of a hill (nothing blocking it from visibility). I ordered a point attack on it by a cobra (with the "heavy" setting), and it makes 4 passes and misses every time. I was pretty shocked. So just to check, I restarted the mission, and tried again, same thing. I did this 4 times, every single time the Cobra missed on each pass until it was "guns dry". Are they really this ineffective in RL?

    It was 250 meters from my FO, and like I said, in plain sight on top of a hill.

  2. I was playing Paper tiger's new campaign just now... and watching all those sexy infantry firing animations... and thinking, damn, I can't wait till I'm watching BARs blowing the crap out of hordes of german pixultruppen...

    As an aside, MAJOR KUDOS TO BFC for fixing the scroll map thing. It used to be it would gradually speed up... very irritating and contrary to practically every other RTS/wargame known to man, it was driving me bat****. Now it's the way it should be. Thank you :).

    Now just get in those moveable waypoints and fix the LOS issues and it's golden!

  3. I'm against the death penalty simply because we've already executed too many innocents.

    The ongoing advance of DNA technology means that a lot of convictions in the past were false.

    Sure you can say, "when there's overwhelming evidence", but where do you draw the line? At what point is it "overwhelming"?

    I say just give them life imprisonment in solitary. That's worse than death. Then, if they turn out to be innocent, let em out and give them a multi-million dollar payout as a way to "apologize", though no amount of money can pay back years of (usually) a person's youth.

    Anyways, what do you expect, it's Utah, probably the most backward state in the union apart from Mississippi (or Arizona currently)

  4. Removing the vote till 25 would probably result in the government going much further to the right, at least that's how it would be in the States. I'm sure it would be similar in the UK or anywhere really though. We don't need that. Not to mention the fact that if you're old enough to go to some god forsaken part of the middle east to blow people's heads off for the benefit of Big Oil then you're old enough to vote. I know you're joking though ;).

    I'm skeptical about these kinds of studies though. A lot of times they sound nice but aren't really grounded in reality. Remember when they "proved" pot caused brain damage? Yeah :rolleyes:. There's also a huge variety of "young people". You've got the intellectual college types, the party types, and the people living out of their parents' basement, and everything in between. My sis went to a lot of shrinks a few years ago for depression and anxiety and she told me that they said that a lot of the work they do is essentially guess work (these are experts talking). The fact is the brain is incredibly complex and we'll probably never completely understand it.

    And although maturity and wisdom might come with age, so does cynicism and bitterness for some.

  5. Shouldn't this be LOF rather than LOS?

    The examples above cite firing at and being unable to hit an enemy vehicle, not being unable to see it.

    Both actually in this case though I have had a couple situations where I could see but not fire.

    That's what particularly irks me, these tanks just up and disappeared once they went into the 3 foot tall vines :eek: And again, my vehicles were above and behind and facing the enemy, perfect spotting position.

    Anyways I'll post some screenies to show what I'm talking about when I get the time.

  6. Gee, a computer game that doesn't exactly mimic real life in every detail. Bummer dude. It seems every issue that gets dredged up has to be labeled a 'game-breaker'.

    Oh cmon, I'm not asking for the moon here, just a system that works as decently as CMx1's. You don't have to be flippant.

    It IS a gamebreaker. This is supposed to be a realistic war game right? If I can't tell half the time whether my troops will be able to even see, much less fire at an enemy then that's a gamebreaker. Something like the moving waypoints thing is not a gamebreaker. It's irritating, especially since it was in CMx1 (odd to go backwards), but you can live without it, especially in wego where you have all the time you want.

    The people who defend this game blindly as you do are just hurting it by not holding it to even the standards of an 8 year old game! While we're at it why don't we just toss any concerns over pathfinding to the wind too? Because hey, we all know they can't mimic reality PERFECTLY right :rolleyes:. (kudos to BFC for largely resolving those issues since launch btw, it could be better, but as long as you issue precise orders there are no problems anymore :))

    It's just bad programming. I know BFC doesn't have a ton of resources, so I think like I said perhaps reverting to a semi-abstract format like CMx1's "dense forest" and "light forest" or whatever it was called would be better.

