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Battlefront Repository

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Posts posted by Battlefront Repository

  1. CMSF Chat Squawk Mod - v1.0 (CM:SF)You need CM:SF.This download contains a rar file of - amended the chat squawk sound file used to announce reinforcements. Rather than the stock version which uses a radio static blast this now uses the hit-man call sign from GK. Should make you more aware of your reinforcements arrival. Best for US scenarios for obvious reasons.PLEASE NOTE - It replaces the stock chat squawk file. Other mods to this sound - if they exist - will need to be disabled. It has not been tested for Macs.INSTALLATIONFIRST STEPSYou'll need . winrar to unzip them to your desk top.. CM:SF INSTALLATION1. Download the winrar file2. Unzip the 'Chat Squawk mod' folder to your desktop.3. Drop the the chat squawk folder into your Z folder (in your data directory of CM:SF). Create a Z folder if you don't have one already.


  2. Dome Mod - v1.0 (CM:SF)This download contains a rar file of an amended dome for the mosque building files. It adds some patterned tiling, ornate windows and a new golden dome.Only a small tweak but I hope it does these beautiful buildings justice.It is best used with LLF's modded Mosque facades. I have included these files for ease of use. All credit to LLF for inspiring this mod.WARNING: This mod alters the appearance of the dome of the mosque building files.Credit: LLF for his amended Mosque mod.FIRST STEPSYou'll need . winrar to unzip them to your desk top.. CM:Shock Force INSTALLATION1. Download the winrar file2. Unzip the 'Dome Mod' folder to your desktop.3. Drop the the Dome Mod folder into your Z folder (in your data directory of Shock Force) as a seperate file.


  3. Fierce fighting for the Oosterbeek perimeter on the 25th. Kamfgruppe von Allworden tries to break through and encircle the British para's. This scenario roughly portrays the same battle as the stock scenario "Lonsdale's Block", just later on the day. It is however a lot smaller in scale and thus plays out faster. This is just my version of what the fighting on the 25th could have been like. I used a small part of Pete Wenman's master map and made some small alterations to that.


  4. The Battle of Wuhan drew so many Japanese resources that at the end of the battle Japan had only one division left on the home islands. Japan initially allocated 350,000 troops for this battle and then brought 400,000 more from its homeland to China. China deployed 1.1 million to fight the Japanese. The battle lasted four months and proved to be particularly intense and bloody, spanning the northern and southern shores of the Yangtze River, as well as several neighboring provinces. The Japanese managed to take Wuhan, but they did not stop Chinese resistance.


  5. This mod changes the Kriegsmarine gray uniforms to double breasted Navy pea coats with Navy or White trousers. Some sailors will have full webbing, others with just waist belts. The Kriegsmarine Uniforms folder contains new skins for officers, NCO, and multiple variations for the junior ranks. Unzip and copy the Kriegsmarine Uniforms folder into the CMBN Data/Z folder.


  6. **For CMBN v2.10 ONLY (will not work with any other CMBN version number) **Vin's animated text mod for CMBN v2.10 (Including Commonwealth, and Market Garden module)Concept by VinnartGraphics by Marco BergmanThis mod changes the soldier stat text to make it easier to distinguish the actions of each soldier in the squad, and separate teams within the squad by use of type styles, and symbols. It gives the text an "animated" feel, and gives the player a clearer picture of the actions at a glance. The mod contains two versions. One is "heavy”, and one is "light" with the only difference in the two being the action "Spotting". The “heavy” version uses a symbol of an "eye" to show the action. The “light” version maintains the word as a kind of filter that can be ignored making the more important symbol actions stand out. Other than that all graphic symbols in the "legend" are used. To use the mod place either the "heavy", or "light folder inside Data/z folder.Customising the text: ( For experts only.)To change anything to your preference you can draw the symbols in the “string” text file using the number code that is on the font explain pic. To draw hold down the Alt key while pressing the numbers on the NUMBER PAD ONLY, then release the alt key. You will see a symbol then appear where you have typed, but the graphic symbol will show in the game.It is vital that you...


  7. 04 OCT 2013CMFI GL BULGE '44 US ARMY V1.0For the repository I had to trim the folder size down, so I pulled out the commonwealth gloves, helmets and coats.So, this is just the US...Thanks for downloading the mod. It contains the mod work of mjkerner. My sincere thanks to Mark for his kind support in creating this mod.If anything is messed up, I take the blame. Please let me know and I will get it fixed. It is hard to spot all the mistakes.This is part 3 of a 5 part mod.This mod better portrays your US Army troops as fighting in the Bulge of 1944. We made a big achievement in getting greatcoats for the US airborne. I think they look great! It was just some file renaming but the effect is very rewarding. Adding gloves was also a big plus. It is not perfect. We do not have the skeleton files to make mods for other US winter garments. The Mackinaw jacket? Maybe the real CM Bulge will bring us the icing on the cake. Please enjoy the atmosphere it creates. It is indeed only an appetizer until the real CM Bulge comes out, who knows when!When you install this part of the mod, the US airborne will always wear greatcoats. They could not before so we swapped their standard uniform files for the greatcoat files. The other US troops that can have standard or greatcoats, please select greatcoats for appearance or your troops will freeze!Note: The final saved date of the battle in the editor is very important for this mod to properly present itself. The date in "Mission/Data&quo...


