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Wolfp MkII

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Everything posted by Wolfp MkII

  1. Boot sole cracked...break...Can't be repaired because of stupid unisole design...break...clicking sound while walking driving me up the wall...break...Have to break in new pair...break...This sucks!...over
  2. Oh lookit, it measures success in life by...what was it...keggers? Quaint. Can we keep it, just for a short while, it may actually type something amusing eventually.
  3. Let?..Hah!!! Try practically begged, using euphamisms and platitudes such as "Best thing since sliced bread"...and..."I want him to marry my daughter"...and my personal favorite..."The reincarnation of Lejeune himself" afterwhich I was awarded a plump scholarship, paid for by the citizens of the good ol' US of A, and promptly wasted on a History degree. Setup inbound!
  4. Bah! That's not news...everyone already knows, they're just too polite to mention it, which is really strange for this thread. I told you the sun was in my eyes... Alright Gramps...put your money where your mouth is...or your pixilated terrorists on screen...I shall send to you a setup forthwith and straight away, and...I'll even let you play the side of our beloved CORPS, should you accept the challenge; or...are...ya...too...yeller!
  5. I just got a new glove and it hasn't been broken in yet...Uhm..My allergies were acting up and I was under the influence...No, wait!..The sun was in my eyes...
  6. Are you sure you weren't laying face down on the linoleum staring at the pipes behind the toilet?
  7. Yes, I'm certain. Must have gotten lost in that morass of sidebars sent concerning BeefEtr or whatever the hell his name was. Well crap Joe, why are you asking me? So, your father didn't have to serve. I don't remember reading about any Utah Regiments being raised, so with whom did you serve? I suppose offering him up to the USMC was a better decision than chucking him into a volcano, or whatever it is you people do in Utah to garner the favor of the Gods. Go ahead...you can lay claim to one good decision made, although, it was probably Mrs. Shaw's good sense that saved the lad from a fiery death and not your own.
  8. I see you're not dead yet; pity. Makes me wonder why there hasn't been a turn in my inbox for the past few days, but then it is YOU. So, atypically you do? How do you tell the difference between a marble slipping and your dentures? No...not that I'm aware of at this point. I was just inquiring as to quaint customs that may be common place in foreign lands. It could be important; and even if there were a change to MC policy on liberty attire, you're too old to sign up, although, you could probably ask for a waiver.
  9. Well...I have no idea what an "arvo" is; it's probably some weekly Aussie right of passage , whereby the men folk dress up in hip huggers, stilletos, and a crop top wandering aimlessly about asking innocent passers by if your "ass looks big in these?" Am I close?
  10. HEY! Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, or in your case, some strange marsupial in the pouch. Rules here are a little more stringent then those found at Sigma Kappa Cutter.
  11. mmmmm Beer! It has arrived; two per man; do not open until the Super Bowl...Should I choose the Guiness; maybe the Heiny; one each? Decisions, decisions.
  12. You wouldn't happen to be wearing a little cowboy hat and some boots while doing this? I'm sure the dog is none too pleased with the added weight. Where the hell is the SPCA when you need them?!?
  13. Look in the mirror...you'll find it betwixt your ears...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!..{sniff!}...I slay me.
  14. Isn't that some type of tupperware sold at Costco or Sam's Warehouse?
  15. Nah...Its high noon where I'm at; besides, sleep is overrated...I might miss something exciting, like watching my fingernails grow.
  16. WOW! A positive second order effect; who knew those existed?
  17. Isn't it obvious??? BFC has taken the moral highground...a stand, if you will...protecting that oft maligned minority inhabiting the rural reaches of the southern U. S. and parts thereabout. For too long have we suffered the depridations of those whom think themselves our betters, just because we have half-assembled cars in our front yards and dogs that live under our porches. Henceforth, we shall no longer be known as "Rednecks"...Nay, we shall now be known as "Nuchals of rose colored hue"...{patent pending}...I for one applaud their progressive attitude and look forward to engaging BFC on a host of issues that will make this board more tolerant towards necks of a different color. Bannings I say, bannings for everyone! BRAVO YA'LL, BRAVO!!!
  18. Try the Obi beer and don't forget the Soju. All best experienced while conducting carrier quals in a ramshackle bar complete with a small Korean, standing on a chair, pool cue in hand, and giving you a whack on the back as you fly past him...gives you that little extra "umphf!" that you need on approach. Good times...good times.
  19. ...and the purse matches his shoes. One must stay fashion concious when delivering a beatdown; otherwise, it's just uncivilized!
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