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Everything posted by imij0607

  1. Is it possible for the enemy side to be randomly generated, or do all sides have to be created for a campaign to work?
  2. what's the benefit of preorder? do you get the game sooner by download. i really don't want the box or hard copy...
  3. Ha! good one Mike =). "All your base belong to us.." tee hee tee hee! Will the auto pick be a bit more flavorful versus CMSF?
  4. Ahh great news. I purchased all the CMSF modules to support the company, but it just is not as robust on the quick battle side as the older CMx1. We all know this, and I'm not complaining at all =). I actually think the way BF worked out a way to continue revenue while beta testing an engine was really intelligent move on their part. BF has always been very creative in the way they solve problems, and innovation...well 'nuff said. Thanks for the FYI about the quick battles. One more question someone might know: Does the quick battle unit purchasing for AI and Humans get a bit better. I know you can purchase individual units and what not; but, if I wanted to do an auto purchase is it more intelligent about the choices? CMSF seemed to have some really odd unit choices when setting up a QB.
  5. I've read a few things about CMBN and really like what's going on with the development. Can't wait for the release. One thing I am curious about is the quick battle time limit. Right now all I own is CMSF and all the expansions. From what I can tell I cannot set the time limit of the engagement. Usual engagements get between 25-35 minutes. Will CMBN give the quick battle generator the ability to set time limits?
  6. Ahh yea, sorry I have no idea how to make skins or graphics for a mod. I'd devote the time, but not qualified for the work =). I'm assuming that there would need to be a lot of work done on the number side as well seeing as how the equipment, troop qualities, etc were different for that time period. oh well - i'll just drop it and dream lol.
  7. So I haven't tried this expansion yet, but it looks great. I just recently purchased all the shock force expansions. I was wondering if battlefront wont touch this maybe you guys will - a vietnam expansion... any thoughts?
  8. so i just purchased the marine - brit - nato bundle. tried a few quick battles for syrians, but no T-80s ever show up? is this right? i can't even find them in the scenario builder.
  9. yes ~ hopefully the dev team will see this ~ more forward compatability...anyways ~ that's it for my list of day dreams for now...time to tie one on, and figure out how to get these AT Jav teams to shoot at buildings...mu hu hahaha =).
  10. I'm sure this has been asked before. however, if there is infantry in a building what is the best artillery to use? general or personell?
  11. well as far as maps being able to be ported over...if it's the same engine and same file system used for any future releases wouldn't the maps be compatable?
  12. @gibsonm we'll see...the battlefront community has always been really active. i think due to the fact that the core gamer was a wwii gamer, that there will be some renewed interest in maps / modding. i'm anxious to see what / if there will be a CMSFx2 that uses points. i think if it used points it would be much easier to balance things out between sides. something else that would be interesting is a third group that comes in and is controlled by the AI.
  13. yea some of the random maps sucked that's true, but you could always re-roll a map. ok well i'm going to assume since the core battlefront community has been wwii based that there will be a gaggle of maps and mods...or maybe not...we'll see =).
  14. What is Fraps? I saw this mentioned, and think it would be interesting to link the WEGO files if possible and watch them in replay.
  15. Will the QB generator have the ability to pull from user created maps to add more variety. I haven't been around the CM community for a few years, but one of the things I remember about CM that made it really strong was the random maps that were generated with the QB generator from that series. Cheers!
  16. don't know - i don't have any beta version of CMx2 =). i haven't looked in the CMSF editor to see what they have as far as tile sets. i was just thinking if someone could make a tile set for nam release it to the community and let them build the maps. easier to spread the work around that way. then there's modding the infantry, vees, and support - that would be a whole other bag of tricks. i'm assuming you could attach the vee code to different skins for the most part. i.e. use the BMP object but put a nam vehicle skin to it. don't know - never tore anything apart to mod it as i'm horrible with graphics.
  17. I think it would be interesting to create map sets and see what the community creates as far as the terrain goes. i know there were various things like rice paddies and what not. a mod would be the way to go i think. unfortunately i can't mod worth a damn lol. however, if someone made the map stuff, i'd be more than happy to try to make some interesting nam maps. hide and seek might be interesting as well. i know in some of my old combat missionx1 maps there were heavy woods. you could either go around them or go through them depending on how you felt as a tactician.
  18. good to know about retroactive stuff...i did see the comments about CMSF being created with chinese / korean stuff - that would be cool...still waiting for someone to do vietnam with either engine. i haven't had the time to read the manual for campaign creation...i'm hoping to be able to build something. do you know if CMx2 will have the same ability to build campaigns like CMSF does?
  19. @Erwin They could do something like the Tet Offensive or some such - that happened all over the place...wasn't there the battle for wei city or something like that. sorry it's a bit late here, and the brain is cloudy...lots of option for vietnam.
  20. just thought i'd bring this up due to the fact that CMx2 is on the way. was wondering if this would ever be a possibility? Has anyone talked about this recently. I know when I was really active in the forums a few years ago this was a topic of discussion...
  21. @other means wow ~ yes i stumbled on that map the other day. i've yet to download it. i'm waiting to get all the expansions before i start downloading maps and what not...but, that is a great piece of work - kudos to the creator for sure.
  22. right ~ i feel your pain there. i'm hoping that with a stable platform after CMx2 comes out that they will begin to make expansions for both CMSF and CMx2 that branch out into different theaters. i know i read a post that said something along the lines of CMSFx2 using chinese / north korea vs. blue. that would be great. WHEN IS SOMEONE GOING TO USE THIS ENGINE TO MAKE A VIETNAM EXPANSION!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  23. hey thanks for the links astano ~ i haven't proweled through the manual yet with regards to the editor. i tried opening the .cam file, but unfortunately i don't have the right program to open it with. i'll go through the manual and work with that as well. i forgot that CMSF doesn't use a point system when purchasing forces. i think this really makes it hard to balance things. i'm hoping that when CMx2 comes out that the CMSF community will be able to somehow use that logic and apply it to CMSF ~ maybe battle front can do some quick points for units, and then port it over. =)
  24. I was wondering if there is a good link for making custom campaigns. I read somewhere that you can download custom campaigns. I'm assuming there is a file that you edit and what not. Thanks =)
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