  8. This is part 2 of 5 for an Ardennes appetizer while we wait for the official CM Bulge to come out.The goal of this part of the mod is to portray the heer (regular German Army) units of the 5th Panzer Army and 7th Army ("south shoulder") of the Ardennes Offensive in Belgium in December 1944. Your heer troops will be outfitted in gloves, greatcoats, winter boots and a variety of winter helmets. In the editor you can have a May 1944 date and purchase Panthers and infantry with panzerfausts, etc. but prior to save the final date of the battle should be December 1943. Also make sure scenario and QB editor appearance of your units is set as greatcoats for all infantry. We have not yet modded any standard uniforms. See the readme for detailed instructions. This folder contains the fine modwork of mjkerner. (Thanks Mark!) PM me if you need any help with this mod. Expect more maps and scenarios to come soon!! Or better yet, please contribute a Bulge 44 mod of your own!!!


  9. This is part 1 of 5 for an Ardennes appetizer while we wait for the official CM Bulge to come out. The goal of this part of the mod is to portray the "north shoulder" portion of the Ardennes Offensive in Belgium in December 1944. Your heer troops will look like Waffen-SS of the 6th SS Panzer Army. In the editor make sure to select mostly greatcoats for appearance. In the editor you can have a May 1944 date and purchase Panthers and other equipment but prior to save the final date of the battle should be December 1943. Everyone is kitted out for the winter weather. Wool gloves!!! Winter boots instead of tropical boots. This file contains the fine modwork of mjkerner. (Thanks Mark!)PM me if you need any help with this mod. Expect more maps and scenarios to come soon!!


  10. US Multicam Rangers Mod - v1.0 (CMSF)This download contains a rar file of amended uniforms, helmets and faces for the US soldier model. The mod seeks to represent multicam uniforms for US Rangers. It is intended to be used for Afghanistan scenarios. WARNING: This mod alters the appearance of the US infantry. It should not be used in conjunction with other US uniform mods.Insignia - The default is for the Rangers but options for US Special Forces are available. You will need to swap these uniform bmps in and out as needed.Credits - The mod is based on uses mods by other authors as well as myself. All credit to Normal Dude, RYU, Mord, Birdstrike, M1A1TC, Aris and any other authors I may have missed.


  11. All I've done is re-named files so that certain models are swapped out for others. I started this with the intent to make the SAA troops*look more like they do in the current civil war*by having the Special Ops carry AKMS.But I did a bit more in re-naming the files for a few more of the weapons an even did*the Syrian Regular and Reserve so they appear with the model an skin of the Special Ops troops. There's lots of combos possible an I plan adding more soon like weapons from CM:A when life permits. Again*this is*a very simple mod that changes things only visually, I would assume even though a rifle appears as a AKMS the engine will still model it as a AK-74 etc.


  12. This is a hypothetical Division-level invasion of the Japanese home islands in 1945. Although the Allies have overwhelming combat power American national moral is precarious. The Allies must capture key cities quickly, or suffer national moral loss and thus loss the game. Additional Allied troops can be moved into the theater, but this will impact national moral. Also, it is vital to keep the USSR out of the war, should they become belligerents American national moral will plummet. The Japanese must delay long enough to lower American national moral. Their most effective weapons are Kamikaze unit aimed at Allied shipping. I hope all enjoy.


  13. US Multicam Mod - v1.0 (CMSF)This download contains a rar file of amended uniforms, helmets and faces for the US soldier model. The mod seeks to represent multicam uniforms for US forces. It is intended to be used for Afghanistan scenarios. WARNING: This mod alters the appearance of the US infantry & vehicle crews. It should not be used in conjunction with other US uniform mods.US Divisions - The default is 3rd Infantry Division but options for a variety of US divisions are available. You will need to swap these uniform bmps in and out as needed.Credits - The mod is based on uses mods by other authors as well as myself. All credit to Normal Dude, RYU, Mord, Birdstrike, M1A1TC, Aris and any other authors I may have missed.


  14. This is a hypothetical Division-level invasion of the Japanese home islands in 1945. Although the Allies have overwhelming combat power American national moral is precarious. The Allies must capture key cities quickly, or suffer national moral loss and thus loss the game. Additional Allied troops can be moved into the theater, but this will impact national moral. Also, it is vital to keep the USSR out of the war, should they become belligerents American national moral will plummet. The Japanese must delay long enough to lower American national moral. Their most effective weapons are Kamikaze unit aimed at Allied shipping. I hope all enjoy.


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