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Wolfp MkII

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Everything posted by Wolfp MkII

  1. Perhaps...or, or...This time you sacrifice a sheep or somefink, and Allah unerringly guides your mouse hand to select my email addy, rather then some random person who is now busily scratching their head and wondering out loud...to no one in particular..."Why the hell did Joe send me this?"
  2. As you well know, our beloved Justicar is no longer a spring chicken. Now that we are down to infantry on infantry, he is going to have to dig me out. No more great lumbering walrus like 7 tons to shoot at...oh, no! The clock is ticking on what I am sure was a mediocre life and each minute wasted chasing down my pixilated Devil Dogs is one step closer he is to that banana peel which lay next to the hole dug for his grave...So either way, in the end, I WIN!!!
  3. Inshallah, the next turn will appear in my inbox before the end of today!
  4. I would like to start off by quoting Tennyson with my own special twist...ahem...haaruum!... Saggers to the right of them, Saggers to the left of them, Saggers in front of them, Volleyed and optically tracked Storm'd at with HEAT and shaped charge Boldly they drove and well Into the jaws of Death Riding in their Clamshells Rode the Company (-)(+) Who knew the Syrians issued one ATGM per man? There's more copper wire laying about than can be extracted from the mines of Chile in a single year...but, I'm riding this one into the ground...INTO THE GROUND!!!
  5. How bout I send you a box of Wolfp MkII..."A Baby in Every Pot!" campaign buttons instead? Wolfp MkII in 2009!
  6. Well, There's another brick in my backyard... Wolfp MkII in 2009!
  7. Can you mail it to the Wolfp MkII for Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread election fund instead? Send it C/O Boo's Gotta Go, PO Box 777, Backwoods, NC 28728. Every little bit counts, and with your generous contribution, you get your name on a brick that's been laying in my backyard for quite some time. Remember...Wolfp MkII in 2009!
  8. Dear Santa, I know it's abnormal form to wing you a letter the day after Christmas; everybody needs a rest every now and again, and you, above all, are well deserving! I also know that you were unable to fulfill any of my requests for this year, such as a lasting world peace, an end to hunger, an answer to the issue of global warming, a brain for stuka, and a bowl of blue M&Ms. Truly, I understand some of these desires were a little over the top, especially the brain; we both know it would have been ignored in favor of playing with the box in which it arrived. If I may, I have but one additional request, and such a simple request it is; that the Justicar send me a turn. I know, I know...you and the missus are probably doing the limbo on some Carribean island, and this must seem a tall order for such a simple matter. A few trons cast down that electronic highway, created by Al Gore to simplify all our lives, still seem beyond the scope and means of our beloved Justicar...just between you and me, he has been ranting quite oft as of late; we think he has gone off his meds...again...{sniff!}...That is all I really, really want. If you could see fit to bring this to me, I would be eternally greatful and never, ever ask for another thing. I promise! Sincerely Wolfp MkII P.S. I know I said I wouldn't, but there is one more thing. Would it be possible to fill his matress with dead fish? Thanks.
  9. Spent the day driving around the Iraqi countryside delivering gifts to all the good little Marines and Sailors stationed in various COPs. They were happy...and I...I didnt get blown up...BONUS! Here's to wishing you, your friends, and all of your families the Merriest of Christmases!
  10. He wears a disguise, to look like human guys, but he's not a man, he's a ChickenBoo
  11. eh? Probably pathfinders for a fecal matter blitz of Dresdenian scale. You've been warned.
  12. Is that like the Julliard School of Music, only the consumption of fine spirits dominates the curriculum?
  13. Rather then wasting the short time you have remaining in this earthly realm in your present corporeal form commenting on my chosen method of engagement...which is a TECHNIQUE, not a TACTIC btw...how bout you send us a turn...hmmmm....hmmmm?
  14. more likely agnostic...believes there's something out there, its just not you.
  15. dunno...maybe to attract largish, blonde, shrilling women wearing steel kepis and riding overfed white horses.
  16. or...or...surrounded by members of the Fore Tribe, who serve you as a light afternoon snack!
  17. Joe Their's (that was for you bloat...dope...tote...Stella; yes, that's it...I shall refer to you as Stella, as it is much more befitting and memorable. I kept the S and t to minimize confusion on your part. Don't thank me, consider it a favor.) a notable lack of targets in the AO. Do you think you could have one of your man-dress wearing pixilated terrorists stand up and wave? Specular refraction and reflection is playing havoc with my GLID, and my CAS stack is doing nought but burning holes in the sky. A little assist before they go BINGO fuel and have to RTB for a cold one would be much appreciated.
  18. MUWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!! Your just sore because the ROE requires nothing beyond being able to fog a mirror for establishing PID and HA/HI...BURN BABY, BURN!
  19. I have 53 minutes left in which to thump you...just wait...it's coming!
  20. Nah...we make up the difference in reduced R&D cycles...nothing like a warzone as a test bed.
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