  7. @moon That's not what I'm talking about. This was a tank directly in front of my BMP literally sixty meters ahead that my BMP would not fire at because a bush half the height of the T-72 was supposedly blocking visibility (and the bush was directly in front of the tank not my BMP, so the viewport was not blocked). I triple checked by positioning my camera right where the BMP was, there is no reason it should not have been spotted. My crews were veteran, and unbuttoned.

    In another situation I had 3 BMPs 200 meters away from an entire platoon of T-72 in a vineyard. The BMPs were up on a hill positioned above and directly facing the enemy tank platoon, which were travelling through the vineyard full of vines again, about half the height of the T-72s. They couldn't even see them.

    Sorry but I find this absolutely hard to fathom. I can understand they can't see the entire vehicle, but we're talking about not being able to see anything from a 7 and a half foot 40 ton vehicle traveling through... a vineyard! (not exactly the densest foliage).

    The first example I mentioned where it was pointblank is especially without explanation. It seems to me the LOS system is based on some kind of specific point on the vehicle and if that point is not seen then it's like the whole thing is invisible.

  8. Pretty much every battle I play I see wonky LOS issues, especially when targeting buildings. I thought about starting a new thread with a bunch of pics but figured why bother, everybody knows about it and there would be a ton of pics to post.

    Yeah, it's the #1 issue that needs to be fixed IMO. Honestly I'd rather have BFC release the game without any scenarios or campaign than to see this not be resolved. Core gameplay stuff like this can't be ignored.

    I might start a thread, I've got a few screenies already of the aforementioned incident. The more attention that's drawn to this the better. It's an absolute gamebreaker, nearly as critical as the horrible pathfinding the game shipped with.

    Maybe I'm cynical, but I doubt it'll be fixed :(

  9. I just reinstalled CMSF+Marines a few weeks ago after being tempted by a couple very nice looking user made campaigns, and though I'm having a good time I'm a bit miffed by some LOS issues... several times a small bush or very skinny tree blocked, for example, one of my BMPs from firing at a T-72 at almost point blank range (60 meters). And it wasn't an issue of minimum range either, because as soon as the T-72 moved a tiny bit forward my BMP fired and killed it.

    I noticed this quite a bit actually, very sparse foliage blocking huge tanks from being seen :confused: VERY frustrating. In CMx1 I always could tell when my tanks would have a firing solution prior to moving them into position. It seems to me that CMx2 is indecisively hovering between abstract LOS and non-abstract, and ends up being a lot worse than it could be as a result. If Battlefront is unable or doesn't have the resources to fix this I think they'd be better off making the LOS abstract again as far as trees/bushes go. In other words, if it's a couple meters worth of "tree area" it would be visible, if it's a certain depth than it wouldn't. Right now you're basically just guessing.

    I really hope this is resolved, along with a few nagging interface issues (such as not being able to move waypoints)... if these are fixed I have no doubt CMN will at least be the equal of CMBB/CMAK, and perhaps even better. If not... it won't :P.

  10. Someone else on another board summed this event up pretty well:

    I have a really hard time buying the good Samaritan bit. Based on my experience, Iraqis tend to run around with blinders on, it it's not in their living room and it doesn't directly effect their family, they stay out of it.

    What utter bull****. For all you know it was the dude's family member/friend or something. That would explain the prompt drive up.

    Arabs tend to be very sociable, friendly people, I would know I lived in the middle east for 7 years. They tend to be much more outgoing withs strangers than Americans and Europeans (except for Italians maybe ;))

    And just because some insurgents use human shields does not justify our military blasting away everyone.

    This kind of thing really just shows why we shouldn't be there in the first place. You can't defeat a paramilitary organization that has a loose structure, doesn't fight conventional "battles", AND has the support of a pretty large number of the local populace, with a standard military force. Actions like this just boost recruiting for them you can be sure. It's utterly unwinnable. The longer you stay, the more pissed off people get, the more people join the insurgency. It'll go on forever.

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