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Everything posted by Arisaka99

  1. I think you need to physically delete them from the Single_Missions folder first, then delete them with the editor.
  2. No, I've never seen anybody playing online. If you want to play a game online contact me, I'm willing to play a game.
  3. How do you install the 1.3.2 Patch? I've already installed 1.3.1.
  4. I'm going to try to set up a Multi Player game at 4:30PM Central time today. Join in if your interested !
  5. Actually, they have descriptions of each scenario in the product info. It doesn't make me want to buy it though .
  6. I'd say this is the biggest Battlefront let down ever :mad:.
  7. Your right . I'd buy it if it came with the Uchronic campaign and the WIP airborne one.
  8. But, I don't think it's worth the price. $25 for 2 mini campaigns amd a few new maps. I could make them with the map editor anyway .
  9. Does anybody want to play a quick game of Theatre of War? I don't see anybody playing online.
  10. HelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHello.... Anybody home? Come on, just give us one clue as to what the surprise is .
  11. Does anybody want to play Theatre of War? I'm a little new, but I won all of the campaigns on Easy with morale turned on .
  12. Yes, it would. The squads look awesome!
  13. There's going to be another CM game! Where is the information on this posted! I'm new and haven't bought a CM game yet, but I'm planning on buying one soon. If this is going to be released this year I'll probably wait for it be released before I start CM. I don't want CM:SF because I'm interested in WWII, not modern day combat. I've been playing Theatre of War for a little while, is it at all similar? I know it's in WEGO format.
  14. Played the first few scenarios. It's awesome !
  15. It's monday and we don't have anything yet :confused:.
  16. I was wondering which Combat Mission game I should consider buying first? I have an interest in the Eastern Front so would Barbarossa to Berlin be my best choice? Is there a huge difference in Graphics and detail between each of them? Thanks, Arisaka99
  17. Hello, I'm actually a Theatre of War player. Despite negative publicity it is actually a great game.
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